this image contains text
important dudes
important groups
jive newsletter 11/96
Sup, Sup Boys and girls? Jive i
s back once again to prove
to the scene that Yes.. Jive Does
kick some ass. After only being
in Jive for two packs I got designated as a
senior, thus had to
write this silly little thing. EDITORs BIT
CH: why does everyone
insist on confusing me with Clark Kent of I
con? I am CLARK of Jive!
Okay, that really bothers me..
but I dont plan on changing my
handle. Anywayz, Jive
has seen a rather succesful month, growing
in members, as well as in talent.
TOMCAT has some how been able
to keep everything under control. I
often wonder if Tomcat has any kind
of life outside of the group. Aah
but hes part of the scene so he
cant have a life. Either that o
Im doing the whole scene thing
wrong. Enough babbling, on to the
/-- name
real subject at hand... JIVE!! I
- @! is
--- clark +--------------------------+
+-+ NewBies ++-------------------------------
There are several new faces this month joining the alre
superb group of artists. New to JiVE
Wolverine! -- Wolverine is one of my b
uds back from when I
was with a group called Fistfull of Steal aka
played the role of a senior in Fos, and
his talent in
ansi has landed him a part in our ansi department
Chaotic Prisoner - from ACiD, h
e is another extremely talented
ansi artist. I have been fortunate to previe
w some of
his unreleased work and I believe that JiVE is
fortunate in grabbing him.
Pyxis! -- A very talented VgA artist, who i
s also a DARKie!
Glycerine! -- a popular little stud fro
m the 713 scene joins
us this month. He used to be with
Mad and Skank, but
he grew up, got wise, and now is a
fellow Jive Membah!
Trahma -- some talented artist, H
es in Jive so hes gotta be l33t!
Oatbran -- hes l33t tew... he joi
ns us from RAge.
Well, thats all for this month. Im pretty s
ure that nobody left
us this month, but if they did you can tell how importan
t they were
since nobody can actually remember them : Good luck to
o all the new
artists that joined Jive this month. Oh
, and if some1 left, good luck
to them too I guess. If your interested in joining
, drop a line
to some1 important in jive. Youll know w
ho is important.. just
look for whoever has ops.. except s
---------------------------------- a word from
blood ------+
i iaa ok here is what i
got to say for the
a i:,a jive pack
and any other groups pack I
a :,S ,aa release in..
kHz is the best of friends a
a, ,aa a a aa, 4 man can have.
. i want to dedicate all
aa a a ,a , a of my n
ow and future work towards this
a :i ,aa a aa, i: awesome human being.
if it wasnt for khz
: aaa a my ass wouldn
t be here i have to
i a a a a give him eve
ry ounce of credit there is
S ia a ,. in my art name
.. killa hertz acid/oil
i:iaia a aa
now a little something about my art..
i some of you may no
t think Im lordjazz
aaaaaa aaa a but
deep in my soul i am better than him..
it just takes an artist time and
concentration to bring it out. I
m about 35 there with mine
. And to
all future artist do not go get these ansis that are saposed to tea
you to draw.. it wont happen.
sorry lordjazz you cannot learn fr
reading a file.. you have to dig it out of yourself
and do it yourself!
now im not one for 100 me art i have t
o look at something.. and well
here is the last thing i have to say for this pack info file..
you will be
seeing alot more of me! and a lot better works from
me.. me to i was a
warez fool. and I still am. but I
am now trying to reach my goal
to get into acid as khz
s once was.. well goodbye and thanks tom
cat for
letting me write this. and all other jive
-- all art from blood is FREE
msg me on irc and I will email u --
----- kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz
kHz ---------
+..++- a word by
damn that tOmCat!@ made me wait a month to pu
t this is.. anyway, fucking
817 sucks. My chick is going out of town for go
od.. got kicked outta her
house.. she was top poster on me board. Miss Yo
u! and 1ush 817
has merged
with opm 713 and opm i
s staying. woopTie. amd there
s only one big art bo-
ard here.. Im an art boa
rd.. but im also a ton of othe
r shut. and on that board
ftc Lie two art groups
are fightin and shit.. otherwise
we still suck. dont say your ac sucks til you be
en here bitz-x. those who
know me know I call 20 boards daily.. now Im do
wn to 4!@ otherwise, Jive
still rockz muh fr0. w3rd t0 ya
Jizzin gr4ndm45.
is pyre still alive?!@ dont think
so.. if so I have a few poems for em.
and last month I turned into an amputek distr
o.. and they got my board
wrong too.. wo0p-de3e-d0oo
0. so its.. Jive
mb, im senior askey
epidemic shyeaAa4aAh mb,
pyre we-release-every
-century-now mB, a
nd fTc
mb I durno.:,.
and .. umm.. theres two g
roups named Lie now.. there
s the
art group in 817, and the whatever-th
e-hell-it-is group i
n 817/713.
otherwise visit lies webpage
the art group at lie.fast
lane.net and go to
the member list..and youll
see me there!@ woopie. I
m not suposed to be..
but fux it. thats my .05
sec of fame. otherwise visit the jive
page at
wizy.uit.net/jive and you should see me
. and visit www.hotsexpicswitheye.com
and youll see alot more of me bebbeh.
err.. n3vermind.. DD
D dammit I cant
go back to delete that!@ fux Im do0
and im now announcing that Im acc3p
ting art for me board. I cant ke3p up
with art for my board. I think my board art suck
s. -- EyE
editors note: If you are as puzzled as I am as why the
fuck this is in here, dont ask me okay
... geesh
------------------------------------+ cl
osing shit -----+
Well, to all those who actually read these silly things thanks..
now, unless you like stareing at all these colorful words, Id
suggest for all you little porn crazed kiddies to get out there
and look at the pack cuz like.. We are 3l33t.. and we Kick some ser
newsletter written by clarkJIVE
and brief shiznit by bloodJIVE
c1996 Jive Productions
important groups
jive newsletter 11/96
Sup, Sup Boys and girls? Jive i
s back once again to prove
to the scene that Yes.. Jive Does
kick some ass. After only being
in Jive for two packs I got designated as a
senior, thus had to
write this silly little thing. EDITORs BIT
CH: why does everyone
insist on confusing me with Clark Kent of I
con? I am CLARK of Jive!
Okay, that really bothers me..
but I dont plan on changing my
handle. Anywayz, Jive
has seen a rather succesful month, growing
in members, as well as in talent.
TOMCAT has some how been able
to keep everything under control. I
often wonder if Tomcat has any kind
of life outside of the group. Aah
but hes part of the scene so he
cant have a life. Either that o
Im doing the whole scene thing
wrong. Enough babbling, on to the
/-- name
real subject at hand... JIVE!! I
- @! is
--- clark +--------------------------+
+-+ NewBies ++-------------------------------
There are several new faces this month joining the alre
superb group of artists. New to JiVE
Wolverine! -- Wolverine is one of my b
uds back from when I
was with a group called Fistfull of Steal aka
played the role of a senior in Fos, and
his talent in
ansi has landed him a part in our ansi department
Chaotic Prisoner - from ACiD, h
e is another extremely talented
ansi artist. I have been fortunate to previe
w some of
his unreleased work and I believe that JiVE is
fortunate in grabbing him.
Pyxis! -- A very talented VgA artist, who i
s also a DARKie!
Glycerine! -- a popular little stud fro
m the 713 scene joins
us this month. He used to be with
Mad and Skank, but
he grew up, got wise, and now is a
fellow Jive Membah!
Trahma -- some talented artist, H
es in Jive so hes gotta be l33t!
Oatbran -- hes l33t tew... he joi
ns us from RAge.
Well, thats all for this month. Im pretty s
ure that nobody left
us this month, but if they did you can tell how importan
t they were
since nobody can actually remember them : Good luck to
o all the new
artists that joined Jive this month. Oh
, and if some1 left, good luck
to them too I guess. If your interested in joining
, drop a line
to some1 important in jive. Youll know w
ho is important.. just
look for whoever has ops.. except s
---------------------------------- a word from
blood ------+
i iaa ok here is what i
got to say for the
a i:,a jive pack
and any other groups pack I
a :,S ,aa release in..
kHz is the best of friends a
a, ,aa a a aa, 4 man can have.
. i want to dedicate all
aa a a ,a , a of my n
ow and future work towards this
a :i ,aa a aa, i: awesome human being.
if it wasnt for khz
: aaa a my ass wouldn
t be here i have to
i a a a a give him eve
ry ounce of credit there is
S ia a ,. in my art name
.. killa hertz acid/oil
i:iaia a aa
now a little something about my art..
i some of you may no
t think Im lordjazz
aaaaaa aaa a but
deep in my soul i am better than him..
it just takes an artist time and
concentration to bring it out. I
m about 35 there with mine
. And to
all future artist do not go get these ansis that are saposed to tea
you to draw.. it wont happen.
sorry lordjazz you cannot learn fr
reading a file.. you have to dig it out of yourself
and do it yourself!
now im not one for 100 me art i have t
o look at something.. and well
here is the last thing i have to say for this pack info file..
you will be
seeing alot more of me! and a lot better works from
me.. me to i was a
warez fool. and I still am. but I
am now trying to reach my goal
to get into acid as khz
s once was.. well goodbye and thanks tom
cat for
letting me write this. and all other jive
-- all art from blood is FREE
msg me on irc and I will email u --
----- kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz
kHz ---------
+..++- a word by
damn that tOmCat!@ made me wait a month to pu
t this is.. anyway, fucking
817 sucks. My chick is going out of town for go
od.. got kicked outta her
house.. she was top poster on me board. Miss Yo
u! and 1ush 817
has merged
with opm 713 and opm i
s staying. woopTie. amd there
s only one big art bo-
ard here.. Im an art boa
rd.. but im also a ton of othe
r shut. and on that board
ftc Lie two art groups
are fightin and shit.. otherwise
we still suck. dont say your ac sucks til you be
en here bitz-x. those who
know me know I call 20 boards daily.. now Im do
wn to 4!@ otherwise, Jive
still rockz muh fr0. w3rd t0 ya
Jizzin gr4ndm45.
is pyre still alive?!@ dont think
so.. if so I have a few poems for em.
and last month I turned into an amputek distr
o.. and they got my board
wrong too.. wo0p-de3e-d0oo
0. so its.. Jive
mb, im senior askey
epidemic shyeaAa4aAh mb,
pyre we-release-every
-century-now mB, a
nd fTc
mb I durno.:,.
and .. umm.. theres two g
roups named Lie now.. there
s the
art group in 817, and the whatever-th
e-hell-it-is group i
n 817/713.
otherwise visit lies webpage
the art group at lie.fast
lane.net and go to
the member list..and youll
see me there!@ woopie. I
m not suposed to be..
but fux it. thats my .05
sec of fame. otherwise visit the jive
page at
wizy.uit.net/jive and you should see me
. and visit www.hotsexpicswitheye.com
and youll see alot more of me bebbeh.
err.. n3vermind.. DD
D dammit I cant
go back to delete that!@ fux Im do0
and im now announcing that Im acc3p
ting art for me board. I cant ke3p up
with art for my board. I think my board art suck
s. -- EyE
editors note: If you are as puzzled as I am as why the
fuck this is in here, dont ask me okay
... geesh
------------------------------------+ cl
osing shit -----+
Well, to all those who actually read these silly things thanks..
now, unless you like stareing at all these colorful words, Id
suggest for all you little porn crazed kiddies to get out there
and look at the pack cuz like.. We are 3l33t.. and we Kick some ser
newsletter written by clarkJIVE
and brief shiznit by bloodJIVE
c1996 Jive Productions
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