this image contains text
JiVEs Monthly NizEWS letter. The September Pak. Assembled on 10/01
Issue brought to you by The Senior staff of JIVE and its members.
contribz.......tomcat, nt, tz, tank, zp, bm, and regulator.
Art............from the writers of the articles and additional
material from zippy.
Info on news zippy 13
Introduction zippy 39
New Members tomcat n zP 62
Internet.vs.BBS zippy 78
Sup all!! Tank 133
Rip 2pacz anis Nightrain 164
wooo, damn Im leet-o Tzeentch 217
JiVe Photo Album JIVE MEMBERS 255
Blazemores crap bm 282
How To COntact JiVE JIVE MEMBERS 316
Questionz like lemme know zP and staff 330
Regulators jive reg 346
Welcome to the first NizEWS from JiVE. WE will release with the
JiVE pak every month or your moms monkey aint named JImboBOb!
I hope this is almost as informative as the upcoming e-mag from
zerox dont bet on it :.
As i said before, anyone can write for us, it really doesnt matter.
Just make sure you send your art related articles to me before the
release date for the pak. Woo
So, err... i guess thats the intro, in a way. Any questions you have
direct them to zippy on Sod or equinOx. Send your comments on the
NizEws to zippy at the same places.
Wizy- groupz: CIA, JIVE. Big ass thankz for setting up our WEB PAGE!
OUR PAGE!!!! wizy.uit.net/jive OUR PAGE!!!!
Demented- I heard Soap turned you down, THEIR LOSS.
THE CLONE- Like, draw yer kick ass vga fer our page and stuff
Blood- from BLIND. WElcome to da ansi department
Clark- who was in helaous zp- err... helaous ?? must be outta it
greetz to helaous or whatever form zippy:
The Internet vs. BBS
Although this has been discussed before, i feel as if
it has a serious effect on JiVE. The internet dominates
over boards in just about everyway! Messages, Email,
Files, Chat, Games and most important, grafix all appear
to be suppior to on the Internet.
Have you ever seen ANSI on a web page? I didnt think so.
If you have, theres probably not too much. Why have
ansi when you can have vga? Why have a Gremlin when you can have a PORCHE?
I personally draw both ansi and vga. I dont consider myself as a vga-god
that wouldnt make since, but i do see the advantages. YOu can do a million
more things with windows paint than you can with the best ansi program!
Some people think Acid sold out. I personally dont. Theyve been around the
longest, maybe they got the right idea. The Acid paks nowadays contain more
VGA than ANSI. WHy is that? Well, youd have to ask them. Im not about
to put werds in their mouths. I personally think it has to do with the fact
their web based. Sure they have boards but it makes since not to call ld
when you can call a local internet provider.
DID ACiD SELL OUT? Why, just becuase their name Stands for ANSI CREATERS
IN DEMAND and they draw a shitload of VGA doesnt mean they sold out. The
Web needs art. Why not draw it.
Maybe theyve seen the truth, bbs are going to die some day. The web
is superior in everyway. THe fact its becoming easier and easier to access
doesnt help our situation. BBS will die. By the year 2000 I cant imagine
there will be any more bbs - a friend.
With the death of BBS comes the death of ANSI and ANSI-groups. ACiD is a
good example. Everyones too busy complaining about them to notice the
truth. Ansi will no longer exist as a main-stream art. There wont be
a real reason to draw it anymore.
This brings me to the effect on JiVE. JiVe is primarly
an ansi group. When ansi dies or fades out of
existance so does JiVE. I dont think any art group
will last too long. Only the die-hard artists will
continue the ansi legacy. They will be the minority.
Why do i draw ansi if i know its gonna die? I love to
draw. Its like my second nature. To live, to draw, to
die. If its not ansi, then its freehand or vga. I cant
imagine not drawing something. Ever since i wont my
first contest when i was five ive been drawing. I will never give it up.
Until Ansi is no longer needed, i will draw it. Its more than a hobby to
me. Its probably what im gonna do for the rest of my life.
vive de ansi or somtin.
zPfoo. jive senior.
I just wanted to give some notes and Sheeites.
Well last Paq you may have noticed that I didnt
release anything. Well, Screw you guyz...I broke my wrist and stuff.
You ever try to use a Trackball precisely with a broke freakin
wrist. Any way Im back, broke wrist and all and still gotz some stuff
to turn in. Like, I am way old and stuff so it takes longer to heal.
...TomCat I aint sayin nothin bout you.
Concieted Bastage.
if you wanna know how ugly I am look at my
Self portrait in this paq...Im pretty ugly.
Shaddup ..lil kid Im cool enough to have tatoos.
Hey Special greetz go to ZippY - Paintbrush KING!
And TANKs to all da Ho Dawgs who did Ansi for me Board.
NighTrains 2 or 3 cents.
. tupac died, and we need to show
. . a little.respect for the people
who only made minimum wage to .
. R.I.P. to bury him. I have now started
. a United Grave Digger Workers
IP . T U P A C RIP Rights Union, also called UGDWRU
We put the yee-haw, back in your ansi
Were the fuck is OPM? i thought we were going to have some competition
in 713. I guess Another idea Another Failure. Jive r0cS and everyone
else just hates us because we fucking r0c more than them.
everyone take your gang affilated ass to 5th ward, were just white surbanites
having fun. and thats what the scene is. when the fun is gone, so am I
TOMCAT and I have traded positions, actully i just sat on my ass
turning out a few ansis while TOMCAT really spiffed up the group
and made what jive is today. Wow-YeA sarcastic cheers go jive!
T H R E E C H E E R S F O R T O M C A T !
am i elite yet?
October 96 p00P!
: : : . oF !
Jeuhive - Were More Punk Than You Are
wooo, damn Im leet-o, I get to write in the spliff jive newsletter...
heh, I was kinda pissed about not being able to last month, but its ok, I
guess. This months been pretty coo, but I have no idea what is up with my 2nd
favorite art group blur because I havent seen a pack, cant access my e-mail
and my damn net connect will only let me get on IRC though is own private irc
server. Hmm, did we die??? Exuuted? heh. WHy did the monkey fall out of the
tree - Because it was dead. Why did the other monkey fall out of the tree -
Monkey see, monkey do. Why did teh Chicken fall out of the tree - it was staple
to the Monkey. WHy did the cat fall out of the tree - Scardy-cat. WHy the fuc
am I telling you this - Im up in a tree. Anywazyz... Jive is coo, releasing,
from what Ive seen, a pretty nice pack, as usual. I hate Arichokes... they
force my girly-friend to cheet on me with them, and thats just not nice... heh
Ill do some greets to people now, then and later... greets to Blazemore, Tc,
Zippy, nightrain, Deathrai, and the rest of the Jive crew. I have nothing to
do with administration, so I HAVE NO IDEA who has joined Jive this month and wh
has left. Bla... Two peanuts were walking down the street and one of them was
assaulted... I had a good month outside of the k-rad area, and hence, bairly
ever called out, mostly due to my new Girlfriend, Blair, who just rox... I also
went to a lot of ska shows and stuff, even got an offer to join a band, which I
may take up. And finally, after like 4 fucking years, Star Control III came ou
andstuff, but I cant buy it as if I would anyway due to having to pay for
Homecoming and stuff, and 40 disks is a lot to download without your own phone
line. hmmm Why cant a bicycle stand on its own - Because its Two Tired...
hmmm, The New Type-O-Negative CD also came out this month. GET IT NOW!! heh,
its nice and gothic, and I listen to it whenever I doodle and whenever I do
anything else. Im sure you really wanted to know that, but I guess Ill shut
up pretty soon. Kinda like now... Well, after a few more greets- Eye, Exulted
Regulator, Phyrebrand, me, Reverthion, MP, Lavondys, and the ascii god Tinyz.
Cheesy Joke Leeto Group Goddess Cool Guy
tomcat hes stuck
suddenly in a huge
relizesgrey mess.
Its the JIVE photo album.
Each month i promise there will
be an official JIVE PHOTO.
This month its the spiffy
co-founder TOMCAT. And heres
proof he has only four fingers.
if for some reason you want to
do something for this section,
This is Blazemores little section. Last month, TomCat decided to not let bm sa
anything in the Jive newsletter and just fuxor him in the hiney. But this time
its Blazehores turn to have a little fun...
Heres some free pron that was converted from
gif to ansi. We tried to make some ascii so
Blazemore could rip it, but it didnt come out
tguardian will do it...
We throw it to Blazemore now...
tomcat blazehore
Its great to be here. I just wa *smack*
That was Blazemore, lets thank him for
contributing so much to jive and not getting
anything back and not saying anything about it
because he isnt that kind of person and just
wants to draw colored ascii which isnt ansi +++++++/
just because its saved in ansi mode doesnt
change the style coolt... :
How to Contact us on the net.
ziPpy................N/A cuz im elite like that!
eyeball..............angel@flash.net zPjivesenior
Is this too LONG? Is this to nice? Does this suck?
Please send mail to zippy on SOD or to any of the members on the
net. Im sure it will get to me. mail on what you think that is
Special thankz to regulator call his board equinox at 713-729-0914. krad pipeline setup.
OOOOBBWWBO r e g u l a t O r s
OBWWBBOOOOBW a b o u t j i v e
OBWWBBBOOO i guess im leet because i get
to close up the newsletter. it
wouldve been closer to the top but
thats really gay ------- im too lazy to cut and paste. cheq
the neato fading effect up there in the
corner. i did a few asciis like that for mad last year. i think
if you back up a few feet you can see it better. well.. nevermind
i cant see it anyway. just look real hard use your imagination.
enough shit of the bull on to the real bullshit. from what i hear
from people all around this pak should rok you up the wall and back.
im sure ill be covered in tears of happiness from the pak. i wish
i could draw vga, actually. you couldnt imagine how many times
ive installed Dabbler and not used it. i guess im just ascii
straight to the b0ne. zp drew that in ansi and i turned it into
ascii. my bizad. had to be ------- ggy
, yg
wish zp luck as he and a few ppl blow ,d gg g
up bellaires cardinal mascot. i mite T ,
go too. ,d
and uhm, read the letters that are in this co lor for a msg
. . , , , ,. . , ., . , . ,. , ..., T gg T ,,. , . ,.
Issue brought to you by The Senior staff of JIVE and its members.
contribz.......tomcat, nt, tz, tank, zp, bm, and regulator.
Art............from the writers of the articles and additional
material from zippy.
Info on news zippy 13
Introduction zippy 39
New Members tomcat n zP 62
Internet.vs.BBS zippy 78
Sup all!! Tank 133
Rip 2pacz anis Nightrain 164
wooo, damn Im leet-o Tzeentch 217
JiVe Photo Album JIVE MEMBERS 255
Blazemores crap bm 282
How To COntact JiVE JIVE MEMBERS 316
Questionz like lemme know zP and staff 330
Regulators jive reg 346
Welcome to the first NizEWS from JiVE. WE will release with the
JiVE pak every month or your moms monkey aint named JImboBOb!
I hope this is almost as informative as the upcoming e-mag from
zerox dont bet on it :.
As i said before, anyone can write for us, it really doesnt matter.
Just make sure you send your art related articles to me before the
release date for the pak. Woo
So, err... i guess thats the intro, in a way. Any questions you have
direct them to zippy on Sod or equinOx. Send your comments on the
NizEws to zippy at the same places.
Wizy- groupz: CIA, JIVE. Big ass thankz for setting up our WEB PAGE!
OUR PAGE!!!! wizy.uit.net/jive OUR PAGE!!!!
Demented- I heard Soap turned you down, THEIR LOSS.
THE CLONE- Like, draw yer kick ass vga fer our page and stuff
Blood- from BLIND. WElcome to da ansi department
Clark- who was in helaous zp- err... helaous ?? must be outta it
greetz to helaous or whatever form zippy:
The Internet vs. BBS
Although this has been discussed before, i feel as if
it has a serious effect on JiVE. The internet dominates
over boards in just about everyway! Messages, Email,
Files, Chat, Games and most important, grafix all appear
to be suppior to on the Internet.
Have you ever seen ANSI on a web page? I didnt think so.
If you have, theres probably not too much. Why have
ansi when you can have vga? Why have a Gremlin when you can have a PORCHE?
I personally draw both ansi and vga. I dont consider myself as a vga-god
that wouldnt make since, but i do see the advantages. YOu can do a million
more things with windows paint than you can with the best ansi program!
Some people think Acid sold out. I personally dont. Theyve been around the
longest, maybe they got the right idea. The Acid paks nowadays contain more
VGA than ANSI. WHy is that? Well, youd have to ask them. Im not about
to put werds in their mouths. I personally think it has to do with the fact
their web based. Sure they have boards but it makes since not to call ld
when you can call a local internet provider.
DID ACiD SELL OUT? Why, just becuase their name Stands for ANSI CREATERS
IN DEMAND and they draw a shitload of VGA doesnt mean they sold out. The
Web needs art. Why not draw it.
Maybe theyve seen the truth, bbs are going to die some day. The web
is superior in everyway. THe fact its becoming easier and easier to access
doesnt help our situation. BBS will die. By the year 2000 I cant imagine
there will be any more bbs - a friend.
With the death of BBS comes the death of ANSI and ANSI-groups. ACiD is a
good example. Everyones too busy complaining about them to notice the
truth. Ansi will no longer exist as a main-stream art. There wont be
a real reason to draw it anymore.
This brings me to the effect on JiVE. JiVe is primarly
an ansi group. When ansi dies or fades out of
existance so does JiVE. I dont think any art group
will last too long. Only the die-hard artists will
continue the ansi legacy. They will be the minority.
Why do i draw ansi if i know its gonna die? I love to
draw. Its like my second nature. To live, to draw, to
die. If its not ansi, then its freehand or vga. I cant
imagine not drawing something. Ever since i wont my
first contest when i was five ive been drawing. I will never give it up.
Until Ansi is no longer needed, i will draw it. Its more than a hobby to
me. Its probably what im gonna do for the rest of my life.
vive de ansi or somtin.
zPfoo. jive senior.
I just wanted to give some notes and Sheeites.
Well last Paq you may have noticed that I didnt
release anything. Well, Screw you guyz...I broke my wrist and stuff.
You ever try to use a Trackball precisely with a broke freakin
wrist. Any way Im back, broke wrist and all and still gotz some stuff
to turn in. Like, I am way old and stuff so it takes longer to heal.
...TomCat I aint sayin nothin bout you.
Concieted Bastage.
if you wanna know how ugly I am look at my
Self portrait in this paq...Im pretty ugly.
Shaddup ..lil kid Im cool enough to have tatoos.
Hey Special greetz go to ZippY - Paintbrush KING!
And TANKs to all da Ho Dawgs who did Ansi for me Board.
NighTrains 2 or 3 cents.
. tupac died, and we need to show
. . a little.respect for the people
who only made minimum wage to .
. R.I.P. to bury him. I have now started
. a United Grave Digger Workers
IP . T U P A C RIP Rights Union, also called UGDWRU
We put the yee-haw, back in your ansi
Were the fuck is OPM? i thought we were going to have some competition
in 713. I guess Another idea Another Failure. Jive r0cS and everyone
else just hates us because we fucking r0c more than them.
everyone take your gang affilated ass to 5th ward, were just white surbanites
having fun. and thats what the scene is. when the fun is gone, so am I
TOMCAT and I have traded positions, actully i just sat on my ass
turning out a few ansis while TOMCAT really spiffed up the group
and made what jive is today. Wow-YeA sarcastic cheers go jive!
T H R E E C H E E R S F O R T O M C A T !
am i elite yet?
October 96 p00P!
: : : . oF !
Jeuhive - Were More Punk Than You Are
wooo, damn Im leet-o, I get to write in the spliff jive newsletter...
heh, I was kinda pissed about not being able to last month, but its ok, I
guess. This months been pretty coo, but I have no idea what is up with my 2nd
favorite art group blur because I havent seen a pack, cant access my e-mail
and my damn net connect will only let me get on IRC though is own private irc
server. Hmm, did we die??? Exuuted? heh. WHy did the monkey fall out of the
tree - Because it was dead. Why did the other monkey fall out of the tree -
Monkey see, monkey do. Why did teh Chicken fall out of the tree - it was staple
to the Monkey. WHy did the cat fall out of the tree - Scardy-cat. WHy the fuc
am I telling you this - Im up in a tree. Anywazyz... Jive is coo, releasing,
from what Ive seen, a pretty nice pack, as usual. I hate Arichokes... they
force my girly-friend to cheet on me with them, and thats just not nice... heh
Ill do some greets to people now, then and later... greets to Blazemore, Tc,
Zippy, nightrain, Deathrai, and the rest of the Jive crew. I have nothing to
do with administration, so I HAVE NO IDEA who has joined Jive this month and wh
has left. Bla... Two peanuts were walking down the street and one of them was
assaulted... I had a good month outside of the k-rad area, and hence, bairly
ever called out, mostly due to my new Girlfriend, Blair, who just rox... I also
went to a lot of ska shows and stuff, even got an offer to join a band, which I
may take up. And finally, after like 4 fucking years, Star Control III came ou
andstuff, but I cant buy it as if I would anyway due to having to pay for
Homecoming and stuff, and 40 disks is a lot to download without your own phone
line. hmmm Why cant a bicycle stand on its own - Because its Two Tired...
hmmm, The New Type-O-Negative CD also came out this month. GET IT NOW!! heh,
its nice and gothic, and I listen to it whenever I doodle and whenever I do
anything else. Im sure you really wanted to know that, but I guess Ill shut
up pretty soon. Kinda like now... Well, after a few more greets- Eye, Exulted
Regulator, Phyrebrand, me, Reverthion, MP, Lavondys, and the ascii god Tinyz.
Cheesy Joke Leeto Group Goddess Cool Guy
tomcat hes stuck
suddenly in a huge
relizesgrey mess.
Its the JIVE photo album.
Each month i promise there will
be an official JIVE PHOTO.
This month its the spiffy
co-founder TOMCAT. And heres
proof he has only four fingers.
if for some reason you want to
do something for this section,
This is Blazemores little section. Last month, TomCat decided to not let bm sa
anything in the Jive newsletter and just fuxor him in the hiney. But this time
its Blazehores turn to have a little fun...
Heres some free pron that was converted from
gif to ansi. We tried to make some ascii so
Blazemore could rip it, but it didnt come out
tguardian will do it...
We throw it to Blazemore now...
tomcat blazehore
Its great to be here. I just wa *smack*
That was Blazemore, lets thank him for
contributing so much to jive and not getting
anything back and not saying anything about it
because he isnt that kind of person and just
wants to draw colored ascii which isnt ansi +++++++/
just because its saved in ansi mode doesnt
change the style coolt... :
How to Contact us on the net.
ziPpy................N/A cuz im elite like that!
eyeball..............angel@flash.net zPjivesenior
Is this too LONG? Is this to nice? Does this suck?
Please send mail to zippy on SOD or to any of the members on the
net. Im sure it will get to me. mail on what you think that is
Special thankz to regulator call his board equinox at 713-729-0914. krad pipeline setup.
OOOOBBWWBO r e g u l a t O r s
OBWWBBOOOOBW a b o u t j i v e
OBWWBBBOOO i guess im leet because i get
to close up the newsletter. it
wouldve been closer to the top but
thats really gay ------- im too lazy to cut and paste. cheq
the neato fading effect up there in the
corner. i did a few asciis like that for mad last year. i think
if you back up a few feet you can see it better. well.. nevermind
i cant see it anyway. just look real hard use your imagination.
enough shit of the bull on to the real bullshit. from what i hear
from people all around this pak should rok you up the wall and back.
im sure ill be covered in tears of happiness from the pak. i wish
i could draw vga, actually. you couldnt imagine how many times
ive installed Dabbler and not used it. i guess im just ascii
straight to the b0ne. zp drew that in ansi and i turned it into
ascii. my bizad. had to be ------- ggy
, yg
wish zp luck as he and a few ppl blow ,d gg g
up bellaires cardinal mascot. i mite T ,
go too. ,d
and uhm, read the letters that are in this co lor for a msg
. . , , , ,. . , ., . , . ,. , ..., T gg T ,,. , . ,.
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