this image contains text
Whats new in
tm recently.
1. First off lemme explain the new naming of th
e iTRPACK. While MH was speaking with Tem
pus recently Staff advising by a Staff Advisor! : he
brought up the idea of naming an iCEPACK with th
e year first, as doing this would keep the packs in ch
ronological order when sorted on BBSs. Unfortunately
he did not reach MH with this idea before the first pack of
the year came out, so we must start with the second of t
he year. As well, to keep these packs in order, the N
ovember and December packs would still be out of order
if we just switched the year and month. So the Novem
ber iTRPACK will be named iTR-941A.ZIP, and the
December iTR941B.ZIP. I know this sounds VERY
strange but it is logical. 2. I am overjo
yed to announce the return of Memphis Snails, oops I mea
n Tempus Thales. : Hes working his way back
into the scene, and Im happy to have him as an activ
e well uhh sorta active : part of iCE once
again, now he can help many aspiring iTR guys reach thier full
3. The first person stepped up from iCE Trial thi
s month is Magnus.
Hoaks also stepped up from iTR after completing
ansis that can be seen
in this months iCEPACK. Darkwolf and Flas
h Back went throught iTR
like water, with both having all thier art in the iCEPA
Id also like to take a quick second to welcome a few of the ne
w trial
artists to iCE. Vizier, Paradigm, and FUGa
zi, welcome aboard! We
eagerly await your future contributions to the group..
- Da BARQER! a.k.a. Devils Spawn iCE
Greets to: Hell Raiser - Happy now? : LOGO.ZIP
HR-*.iCEx50 :
Tempus - HEY! Cool, now u can help me turn iTR int
o iCE!
Ronin - Call my board.. check out the lit nigs..
Sand - I love you.. SD-SOH1.ICE would be SWEET! :
Raistlin - Do some ansis already, they arent bad at al
iNKY - BAAAAAARRRRRQQQQ!!! For hot lesbien fun, press
1. :
Kronos - So, you quit the scene? Neet.
Pixel - Join iCE :
Inquisitor - Bumps in da Butt, Bumps in da Butt!
Bad Karma - Welcome abord!!! I love you!
Metal Head - Its Dexidrine, and I did take em this m
orning! :
tm recently.
1. First off lemme explain the new naming of th
e iTRPACK. While MH was speaking with Tem
pus recently Staff advising by a Staff Advisor! : he
brought up the idea of naming an iCEPACK with th
e year first, as doing this would keep the packs in ch
ronological order when sorted on BBSs. Unfortunately
he did not reach MH with this idea before the first pack of
the year came out, so we must start with the second of t
he year. As well, to keep these packs in order, the N
ovember and December packs would still be out of order
if we just switched the year and month. So the Novem
ber iTRPACK will be named iTR-941A.ZIP, and the
December iTR941B.ZIP. I know this sounds VERY
strange but it is logical. 2. I am overjo
yed to announce the return of Memphis Snails, oops I mea
n Tempus Thales. : Hes working his way back
into the scene, and Im happy to have him as an activ
e well uhh sorta active : part of iCE once
again, now he can help many aspiring iTR guys reach thier full
3. The first person stepped up from iCE Trial thi
s month is Magnus.
Hoaks also stepped up from iTR after completing
ansis that can be seen
in this months iCEPACK. Darkwolf and Flas
h Back went throught iTR
like water, with both having all thier art in the iCEPA
Id also like to take a quick second to welcome a few of the ne
w trial
artists to iCE. Vizier, Paradigm, and FUGa
zi, welcome aboard! We
eagerly await your future contributions to the group..
- Da BARQER! a.k.a. Devils Spawn iCE
Greets to: Hell Raiser - Happy now? : LOGO.ZIP
HR-*.iCEx50 :
Tempus - HEY! Cool, now u can help me turn iTR int
o iCE!
Ronin - Call my board.. check out the lit nigs..
Sand - I love you.. SD-SOH1.ICE would be SWEET! :
Raistlin - Do some ansis already, they arent bad at al
iNKY - BAAAAAARRRRRQQQQ!!! For hot lesbien fun, press
1. :
Kronos - So, you quit the scene? Neet.
Pixel - Join iCE :
Inquisitor - Bumps in da Butt, Bumps in da Butt!
Bad Karma - Welcome abord!!! I love you!
Metal Head - Its Dexidrine, and I did take em this m
orning! :
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