this image contains text
thiz ansi comes from irat-0 productions
table of contents...la table des joyeux...
please man. give me a clue, i dont want to read it all!
well, hum, dont you know how much time it takes to write that!?
but mmh.. its ok for now :
en ralit, si vous lisez pas a, je vous butte.
1 - iratos first pack news letter. an introduction to irato.
2 - who the hell are you!? a small article about myself.
3 - whats new this month? news of the month. are you dumb?
4 - notes from members. a section about each of us.
5 - advertising section. boards, emags and misc advertising.
6 - coming soon. what well do in the future.
7 - its iratos recruitment time! how and why to become a full member.
8 - notes and greetz. its an x-rated picture i guess.
9 - how to reach us. member boards and affils.
ill try to make an emag from this news letter. i think it will be more
interesting to read it this way.
please note that all the comments that you will not understand are for
francophones dudes or were written in bad english.
ceci est un test.
iratos first pack news letter... 1 de 2 caliss !@*
hi there! this is FlyingSquirrel from quebec and im writing this to announce
the creation of a new group in the 4i8.
en esprant que a crve pas.
i decided to do something last month as i was looking at our scene: its pretty
dead here and im gonna change that. our oldies are becoming too busy to work
on the resurrection of the bbses and some newbies are simply not interested by
that. sooo, i created irat-0.
est-ce que jaurais dus parler de lincomptence? :
inet takes more and more space in our life and i cant figure out that our
bbses will disappear.
- kewl man but what is irato and what does it mean?
firstable, irato is a school group.. i mean, we arent lords in any way, were
just trying to do something and were working very hard to improve our skills.
irato comes from latin. i choosed this language cause i think its universal
and hum.. i love that name of course. it means something like by a wind of
anger but im not sure of the translation.
en fait, je suis pas sur du nom non-plus. mais bon on sen caliss
the concept of the group isnt really new. i have currently added some
uncommon divisions like emags, demos and some other things that i cant
by the way, well produce miscellaneous packs which means that you certainly
find something interesting in them. starting with artwork, coding, passing
through emags and demos stuff, usefull source-code and news from the scene.. i
dont think it can be more complete. oops. ive almost forgot the musik
division.. yes were also doing mods, s3m, xm, mp3, ect..
ca doit tre parce quon a trop de musiciens !@*
who the hell are you!? ... la est la question...
je suis un imbecile en train de se tapper une lettre de 6O pages pour votre
divertissement baptme. je suis crissement coeur pis je gle dans mon salon
i heard this one over and over again so i decided to wrote this small
description of me and what i am doing / going to do.
first of all, in case you were wondering about it, i am iratos president.
im 19 years old and i live with my pop in a small, dirty appartment near the
popular Roi de la patate. my first vocation was to code but i tried to draw
some ansis a few weeks ago and i liked it. now you know me.
seriously, im just a noname whos making his place. i think that the scene is
a big class where everyone got his chair.. im trying to make other people
lifes better by what i draw or say. i spent a lot of time watching other
guys stuffs and i was wishing i was just like them. now, the time has come to
prove me that i can do the same and i hope that someone will follow my way.
avouez que je vous ai presque fait pleurer l!?
my old handle was DarkShadow.. thats why my ansis are signed dS... i changed
my handle as i started to wrote this news letter because ive heard of another
guy who was wearing this name too.
whats new this month? lautomne calvasse.
are you kidding?
everythings new this month. its our first pack. cant you understand that,
you dummy!? please apologize or ill call my mommy. and ill do...
thats all for now :
its irat-0 recruitment time!pis apres cest la relache -
if you are talented in some ways drawing, coding, musik and if you want to
show your stuff to the whole world.. you can always join us.
we are looking for new guys to make the group bigger and more efficient.
also, if you just wanna bring your collaboration for an emag or whatever, well
be please by that. we are also looking for member boards out of our area code
arrtez dapplyer pour devenir distro / whatever, si a continu tous les
boards vont etre membres !@* pis jaccepte pus personne dabord. P
see how to reach us later in da letter.
oh yeah, some logos for our promo will be also appreciate. :
notes from members... cest nous les elites P
this month, an interview with our favorite whq sysop...
avouez que cest rad un interview dans une news letter! si vous voulez voir
quoi ressemble loriginal, vous pouvez toujours me le demander...
atomik punk.
flying squirrel fs.
atomik punk ap.
da // / ..
.-.-..-.-./ / // / // / / // fs /.-.-..-.-..
// of the month
fs hello.
ap hi.
fs why did you decided to join irato?
ap for the fun of it :
fs its a pretty good reason but you dont have any goal? like making some
fs money or showing what you can do to the world?
ap well in fact, yes.. i have the taste to restart the quebec scene.. i
ap tried without obtaining any kind of success last year cause the 418 guys
ap were too busy to work out on my project. it was a big flop. so, me and
ap phantasy man decided to start another pseudo-group... it was another flop
ap we released only once for about 1 year of existence :
fs what are you thinking that an artwork group is suppose to do exactly?
ap i think that all the artworks dudes wants to express something, to liber
ap themselves from the taste of drawing. i know that most people are not
ap thinking like me, but this is what i believe. i think that drawing is a
ap hobby like any others. the big joke is that we are becoming tired of the
ap thing very soon. i dont know why but i know its pretty dull to draw
ap alone. but when the newbies gets interested, its all restarting again.
ap this will happen another time with the arriving of a new group in quebec.
fs thats very well. so, if i understand, you are approving the idea of
fs creating school groups to educate todays generation!?
ap completely. i think that im not a pretty good artist and that is giving
ap me the chance to ameliorate myself... by the way, everyone got to start
ap from the beginning and i have to say that it is not always easy to improve
ap our skills with our own methods when, there is no other person to comment
ap your stuff and tell you some tips. at the opposite, in a group like this
ap one, you know that you can always count on someone to evaluate yourself. ap the result, is that were all becoming better in our division.
fs okay. now, by definition, can you tell me whats a good artist for you?
ap the artist that we can consider like good, in my opinion, produces stuff
ap that we like to see over and over again, without having to say i love
ap this guy, so i have to love his creations.. a good artist is also
ap someone whos giving himself in his own pictures.. hes having his own
ap style and hes the only one of his kind.
fs dont you think that beeing proud of what you are doing is the most
fs important thing in beeing a good artist?
ap obviously yes.. if you are drawing, you got to love what you are doing
ap first. in the opposite case, its strongly possible that youll be tired
ap before releasing 5 or 6 times. but well, it is very rare to see somebody
ap who dislikes what hes doing, to continue in this specialisation.
fs you got the truth man! something different now, do the bbses cause is
fs important for you?
ap hum well, not really... the bbses cause is interesting of course, but
ap there are too many boards with leech in head. but well, i think that a
ap good board gots a regular members database and some active mailing
ap sections... i can see that many others system operators arent taking
ap care of this point. this is why im not really considering the publik
ap bbses cause, like interesting. i lost that BoardsAreGreats idea that i
ap was defending in the past.
fs whats your favorite board ever?
ap hum.. let me see.. lost world, yeah, i think that lost world was the
ap better board back in time. all the users we constituating a big family
ap like. and one day, paaaf, the sysops hard disk exploded :
fs your favorite artwork group by now?
ap i dont really have a prefered one. i mean, ice, katharsis, fire, mist and
ap some others are really kicking ass. but i have to say that my newest pack
ap is dated from 1996 so its pretty difficult to say that with accurancy :
fs and your favorite artist to stay in the subject?
ap eerie is very well... in spite of the fact that he is passed somewhere
ap else than quebec a few years ago, it was an excellent local artist.
fs are you willing to use irato like a spring-board to bigger groups or are
fs you only making part of it to do some activities in the quebecoise scene?
ap i think that ill stay around here as long as possible. for sentimental
ap reasons : i dont really have the intention to use irato like a spring
ap board as you were saying... i prefer the local atmosphear to the
ap competition feeling that ill get if i join a bigger group. it is not
ap essential to me to make some fans around the world :
fs privacy seems important to you, am i wrong?
ap it is always more fun to know the man you are talking to. for sure, you
ap dont really need to know the other members of the group to draw but its
ap a way better. i prefer when i can talk to someone without using inet. it
ap is the same for transfer and the rest... you can do more than talking and
ap shooting always your stuff to the prez..
fs well, i guess thats ok for this month dude. see you later.
ap bye.
fs oops, wait a minute, ive got to give you an ansi for your board
ap will you tell me how nice it is for beeing near of each other? :
i hope you liked it..
advertising section... les annonces classes...
here it is, the advertisig section. ill put anything decent in this part of
the news letter. so, if you want to announce something, feel free to upload it
to me.
---+--- v i r t u a l b l e n d e r ----+
irato mb - kereva member board - dumb distr0 site
dIE laboratories mb - fido net - kitsch net - frugnet - flinch net
fax/modem 14.4k - hd 1 gig - burnout - voarkonzzar
SysOp: Nathalie Marcoux
Co-SysOp: Jonathan Forgues
2 nodes.
627-3970 14 mailing networks
627-8983 Members Internet gate
2 modems 5.3 Gb Hard Disk
Courier V.Everything 4 On-Line Cd-Roms
On-Line Games
coming soon... meilleur avant 01/01/2023.
actually, i have a lot of projects regarding the group.
mais pas personne pour les raliser estie.
first of all, ill try to make an irat-0 view or something like that for the
next pack.
we will also do plenty of utilities for the bbses, especially TG. man, this
soft rules!
as you probably seen, we dont have that much large pics in this pack.. ill
try to fix that for the next pack too. but we are a bit short of time.. you
know, with the school, girls and narcotic substances, its pretty difficult to
surtout quand y faut faire du rattrapage en plus
if we get any volunteers to make pack reviews, ill probably include that too
in ours.
ill try to open our web site and our irc channel for the next month but im
really not sure that ill be in time. its a cash problem this time.
if you wanna add an advertising in this news letter, simply upload it to me
with a short message explaining why i must publish it. if the reason is good
enough, youll be able to see your advertising in the next pack. please note
that i will not accept any ansi longer than 25 lines.
anecdote : la dites section sert juste a mettre un peu de couleurs dans la
news letter. essayez dtre plus poche que a!
so, for the moment, enjoy what youve already got
notes and greetz... assurance-vie.
i would like to thanx all the members which are working very hard for the group
and some collaborators, if i can call them like that, for the help theyve
gaven me or what theyve done.
so the greetz goes to, in alphabetical order...
- burnout pour avoir laiss son board servir de cobaye
- cyre le gars qui run un board elyth msny
- decax le demi-dieu de lasm
- silverthorn qui ma bott le cul pour que je join kereva
- the extremist pour ses encouragements et lapplication du kitsch
- inspector gadjet pour avoir pris la relve de kill avec dumb
just one note this month... g my anglish sox a lott!
how to reach us... avec un peu de chance...
actually, its pretty difficult to reach us. most of our sites are local w/o
beeing telnetable and my inet access is busted. i guess i can refer you to
silverthorn, you can even catch him on irc knife channel.
if you want to take look on our sites anyway, please refer to the file labeled
well, if you are willing to call long distances there are some boards where you
can catch us.
- dystopia. ops : decax/unkleben/kolz.
no : 14185237051
- city iz burning. ops : the extremist.
no : 1418asktext
- virtual blender. ops : burnout/voarkonzzar.
no : 14188318163
- myriad synergy. ops : cyre / doomsday.
no : 14182854838
- uneven. ops : derksar.
no : 14186239494
you can also catch me on these nets under the name of Flying Squirrel...
- fido net.
- kitsch net.
- pyro net.
- cyber crime inc.
- frugnet.
- and soon, the official irat-0s net.
thats all for the moment but dont forget that we are looking for new
send me your comments, i really wanna get them.
end of this file... aah mes doigts se reposent enfin
thiz ansi comes from irat-0 productions
table of contents...la table des joyeux...
please man. give me a clue, i dont want to read it all!
well, hum, dont you know how much time it takes to write that!?
but mmh.. its ok for now :
en ralit, si vous lisez pas a, je vous butte.
1 - iratos first pack news letter. an introduction to irato.
2 - who the hell are you!? a small article about myself.
3 - whats new this month? news of the month. are you dumb?
4 - notes from members. a section about each of us.
5 - advertising section. boards, emags and misc advertising.
6 - coming soon. what well do in the future.
7 - its iratos recruitment time! how and why to become a full member.
8 - notes and greetz. its an x-rated picture i guess.
9 - how to reach us. member boards and affils.
ill try to make an emag from this news letter. i think it will be more
interesting to read it this way.
please note that all the comments that you will not understand are for
francophones dudes or were written in bad english.
ceci est un test.
iratos first pack news letter... 1 de 2 caliss !@*
hi there! this is FlyingSquirrel from quebec and im writing this to announce
the creation of a new group in the 4i8.
en esprant que a crve pas.
i decided to do something last month as i was looking at our scene: its pretty
dead here and im gonna change that. our oldies are becoming too busy to work
on the resurrection of the bbses and some newbies are simply not interested by
that. sooo, i created irat-0.
est-ce que jaurais dus parler de lincomptence? :
inet takes more and more space in our life and i cant figure out that our
bbses will disappear.
- kewl man but what is irato and what does it mean?
firstable, irato is a school group.. i mean, we arent lords in any way, were
just trying to do something and were working very hard to improve our skills.
irato comes from latin. i choosed this language cause i think its universal
and hum.. i love that name of course. it means something like by a wind of
anger but im not sure of the translation.
en fait, je suis pas sur du nom non-plus. mais bon on sen caliss
the concept of the group isnt really new. i have currently added some
uncommon divisions like emags, demos and some other things that i cant
by the way, well produce miscellaneous packs which means that you certainly
find something interesting in them. starting with artwork, coding, passing
through emags and demos stuff, usefull source-code and news from the scene.. i
dont think it can be more complete. oops. ive almost forgot the musik
division.. yes were also doing mods, s3m, xm, mp3, ect..
ca doit tre parce quon a trop de musiciens !@*
who the hell are you!? ... la est la question...
je suis un imbecile en train de se tapper une lettre de 6O pages pour votre
divertissement baptme. je suis crissement coeur pis je gle dans mon salon
i heard this one over and over again so i decided to wrote this small
description of me and what i am doing / going to do.
first of all, in case you were wondering about it, i am iratos president.
im 19 years old and i live with my pop in a small, dirty appartment near the
popular Roi de la patate. my first vocation was to code but i tried to draw
some ansis a few weeks ago and i liked it. now you know me.
seriously, im just a noname whos making his place. i think that the scene is
a big class where everyone got his chair.. im trying to make other people
lifes better by what i draw or say. i spent a lot of time watching other
guys stuffs and i was wishing i was just like them. now, the time has come to
prove me that i can do the same and i hope that someone will follow my way.
avouez que je vous ai presque fait pleurer l!?
my old handle was DarkShadow.. thats why my ansis are signed dS... i changed
my handle as i started to wrote this news letter because ive heard of another
guy who was wearing this name too.
whats new this month? lautomne calvasse.
are you kidding?
everythings new this month. its our first pack. cant you understand that,
you dummy!? please apologize or ill call my mommy. and ill do...
thats all for now :
its irat-0 recruitment time!pis apres cest la relache -
if you are talented in some ways drawing, coding, musik and if you want to
show your stuff to the whole world.. you can always join us.
we are looking for new guys to make the group bigger and more efficient.
also, if you just wanna bring your collaboration for an emag or whatever, well
be please by that. we are also looking for member boards out of our area code
arrtez dapplyer pour devenir distro / whatever, si a continu tous les
boards vont etre membres !@* pis jaccepte pus personne dabord. P
see how to reach us later in da letter.
oh yeah, some logos for our promo will be also appreciate. :
notes from members... cest nous les elites P
this month, an interview with our favorite whq sysop...
avouez que cest rad un interview dans une news letter! si vous voulez voir
quoi ressemble loriginal, vous pouvez toujours me le demander...
atomik punk.
flying squirrel fs.
atomik punk ap.
da // / ..
.-.-..-.-./ / // / // / / // fs /.-.-..-.-..
// of the month
fs hello.
ap hi.
fs why did you decided to join irato?
ap for the fun of it :
fs its a pretty good reason but you dont have any goal? like making some
fs money or showing what you can do to the world?
ap well in fact, yes.. i have the taste to restart the quebec scene.. i
ap tried without obtaining any kind of success last year cause the 418 guys
ap were too busy to work out on my project. it was a big flop. so, me and
ap phantasy man decided to start another pseudo-group... it was another flop
ap we released only once for about 1 year of existence :
fs what are you thinking that an artwork group is suppose to do exactly?
ap i think that all the artworks dudes wants to express something, to liber
ap themselves from the taste of drawing. i know that most people are not
ap thinking like me, but this is what i believe. i think that drawing is a
ap hobby like any others. the big joke is that we are becoming tired of the
ap thing very soon. i dont know why but i know its pretty dull to draw
ap alone. but when the newbies gets interested, its all restarting again.
ap this will happen another time with the arriving of a new group in quebec.
fs thats very well. so, if i understand, you are approving the idea of
fs creating school groups to educate todays generation!?
ap completely. i think that im not a pretty good artist and that is giving
ap me the chance to ameliorate myself... by the way, everyone got to start
ap from the beginning and i have to say that it is not always easy to improve
ap our skills with our own methods when, there is no other person to comment
ap your stuff and tell you some tips. at the opposite, in a group like this
ap one, you know that you can always count on someone to evaluate yourself. ap the result, is that were all becoming better in our division.
fs okay. now, by definition, can you tell me whats a good artist for you?
ap the artist that we can consider like good, in my opinion, produces stuff
ap that we like to see over and over again, without having to say i love
ap this guy, so i have to love his creations.. a good artist is also
ap someone whos giving himself in his own pictures.. hes having his own
ap style and hes the only one of his kind.
fs dont you think that beeing proud of what you are doing is the most
fs important thing in beeing a good artist?
ap obviously yes.. if you are drawing, you got to love what you are doing
ap first. in the opposite case, its strongly possible that youll be tired
ap before releasing 5 or 6 times. but well, it is very rare to see somebody
ap who dislikes what hes doing, to continue in this specialisation.
fs you got the truth man! something different now, do the bbses cause is
fs important for you?
ap hum well, not really... the bbses cause is interesting of course, but
ap there are too many boards with leech in head. but well, i think that a
ap good board gots a regular members database and some active mailing
ap sections... i can see that many others system operators arent taking
ap care of this point. this is why im not really considering the publik
ap bbses cause, like interesting. i lost that BoardsAreGreats idea that i
ap was defending in the past.
fs whats your favorite board ever?
ap hum.. let me see.. lost world, yeah, i think that lost world was the
ap better board back in time. all the users we constituating a big family
ap like. and one day, paaaf, the sysops hard disk exploded :
fs your favorite artwork group by now?
ap i dont really have a prefered one. i mean, ice, katharsis, fire, mist and
ap some others are really kicking ass. but i have to say that my newest pack
ap is dated from 1996 so its pretty difficult to say that with accurancy :
fs and your favorite artist to stay in the subject?
ap eerie is very well... in spite of the fact that he is passed somewhere
ap else than quebec a few years ago, it was an excellent local artist.
fs are you willing to use irato like a spring-board to bigger groups or are
fs you only making part of it to do some activities in the quebecoise scene?
ap i think that ill stay around here as long as possible. for sentimental
ap reasons : i dont really have the intention to use irato like a spring
ap board as you were saying... i prefer the local atmosphear to the
ap competition feeling that ill get if i join a bigger group. it is not
ap essential to me to make some fans around the world :
fs privacy seems important to you, am i wrong?
ap it is always more fun to know the man you are talking to. for sure, you
ap dont really need to know the other members of the group to draw but its
ap a way better. i prefer when i can talk to someone without using inet. it
ap is the same for transfer and the rest... you can do more than talking and
ap shooting always your stuff to the prez..
fs well, i guess thats ok for this month dude. see you later.
ap bye.
fs oops, wait a minute, ive got to give you an ansi for your board
ap will you tell me how nice it is for beeing near of each other? :
i hope you liked it..
advertising section... les annonces classes...
here it is, the advertisig section. ill put anything decent in this part of
the news letter. so, if you want to announce something, feel free to upload it
to me.
---+--- v i r t u a l b l e n d e r ----+
irato mb - kereva member board - dumb distr0 site
dIE laboratories mb - fido net - kitsch net - frugnet - flinch net
fax/modem 14.4k - hd 1 gig - burnout - voarkonzzar
SysOp: Nathalie Marcoux
Co-SysOp: Jonathan Forgues
2 nodes.
627-3970 14 mailing networks
627-8983 Members Internet gate
2 modems 5.3 Gb Hard Disk
Courier V.Everything 4 On-Line Cd-Roms
On-Line Games
coming soon... meilleur avant 01/01/2023.
actually, i have a lot of projects regarding the group.
mais pas personne pour les raliser estie.
first of all, ill try to make an irat-0 view or something like that for the
next pack.
we will also do plenty of utilities for the bbses, especially TG. man, this
soft rules!
as you probably seen, we dont have that much large pics in this pack.. ill
try to fix that for the next pack too. but we are a bit short of time.. you
know, with the school, girls and narcotic substances, its pretty difficult to
surtout quand y faut faire du rattrapage en plus
if we get any volunteers to make pack reviews, ill probably include that too
in ours.
ill try to open our web site and our irc channel for the next month but im
really not sure that ill be in time. its a cash problem this time.
if you wanna add an advertising in this news letter, simply upload it to me
with a short message explaining why i must publish it. if the reason is good
enough, youll be able to see your advertising in the next pack. please note
that i will not accept any ansi longer than 25 lines.
anecdote : la dites section sert juste a mettre un peu de couleurs dans la
news letter. essayez dtre plus poche que a!
so, for the moment, enjoy what youve already got
notes and greetz... assurance-vie.
i would like to thanx all the members which are working very hard for the group
and some collaborators, if i can call them like that, for the help theyve
gaven me or what theyve done.
so the greetz goes to, in alphabetical order...
- burnout pour avoir laiss son board servir de cobaye
- cyre le gars qui run un board elyth msny
- decax le demi-dieu de lasm
- silverthorn qui ma bott le cul pour que je join kereva
- the extremist pour ses encouragements et lapplication du kitsch
- inspector gadjet pour avoir pris la relve de kill avec dumb
just one note this month... g my anglish sox a lott!
how to reach us... avec un peu de chance...
actually, its pretty difficult to reach us. most of our sites are local w/o
beeing telnetable and my inet access is busted. i guess i can refer you to
silverthorn, you can even catch him on irc knife channel.
if you want to take look on our sites anyway, please refer to the file labeled
well, if you are willing to call long distances there are some boards where you
can catch us.
- dystopia. ops : decax/unkleben/kolz.
no : 14185237051
- city iz burning. ops : the extremist.
no : 1418asktext
- virtual blender. ops : burnout/voarkonzzar.
no : 14188318163
- myriad synergy. ops : cyre / doomsday.
no : 14182854838
- uneven. ops : derksar.
no : 14186239494
you can also catch me on these nets under the name of Flying Squirrel...
- fido net.
- kitsch net.
- pyro net.
- cyber crime inc.
- frugnet.
- and soon, the official irat-0s net.
thats all for the moment but dont forget that we are looking for new
send me your comments, i really wanna get them.
end of this file... aah mes doigts se reposent enfin
log in to add a comment.