this image contains text
.... ..db..
..P 4..
.. ..d....
..d.. 4
.. ..4..
...P.... bb
...4 ..4
4.. ..
PP derksar
.P d
.PdP .ddPd
.P....4 ..db..4
d 4....4
.bd. 4P..P 4..4
.b..dPb.....d.... .
d ..b...4..b
P ..b
b ... .b .
. ...P.... bb d
.... .d
...4 4P..4.dP
.b. 4....
P .P PP .dP
P P...dP
P . .d
b PP .
b. derksar
b......P irato
b. .db. db. .dP
..P... ..
..P d..
..PdP .dP4..
..P....4 ..dn..4..
.. 4..nn..4..
.bd. 4P..P4n..4.
.b..db.....d.... .4n..
P ..b44
b ... .b .
. ...P.... bb d
.... .d
...4 4P...d
.b. .....
P .P PP .d
. P P...d.
. P . .d.
.b PP . .
.b. Derksar.
.b. .db. db. .d.
-- - - - . - - - logo colly -- - - - . - -
derksar is unable to tell me which one he prefer and i have no preference :
: so, i decided to put em all.
..P 4..
.. ..d....
..d.. 4
.. ..4..
...P.... bb
...4 ..4
4.. ..
PP derksar
.P d
.PdP .ddPd
.P....4 ..db..4
d 4....4
.bd. 4P..P 4..4
.b..dPb.....d.... .
d ..b...4..b
P ..b
b ... .b .
. ...P.... bb d
.... .d
...4 4P..4.dP
.b. 4....
P .P PP .dP
P P...dP
P . .d
b PP .
b. derksar
b......P irato
b. .db. db. .dP
..P... ..
..P d..
..PdP .dP4..
..P....4 ..dn..4..
.. 4..nn..4..
.bd. 4P..P4n..4.
.b..db.....d.... .4n..
P ..b44
b ... .b .
. ...P.... bb d
.... .d
...4 4P...d
.b. .....
P .P PP .d
. P P...d.
. P . .d.
.b PP . .
.b. Derksar.
.b. .db. db. .d.
-- - - - . - - - logo colly -- - - - . - -
derksar is unable to tell me which one he prefer and i have no preference :
: so, i decided to put em all.
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