this image contains text
P ..i.i:igig,... :iphorg: em: ,,.iiggggg. 4
. .illi:::. ------ ---------- :.:ii:ii::ii i
b. ** ***llib. arc - we all love it! ::iiiP .d
. ,*-**-*li:i : ---- -------.gggggggggi .
: ,iSSs,.ss, i: -- ::ilWi: i
i, :: i i i ....:::::::: :illWlli:
: a.4yP,: :::::::::::::: .ilWlii:.
i .ss-s,,sli : ::: :: ,iilWlii:i:.
: 4 iilii .i:iiWliii:::.
i llii ...:::::: i:*WWWiii:: .
i .,ssslli: ..:::::::: ,gs,WWliii:: i
i , llii. ::: .gi:i4i iWWWll:i :
i .:i:g.gggd ..ssi:isgP ggggggggggl:
si:i4ii.:ii::.iiii:ii:iii .i.ili
i::i:iiii::iiii:iili :: .i ggg g g l
ii:i*i Sgg iiiiii:iilil: .:i g ggi
i .:ilb.4i:ggi*i:ii:iiil . :.i gg :
ii: :iilib.4:iii. :. *::li :ii i
ii::i:llb, i:ii :::::.... .:i gggggggggggggggggi
ii::iil b. ii: ::::::::.. ::i .
i.:::iii ii. .:iilllli: .
.:.::::iiggi: move lightbarrr :i:lllii::: .
g. .d
and the elite lightbar goes here... or here.. - or there :
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is the finished version, i think it turnd out real good...
original ida and outlines by evilmasterspin and this kewl newskewl ascii
and colors version by me : inphamilairiphspin/arc
..i::.iggggg,... gggggggggggggggggggggg .gggggggggg.
.ig. g i:::ii::ii
** ***b. arc will be my death! 4P
,*-**-*: g gggggg .gggggggggg
,iSSs,.ss, : g ggggggggggggggg ::i.
:: i i i :iii
a.4yP,:: i changed this .ii.
.ss-s,,s : to.. ,:.
4 iii .i:iiiii:ii:.
i . i:i:ii::
.,sssi: .sS:ib.
ii ..ss.ss.si:i*i
...g....ggg. .iii:i::iP.g. d
siiS4i.:ii.iiiiii:ii :ii
i:ii:ii:iiii:i .:iiggg g g
i:ii ggggggg iiiii:i: :ii g gg
i: .iiigg:iP ,i*iiiii:i .i gg
.:iii:iP.giii *i:i :i
.:ii ,gi:ii its a big thick .:iggggggggggggggggggg
::iii .d ii: : ::i
.:::iiii ii. :
:::::iiiiissi: - flipped the Z :iii
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is that preview i sent arc-crew to see if they likes it... they said:
uhh... wasent exacly what we were looking for, use more :::iiIIii:::
- and i did
i told them: hey stay cool, when this ascii is finished it will rock ya..
- and it did
Dont rip this motha!
----------- KUT -------------------------------------------------------------
This pic was in the NiPS oldskool ascii pack..and i think its quite kewl..
No strip, no rip.. dont fucking touch this pic..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------i asked evilmaster if i could to a newskewl version of this and he said:
- oh kewl...
then i sent to preview ansi of it to him and he said:
my original ascii is still kewler..
- then i said: yeah sure :
// inphamilair iph siging off with greetings to evilmaster and the arc-crew!
. .illi:::. ------ ---------- :.:ii:ii::ii i
b. ** ***llib. arc - we all love it! ::iiiP .d
. ,*-**-*li:i : ---- -------.gggggggggi .
: ,iSSs,.ss, i: -- ::ilWi: i
i, :: i i i ....:::::::: :illWlli:
: a.4yP,: :::::::::::::: .ilWlii:.
i .ss-s,,sli : ::: :: ,iilWlii:i:.
: 4 iilii .i:iiWliii:::.
i llii ...:::::: i:*WWWiii:: .
i .,ssslli: ..:::::::: ,gs,WWliii:: i
i , llii. ::: .gi:i4i iWWWll:i :
i .:i:g.gggd ..ssi:isgP ggggggggggl:
si:i4ii.:ii::.iiii:ii:iii .i.ili
i::i:iiii::iiii:iili :: .i ggg g g l
ii:i*i Sgg iiiiii:iilil: .:i g ggi
i .:ilb.4i:ggi*i:ii:iiil . :.i gg :
ii: :iilib.4:iii. :. *::li :ii i
ii::i:llb, i:ii :::::.... .:i gggggggggggggggggi
ii::iil b. ii: ::::::::.. ::i .
i.:::iii ii. .:iilllli: .
.:.::::iiggi: move lightbarrr :i:lllii::: .
g. .d
and the elite lightbar goes here... or here.. - or there :
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is the finished version, i think it turnd out real good...
original ida and outlines by evilmasterspin and this kewl newskewl ascii
and colors version by me : inphamilairiphspin/arc
..i::.iggggg,... gggggggggggggggggggggg .gggggggggg.
.ig. g i:::ii::ii
** ***b. arc will be my death! 4P
,*-**-*: g gggggg .gggggggggg
,iSSs,.ss, : g ggggggggggggggg ::i.
:: i i i :iii
a.4yP,:: i changed this .ii.
.ss-s,,s : to.. ,:.
4 iii .i:iiiii:ii:.
i . i:i:ii::
.,sssi: .sS:ib.
ii ..ss.ss.si:i*i
...g....ggg. .iii:i::iP.g. d
siiS4i.:ii.iiiiii:ii :ii
i:ii:ii:iiii:i .:iiggg g g
i:ii ggggggg iiiii:i: :ii g gg
i: .iiigg:iP ,i*iiiii:i .i gg
.:iii:iP.giii *i:i :i
.:ii ,gi:ii its a big thick .:iggggggggggggggggggg
::iii .d ii: : ::i
.:::iiii ii. :
:::::iiiiissi: - flipped the Z :iii
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------this is that preview i sent arc-crew to see if they likes it... they said:
uhh... wasent exacly what we were looking for, use more :::iiIIii:::
- and i did
i told them: hey stay cool, when this ascii is finished it will rock ya..
- and it did
Dont rip this motha!
----------- KUT -------------------------------------------------------------
This pic was in the NiPS oldskool ascii pack..and i think its quite kewl..
No strip, no rip.. dont fucking touch this pic..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------i asked evilmaster if i could to a newskewl version of this and he said:
- oh kewl...
then i sent to preview ansi of it to him and he said:
my original ascii is still kewler..
- then i said: yeah sure :
// inphamilair iph siging off with greetings to evilmaster and the arc-crew!
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