this image contains text
if only ascii could be usefull in real life
inphamilair solopack 8
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intro hr skriver jag lite frord
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hiya, im back with another solo pack from me, i cant believe i
still are drawing those silly asciis, it must be all dudes on
irc and the bbs scene that inspires me. Nowaways i only draw
when i feel like it, and that isnt offen :
: its been over half an year since the last pack from me where
out but once again, im lazy.. isnt everyone else that too?
alot of things have happend, im still pumping my board here in
sweden, i got permanent inet connection and now workin on the
telnet nodes.
the scene hr sgar jag scenen
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ofcourse as we all know the ansi and ascii scene rox but the people
behind it SUX, i mean REALLY sux, no offence to people in impure, arc
and poffelipoff but the REST!!, their attitude sucks, instead of
: helping new ascii artists they ignore them, instead of look lame
: infront of other artist they kick-ban newbies with a newbie question
. not speaking about the activity in these channels, ok, i dont have
anything against efnet but the activity sux, i dont blame all of you
and i speak for my self too but atleast their should by SOMEONE to
answer a simple question. its cute how the asciipacks keeps coming
but dont expect it todo so, if everyone ignores all newbies how will
their be a new generation of asciipainters? you cant expect a 14 years
old kid growing up using the internet, using hotmail and writing cute
little messages in ICQ to his friend to draw ASCII?? hey, give him
aciddraw and he would say how do I quit this DOS shit?
and if he WOULD draw he would draw in a windows-frame, not in
fullscreen. you see, its only people like you and me who grew up
using the BBS-systems, looking at those fancy artworks and admire them,
and to call just to see those artworks again and maybe find out what the font says, who have that nice scene feeling in our body so we didnt
give up our ascii just becouse we sucked in the beginning...
..a final sentance... european ascii groups rox! most of them
the future? hr lser man om min framtiden
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this will be my last solo ascii pack, i nor have time or feel like
drawing ascii, nor old or newskool pictures, for those of you who
have been following me has noticed a quality difference thu the years
of drawing, look at my first pack.
they say ascii have no limits, well yes it has, ofcourse for a newbie
just started to draw ascii his or shes biggest dream ever is to
: draw those BIG FANCY HEADS that looks like REAL pictures in VGA-mode
: and they are SOO COOL, but, now when ive come this far that i CAN do
. these asciis it aint fun anymore, i dont have any more goals to reach
I drew a couple of BIGHEADS and got invited to one of the biggest ascii
groups at writing time, so what? i dont want some bitches to haunt me
every month wanting me todo QUALITY 4-6 hours of work art.
after ive released my official two last asciis in ARCs and
POFFELIPOFFs christmas packs you will not official see more of
my artwork in any pack again, those two asciis will be my last
times entering itpdraw yes i use itpdraw, it rox and you might
ask me, what will happend to your BBS? well, my board also needs
ascii, if it needs ascii i will draw for it, but i guess i can get
ascii support from the scene to my BBS, I have no plans yet to turn
off my BBS becouse it has becoming a part of me and my daily life
and still people seems to pop up on it, to play lords, download
some cool stuff and have a chat, very nostalgic and cool!!
and the telnet plans are not yet possible becouse of the bad ISP
here and the non-steady connection to the net.
in the future I will focus on making music instead, trying to join
some musicgroup and contribute with music on demoparties etc.
im just in the start of making music and i both see and hear that
i can improve alot so todo good music is my next challange and goal.
btw i will still take part of the ansi-contest if there are any on
demoparties just for the nostalgia of it and show my talent?
this pack hr berttar jag lite om detta packet
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, the quality is quite much better for every pack as you might
notice, ive also started to do more oldskool becouse oldskool
rox, its much harder todo oldskool and make it look good so its
another one of those challanges for me.
: ssixk how often do you draw pics?
ssixk that pic in genuine was really good.
ssixk i was wondering if youd want to join mimic for newschool.
iph ops
iph capslock
ssixk yes, really. It was good.
ssixk the one that was suppose to be meg ryan :
ssixk you got the lighting down perfectly pretty much.
iph :
iph can i get back to you? joining mimic is a big step for me true!
ssixk alright, no problem
iph ok, thats chill, take care
ssixk or just message me on irc
ssixk alright, you too :
wow, now the good part... i could join mimic!!, that means ive grown
from a scrubby little teenager trying to reach the top to the top
actually reaching me instead, that aint bad...
another good news would be i joined poffelipoff, the swedish ansi
group with ascii section just before mimic asked... well this resulted
that mimic didnt let there members be in 2 groups at the same time and
my inner moral told me not to leave plf as i wanted to support the
swedish art scene instead of joining some canadian group i dont know
any people in. so after a long time of think i said no to mimic
and after that we never spoke.
oh by the way, i joined impure-ascii where i release all my oldskool
asciis in, i dunno what happend to elevate i dont think im a member
there still...
and some smaller groups asked me if i wanted to join but im to lazy to
draw to soo many groups :
greetings folk som hller standard
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- darkman.xzip.dalt0n.purplee.evilmaster.mrf.rancor
other people: flexor.tekk.cascais.inkk.morrinth.shade.hellspawn.
: far most hated people in my point of view in the art scene:
. vader - attitude problem
crayoff - heavy attitude problem
derange - attitude problem
blkjack - attitude problem
sixxk - attitude problem
im pretty sure there is alot more people with attitude problems but
yet i havent met them.
group greet .arc.woe.imp.plf.goi.food.itc.bios.
details kanske ointressant fr de flesta
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ok, here are some very cute info of me most of you probably would skip
real name: michael
location: sweden, skne
date of birth: 81-01-31
studding: media, layout, journalist
computers used duing my ascii drawing years: ibm-8088xt, 286-sx-16mhz,
486-50mhz, cyrix-166mhz,
music style: psychedelic, goa, trance, acid
ascii tools: itpdraw, sauce-editor, thedraw
filemanager: far nc wincmd for ftp usage
playing: quake2, need for speed, hidden dangerous
likes todo with my puter: irc, music, gaming, 0day-curry, newsgroups
likes todo non-puter related: hang around with friends, get drunk etc.
contact n mig!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iph can be contacted via:
modem...: planet.vod +46-042-BiCEGiRLZ ask me for number
telnet..: not yet
: voicebox: +46 042-4908774 just dial and scream out your anger
: e-mail..: iphascii@hotmail.com iph@telia.com
homepage: www.pcmicro.com/iph
music...: www.mp3.com/iph
irc.....: efnet @ goa type: /msg iph hello
type: /msg iphidle hello
badlands bbs: 49-911-6959478 28k8 german hq
sysop: bad peon
homepage: i.am/badlands
as this is my last solo pack all distrubution boards will be unaffiled
and unofficial, delete my area of the board a put my packs in the rest
of the boards ascii packs... this counts badlands and several unofficial
boards here in sweden. thanks for the support guys!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah right, im evil, im big and im strong but that dosent help me
from rippers, so the only thing i can do is to rely on the moral
the scene holds... ehh??
: rips from my asciis small as big ones is stricly forbidden.
: you may contact iph if this happends...
you may look, you may learn but thats all...
signing off, inphamilair iph yy/mm/dd 99-11-03
iph c is a registered tm
inphamilair solopack 8
scroll down
intro hr skriver jag lite frord
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hiya, im back with another solo pack from me, i cant believe i
still are drawing those silly asciis, it must be all dudes on
irc and the bbs scene that inspires me. Nowaways i only draw
when i feel like it, and that isnt offen :
: its been over half an year since the last pack from me where
out but once again, im lazy.. isnt everyone else that too?
alot of things have happend, im still pumping my board here in
sweden, i got permanent inet connection and now workin on the
telnet nodes.
the scene hr sgar jag scenen
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ofcourse as we all know the ansi and ascii scene rox but the people
behind it SUX, i mean REALLY sux, no offence to people in impure, arc
and poffelipoff but the REST!!, their attitude sucks, instead of
: helping new ascii artists they ignore them, instead of look lame
: infront of other artist they kick-ban newbies with a newbie question
. not speaking about the activity in these channels, ok, i dont have
anything against efnet but the activity sux, i dont blame all of you
and i speak for my self too but atleast their should by SOMEONE to
answer a simple question. its cute how the asciipacks keeps coming
but dont expect it todo so, if everyone ignores all newbies how will
their be a new generation of asciipainters? you cant expect a 14 years
old kid growing up using the internet, using hotmail and writing cute
little messages in ICQ to his friend to draw ASCII?? hey, give him
aciddraw and he would say how do I quit this DOS shit?
and if he WOULD draw he would draw in a windows-frame, not in
fullscreen. you see, its only people like you and me who grew up
using the BBS-systems, looking at those fancy artworks and admire them,
and to call just to see those artworks again and maybe find out what the font says, who have that nice scene feeling in our body so we didnt
give up our ascii just becouse we sucked in the beginning...
..a final sentance... european ascii groups rox! most of them
the future? hr lser man om min framtiden
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this will be my last solo ascii pack, i nor have time or feel like
drawing ascii, nor old or newskool pictures, for those of you who
have been following me has noticed a quality difference thu the years
of drawing, look at my first pack.
they say ascii have no limits, well yes it has, ofcourse for a newbie
just started to draw ascii his or shes biggest dream ever is to
: draw those BIG FANCY HEADS that looks like REAL pictures in VGA-mode
: and they are SOO COOL, but, now when ive come this far that i CAN do
. these asciis it aint fun anymore, i dont have any more goals to reach
I drew a couple of BIGHEADS and got invited to one of the biggest ascii
groups at writing time, so what? i dont want some bitches to haunt me
every month wanting me todo QUALITY 4-6 hours of work art.
after ive released my official two last asciis in ARCs and
POFFELIPOFFs christmas packs you will not official see more of
my artwork in any pack again, those two asciis will be my last
times entering itpdraw yes i use itpdraw, it rox and you might
ask me, what will happend to your BBS? well, my board also needs
ascii, if it needs ascii i will draw for it, but i guess i can get
ascii support from the scene to my BBS, I have no plans yet to turn
off my BBS becouse it has becoming a part of me and my daily life
and still people seems to pop up on it, to play lords, download
some cool stuff and have a chat, very nostalgic and cool!!
and the telnet plans are not yet possible becouse of the bad ISP
here and the non-steady connection to the net.
in the future I will focus on making music instead, trying to join
some musicgroup and contribute with music on demoparties etc.
im just in the start of making music and i both see and hear that
i can improve alot so todo good music is my next challange and goal.
btw i will still take part of the ansi-contest if there are any on
demoparties just for the nostalgia of it and show my talent?
this pack hr berttar jag lite om detta packet
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok, the quality is quite much better for every pack as you might
notice, ive also started to do more oldskool becouse oldskool
rox, its much harder todo oldskool and make it look good so its
another one of those challanges for me.
: ssixk how often do you draw pics?
ssixk that pic in genuine was really good.
ssixk i was wondering if youd want to join mimic for newschool.
iph ops
iph capslock
ssixk yes, really. It was good.
ssixk the one that was suppose to be meg ryan :
ssixk you got the lighting down perfectly pretty much.
iph :
iph can i get back to you? joining mimic is a big step for me true!
ssixk alright, no problem
iph ok, thats chill, take care
ssixk or just message me on irc
ssixk alright, you too :
wow, now the good part... i could join mimic!!, that means ive grown
from a scrubby little teenager trying to reach the top to the top
actually reaching me instead, that aint bad...
another good news would be i joined poffelipoff, the swedish ansi
group with ascii section just before mimic asked... well this resulted
that mimic didnt let there members be in 2 groups at the same time and
my inner moral told me not to leave plf as i wanted to support the
swedish art scene instead of joining some canadian group i dont know
any people in. so after a long time of think i said no to mimic
and after that we never spoke.
oh by the way, i joined impure-ascii where i release all my oldskool
asciis in, i dunno what happend to elevate i dont think im a member
there still...
and some smaller groups asked me if i wanted to join but im to lazy to
draw to soo many groups :
greetings folk som hller standard
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- darkman.xzip.dalt0n.purplee.evilmaster.mrf.rancor
other people: flexor.tekk.cascais.inkk.morrinth.shade.hellspawn.
: far most hated people in my point of view in the art scene:
. vader - attitude problem
crayoff - heavy attitude problem
derange - attitude problem
blkjack - attitude problem
sixxk - attitude problem
im pretty sure there is alot more people with attitude problems but
yet i havent met them.
group greet .arc.woe.imp.plf.goi.food.itc.bios.
details kanske ointressant fr de flesta
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ok, here are some very cute info of me most of you probably would skip
real name: michael
location: sweden, skne
date of birth: 81-01-31
studding: media, layout, journalist
computers used duing my ascii drawing years: ibm-8088xt, 286-sx-16mhz,
486-50mhz, cyrix-166mhz,
music style: psychedelic, goa, trance, acid
ascii tools: itpdraw, sauce-editor, thedraw
filemanager: far nc wincmd for ftp usage
playing: quake2, need for speed, hidden dangerous
likes todo with my puter: irc, music, gaming, 0day-curry, newsgroups
likes todo non-puter related: hang around with friends, get drunk etc.
contact n mig!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iph can be contacted via:
modem...: planet.vod +46-042-BiCEGiRLZ ask me for number
telnet..: not yet
: voicebox: +46 042-4908774 just dial and scream out your anger
: e-mail..: iphascii@hotmail.com iph@telia.com
homepage: www.pcmicro.com/iph
music...: www.mp3.com/iph
irc.....: efnet @ goa type: /msg iph hello
type: /msg iphidle hello
badlands bbs: 49-911-6959478 28k8 german hq
sysop: bad peon
homepage: i.am/badlands
as this is my last solo pack all distrubution boards will be unaffiled
and unofficial, delete my area of the board a put my packs in the rest
of the boards ascii packs... this counts badlands and several unofficial
boards here in sweden. thanks for the support guys!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah right, im evil, im big and im strong but that dosent help me
from rippers, so the only thing i can do is to rely on the moral
the scene holds... ehh??
: rips from my asciis small as big ones is stricly forbidden.
: you may contact iph if this happends...
you may look, you may learn but thats all...
signing off, inphamilair iph yy/mm/dd 99-11-03
iph c is a registered tm
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