this image contains text
frg 7
.:SSsss . ..1998
..inphamilair iph .:SSsssi
.:i il.:SSsss
.:l.: :ii
.: :i4bsiln4sss
.4bs :i
..1 year anniversary ..iph-006
please, keep remind me on how damn good i am
hellow fellas, fanclub, all newbies, every damn ph33rin 3lit3 or lamer, iph
and his newskewl ascii style has returnd with this small ascii-paq to
cellbrate iph-ascii - 1 year in the ascii scene - 1 year anniversary...
this year has been good to me
... intro :
iph is a strange name, iph is NOT a ascii group name, its only me iph.
iph can be announced in several ways, a little joke that have gone over
me the latest 4-5 months is that theyr very found to say here in sweden
iiiipheee, it sound shit, tell me about, but.. shit happends when you
get to know alot of more or less strange ppl.
iph is known as iph, and not inphamilair, every1 knows who iph is but
when you say inphamilair announc: infamilar now1 seems to care... but
the plumm alittle and say, ive heard it, some place... maybe another life?
well, the facts *is* that inphamilair *is* the same as iph, just as you
know that now.
1 year is quite mush, i have released 6 packs, approx. 122 ansi ascii pix
2 jpg pix well, the pixs on me but, hey? i still have ansi ascii pix
spread over my whole hardisk and network that you Folks never have seen and
probably never gonna see either. 122 ans/asc * 2-3 hrz is MUSH!!! so theres
gone alot of time of my life just sitting those late dark nights drawing pix
for my self and people i know. Listening to trance and goa rave/tekkno and
phukkin my ps/2 keybrd on my good ol 486.
People had come - people have left, in the end it seems only that iph is
still standing, straight!
ill maybe have told ya folks before why i REALLY got my self together and
draw, but i can just as well say it again.
i was, like every other fjortis lamer a ripper of ansi-pictures from
ansi packs, made them up, removed the tag of the author and used them
on my board, i mostly ripped pictures from instinct bbs-ware becouse they
roooled, atleast i thought that. well, one happy day a member of instinct
called my board and saw all these rips ill made. and suddenly i have the
who instinct itc crew all over my board trying to hack it, doing every
thing to get it down, later on i spoke to one of the artist in itc and ill
collected my mind together and started to draw MY OWN PICTUES!!
At first it didnt look nice, well, alittle, but when i look back to the
iph-001 today ill almost laught myself to death but i got bether and
I got alot of GOOD respons from users at my board thanx guys! i only
got bether and bether, released 1 ascii pack after the other and suddenly
im here... and you also, becouse no1 is SO stupid that he is still reading
this shit, it must be QUITE intresting? - yeah! - the story of my life...
... iph-ascii 006 intro :
well, this pack rulez! JUST LOOK AT IT!! godammit
i have a tip: get some coke from the fridge, turn on some kewl music that
you like goa ofcourse sit back - relax - enjoy and let the slideshow
lightup your mind, your room and your inner thoughts... learn baby - learn!
87 of the pictures are from 1998, and uhh... 13 ? some ol once..
hasent it been for the GOOD RESPONS from folks around the globe and
local people i maybe havet made it to 006, not even 005..or 4 ?
anyway, i made alot of pictures free-4-e-mail and ive already noticed
e-mail cumming in asking if i could use this ascii for bla bla bla....
thanx for asking and not ripping...u can use it! without changes
yeah... huhu..
... fl0pp e-maggie :
the line was busy - try again later...
you know what i mean
hey, I removed all fonts from my windows 95, now the whole shit looks weird
... run Monty, run!! - yeah, Rob Hubbard rooowlez! :
you have to admit it, ascii people ARE kinda strange, most of them i met are
*also* doing graffiti in real life but i dont :
alot of them from USA atleast are skaters and listen to hardrock or Punk
witch i dont : many of them atleast in efnets channel ascii are not
very found to meet new people, and offen reject them - But i dont :
well, atleast we have one thing incommen, a s c i i
sorry for my bad english, if you are a editor/writer for a e-mag and want
to publish this quote into your mag please, do it, but check the spelling
first :...
yep, the jpg-pic is on me :, who tha fuqq carez anyway? :
damn im good-looking : its like a fucking drug,..
... ending parts :
Greetings fleezes to: darkman, dalt0n, xzip, darkfate, acid*.*
nightzero, zerocool, evilmaster, elflord
rancor, fallen angel, klefz, stealth?
arx, zalza, mr.f, corrupt, tesox, rob h. :
every1 who thinks they know me, every damn
one who calls vOD BBS..!!!
...and the crew from these groups:
digital revolution, infidels, alphaforce
the outlaws, remorse/noname/aqua-ascii
morbid minds, the alternative creators
khrome???are you home? inside-ascii
hoax-ansi, plf-music divsion, dic
and forgotten/narqed once...
...contact inphamilair iPH :
the easy way: tHE vALLEY oF dEATH BBS: 042-160700 sweden
you can find iph-ascii 1-5 there!, and me
the hard way: try find me on iRC efnet ofcourse / ascii / sweart
or find out where i live
homepage....: http://home.bip.net/iph-ascii
this not some lame homepage, its 100 pure ascii art!
affiled with: digital revolution, fl0ppprez, infidels, alphaforce
ps. if was supose to have some distro board here from germany
but i lost the whole mail/letter, anyway, it was a 3 node bbs :
i cant remember anything the dude i met sead : please mail me again
...phuture plans :
argh!! you wont here from me in a while now, im taking an vaication for
the summer, maybe ill see you in a couple of months or to the authum.
until that - take care... mail me :
......signing off, inphamilair iPH 1998.....
ripping ansis or asciis - small as big once, or just even parts are stricly
forbidden! You may contact me if you have any questions around this.
Reserverat fr eventulle stavfel fan begr du, jag e schwensk!
You may look, you may even learn, and you *will* show them to your friends
but thats all!
.:SSsss . ..1998
..inphamilair iph .:SSsssi
.:i il.:SSsss
.:l.: :ii
.: :i4bsiln4sss
.4bs :i
..1 year anniversary ..iph-006
please, keep remind me on how damn good i am
hellow fellas, fanclub, all newbies, every damn ph33rin 3lit3 or lamer, iph
and his newskewl ascii style has returnd with this small ascii-paq to
cellbrate iph-ascii - 1 year in the ascii scene - 1 year anniversary...
this year has been good to me
... intro :
iph is a strange name, iph is NOT a ascii group name, its only me iph.
iph can be announced in several ways, a little joke that have gone over
me the latest 4-5 months is that theyr very found to say here in sweden
iiiipheee, it sound shit, tell me about, but.. shit happends when you
get to know alot of more or less strange ppl.
iph is known as iph, and not inphamilair, every1 knows who iph is but
when you say inphamilair announc: infamilar now1 seems to care... but
the plumm alittle and say, ive heard it, some place... maybe another life?
well, the facts *is* that inphamilair *is* the same as iph, just as you
know that now.
1 year is quite mush, i have released 6 packs, approx. 122 ansi ascii pix
2 jpg pix well, the pixs on me but, hey? i still have ansi ascii pix
spread over my whole hardisk and network that you Folks never have seen and
probably never gonna see either. 122 ans/asc * 2-3 hrz is MUSH!!! so theres
gone alot of time of my life just sitting those late dark nights drawing pix
for my self and people i know. Listening to trance and goa rave/tekkno and
phukkin my ps/2 keybrd on my good ol 486.
People had come - people have left, in the end it seems only that iph is
still standing, straight!
ill maybe have told ya folks before why i REALLY got my self together and
draw, but i can just as well say it again.
i was, like every other fjortis lamer a ripper of ansi-pictures from
ansi packs, made them up, removed the tag of the author and used them
on my board, i mostly ripped pictures from instinct bbs-ware becouse they
roooled, atleast i thought that. well, one happy day a member of instinct
called my board and saw all these rips ill made. and suddenly i have the
who instinct itc crew all over my board trying to hack it, doing every
thing to get it down, later on i spoke to one of the artist in itc and ill
collected my mind together and started to draw MY OWN PICTUES!!
At first it didnt look nice, well, alittle, but when i look back to the
iph-001 today ill almost laught myself to death but i got bether and
I got alot of GOOD respons from users at my board thanx guys! i only
got bether and bether, released 1 ascii pack after the other and suddenly
im here... and you also, becouse no1 is SO stupid that he is still reading
this shit, it must be QUITE intresting? - yeah! - the story of my life...
... iph-ascii 006 intro :
well, this pack rulez! JUST LOOK AT IT!! godammit
i have a tip: get some coke from the fridge, turn on some kewl music that
you like goa ofcourse sit back - relax - enjoy and let the slideshow
lightup your mind, your room and your inner thoughts... learn baby - learn!
87 of the pictures are from 1998, and uhh... 13 ? some ol once..
hasent it been for the GOOD RESPONS from folks around the globe and
local people i maybe havet made it to 006, not even 005..or 4 ?
anyway, i made alot of pictures free-4-e-mail and ive already noticed
e-mail cumming in asking if i could use this ascii for bla bla bla....
thanx for asking and not ripping...u can use it! without changes
yeah... huhu..
... fl0pp e-maggie :
the line was busy - try again later...
you know what i mean
hey, I removed all fonts from my windows 95, now the whole shit looks weird
... run Monty, run!! - yeah, Rob Hubbard rooowlez! :
you have to admit it, ascii people ARE kinda strange, most of them i met are
*also* doing graffiti in real life but i dont :
alot of them from USA atleast are skaters and listen to hardrock or Punk
witch i dont : many of them atleast in efnets channel ascii are not
very found to meet new people, and offen reject them - But i dont :
well, atleast we have one thing incommen, a s c i i
sorry for my bad english, if you are a editor/writer for a e-mag and want
to publish this quote into your mag please, do it, but check the spelling
first :...
yep, the jpg-pic is on me :, who tha fuqq carez anyway? :
damn im good-looking : its like a fucking drug,..
... ending parts :
Greetings fleezes to: darkman, dalt0n, xzip, darkfate, acid*.*
nightzero, zerocool, evilmaster, elflord
rancor, fallen angel, klefz, stealth?
arx, zalza, mr.f, corrupt, tesox, rob h. :
every1 who thinks they know me, every damn
one who calls vOD BBS..!!!
...and the crew from these groups:
digital revolution, infidels, alphaforce
the outlaws, remorse/noname/aqua-ascii
morbid minds, the alternative creators
khrome???are you home? inside-ascii
hoax-ansi, plf-music divsion, dic
and forgotten/narqed once...
...contact inphamilair iPH :
the easy way: tHE vALLEY oF dEATH BBS: 042-160700 sweden
you can find iph-ascii 1-5 there!, and me
the hard way: try find me on iRC efnet ofcourse / ascii / sweart
or find out where i live
homepage....: http://home.bip.net/iph-ascii
this not some lame homepage, its 100 pure ascii art!
affiled with: digital revolution, fl0ppprez, infidels, alphaforce
ps. if was supose to have some distro board here from germany
but i lost the whole mail/letter, anyway, it was a 3 node bbs :
i cant remember anything the dude i met sead : please mail me again
...phuture plans :
argh!! you wont here from me in a while now, im taking an vaication for
the summer, maybe ill see you in a couple of months or to the authum.
until that - take care... mail me :
......signing off, inphamilair iPH 1998.....
ripping ansis or asciis - small as big once, or just even parts are stricly
forbidden! You may contact me if you have any questions around this.
Reserverat fr eventulle stavfel fan begr du, jag e schwensk!
You may look, you may even learn, and you *will* show them to your friends
but thats all!
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