this image contains text
,. sssszzzzmmmzzzzzsssmmzs.
. P Vi
. i ii
.:i l l
. iss.:s .i .
b i
b, .
i bsd i.
iPH .
.ss..s b
i, .
bmzzszmsmssdbmmssssss bsssssmd.
F o r t K n o x .
oh, just a little logo to my dear friend NightZero, and to maybe be used
on hes board Fort Knox,..--.-.-..-.
ascii the only tool we have to use...
ascii-mini-logo by inphamilair, e-mail: v0d@hotmail.com
. P Vi
. i ii
.:i l l
. iss.:s .i .
b i
b, .
i bsd i.
iPH .
.ss..s b
i, .
bmzzszmsmssdbmmssssss bsssssmd.
F o r t K n o x .
oh, just a little logo to my dear friend NightZero, and to maybe be used
on hes board Fort Knox,..--.-.-..-.
ascii the only tool we have to use...
ascii-mini-logo by inphamilair, e-mail: v0d@hotmail.com
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