this image contains text
enter into a new world
two worlds, contained in one
side by side law and disorder
wound into one,
in the land of rape and honey.. .
one world of corruption
evil powers, pilfering at will
ordering the murders
of young and old,
in the land of rape.. .
one world of fulfillment
freedom to all, without the evil ways
ways of the old, ways of corruption
no longer contained here,
here in the land of honey.. .
two worlds on the contrary
living on the brink of destruction
never the two intertwine
until one fateful day
in the land of rape and honey.. .
-- edicius cia
t h e l a n d o f
a n d
the land of rape and honey - ops: rattle - 609 698 1358
this ansi was done by eerie from integrity
the jungle queen ripped from the maxx something
c sam kieth.. the comic book pimpdad
for those who might be interested in knowing about it, this ansiwas made in
january 1995 and was first intended to be released in the 02/95 union pack. but
then i dropped union for acid so i added an acid header instead. however, it
did NOT make the 02/95 acquisition cuz radman thought it wasnt good enough. and
then i quit acid to form spastic studios, but since the ansi was getting kinda
old i decided not to release it and i did another one for tlorah 33-rape2.ans,
in spas9503.zip. and now were in july 1995 and i still love the ansi, but i
have to admit the original shading was 100 sucky. so i changed the shading and
the colors and tadah, its there. oh, and i did a new font too. so there. just
felt like saying this for whom this may concern . -- 33-man
two worlds, contained in one
side by side law and disorder
wound into one,
in the land of rape and honey.. .
one world of corruption
evil powers, pilfering at will
ordering the murders
of young and old,
in the land of rape.. .
one world of fulfillment
freedom to all, without the evil ways
ways of the old, ways of corruption
no longer contained here,
here in the land of honey.. .
two worlds on the contrary
living on the brink of destruction
never the two intertwine
until one fateful day
in the land of rape and honey.. .
-- edicius cia
t h e l a n d o f
a n d
the land of rape and honey - ops: rattle - 609 698 1358
this ansi was done by eerie from integrity
the jungle queen ripped from the maxx something
c sam kieth.. the comic book pimpdad
for those who might be interested in knowing about it, this ansiwas made in
january 1995 and was first intended to be released in the 02/95 union pack. but
then i dropped union for acid so i added an acid header instead. however, it
did NOT make the 02/95 acquisition cuz radman thought it wasnt good enough. and
then i quit acid to form spastic studios, but since the ansi was getting kinda
old i decided not to release it and i did another one for tlorah 33-rape2.ans,
in spas9503.zip. and now were in july 1995 and i still love the ansi, but i
have to admit the original shading was 100 sucky. so i changed the shading and
the colors and tadah, its there. oh, and i did a new font too. so there. just
felt like saying this for whom this may concern . -- 33-man
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