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sorry DF, just had to steal your header. :
Since this is my first Integrity release,
greetz go out to all the Int boyhz, plus my
pals DeathStroke, Sabby, and Drax. Enjoy...
This has been a joint ansi between Splint and Darkforce of Integrity for CDi, Splints board. Just wanted to welcome Splint to the family, and hope he sees what all of the members of Integrity see: a stable, friendly, high quality circle of artists.
Since this is my first Integrity release,
greetz go out to all the Int boyhz, plus my
pals DeathStroke, Sabby, and Drax. Enjoy...
This has been a joint ansi between Splint and Darkforce of Integrity for CDi, Splints board. Just wanted to welcome Splint to the family, and hope he sees what all of the members of Integrity see: a stable, friendly, high quality circle of artists.
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