this image contains text
Darkforce of Integ
rity presents...Salems Lot
This Ansi isthe Healt
h and Welfare Canadas worst
nightmare. Smoking is good for yo
u. The Surgeon
General is liar. Smoke up
. All of you. DuMaurier,
boro, Players, Benson and Hedges, what ever.
Salems Lot - 604 59
9-9269 Sysop: Helter
Mist Affiliate / Shiver Affiliate
Ansi by Darkforce of Integrity
/ March 1995
rity presents...Salems Lot
This Ansi isthe Healt
h and Welfare Canadas worst
nightmare. Smoking is good for yo
u. The Surgeon
General is liar. Smoke up
. All of you. DuMaurier,
boro, Players, Benson and Hedges, what ever.
Salems Lot - 604 59
9-9269 Sysop: Helter
Mist Affiliate / Shiver Affiliate
Ansi by Darkforce of Integrity
/ March 1995
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