,SM 2.5 GigabyteS OnlinE!
ss. 3 NodeS AT OnE TimE!
, RunninG PCBoarD!
, . CalL IT IF YoU ArE SmarT
ss. s BuT DonT CalL IT IF YoU ArE
::. A DumB-AsS, UnlesS YoU R A
::. CooL DumB-AsS!
ssi. s ssss::::
.,s@SS@a,. .,s@SS@s,.
orrupteD SS.ocietY
um... cryptic wanted me to do an ad for a board called corrupted society.... so
here it is i guess... this pic kinda sux if you askme askme! haha get it? asci
askme?! ahh.. stupid joke but oh well... im gettin better at asky i guess...
oh yeah... most artists say that if you want an ad done for yer board by them,
contact them or somethin... well... you can contact me if you want, but chances
are, i wont do it, unless you REALLY beg me, cause i am not much of an artist,
i am a bbs modder, besides, im not THAT good, am i?
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