this image contains text
/ innate issue o4
/ Y Y / Y / Y Y
.- words ----- o8.11.o3
new pack, new works. less than in previous issue,
but it still our works.
with left us. thanks for your colaboration in
makin innate, with.
in this issue weve one newschool guest work from
jashiin/mimic. i like your ns style. thats why
i had done exception
and weve next collection from our label
inn-hole.txt. made by me poise. check it out.
.- members -----
pOs! poise ............................ nkr@wp.pl
an annie ............... janne@rocketscience.fi
krs krs .......................... krs@netbox.pl
zw szwagier .......... szwagiero@poczta.onet.pl
tG! thung ...................... thung@cyb3r.org
twr twister .................... twister13@wp.pl
--left- with .......................... with@go2.pl
jn jashiin/mimic ........................ guest
.- join us -----
if you want to be a part of innate, send your
example asciis to leaders mail at nkr@wp.pl
guest arts are welcome.
remember! were pure oldschool ascii group, so we
accept only that kind of art.
.- credits -----
all ascii by thung/innate.
copyright by innate ascii c 2oo3.
/ Y Y / Y / Y Y
.- words ----- o8.11.o3
new pack, new works. less than in previous issue,
but it still our works.
with left us. thanks for your colaboration in
makin innate, with.
in this issue weve one newschool guest work from
jashiin/mimic. i like your ns style. thats why
i had done exception
and weve next collection from our label
inn-hole.txt. made by me poise. check it out.
.- members -----
pOs! poise ............................ nkr@wp.pl
an annie ............... janne@rocketscience.fi
krs krs .......................... krs@netbox.pl
zw szwagier .......... szwagiero@poczta.onet.pl
tG! thung ...................... thung@cyb3r.org
twr twister .................... twister13@wp.pl
--left- with .......................... with@go2.pl
jn jashiin/mimic ........................ guest
.- join us -----
if you want to be a part of innate, send your
example asciis to leaders mail at nkr@wp.pl
guest arts are welcome.
remember! were pure oldschool ascii group, so we
accept only that kind of art.
.- credits -----
all ascii by thung/innate.
copyright by innate ascii c 2oo3.
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