this image contains text
/ / f i r s t .
i n n a t e pOs!// /
---- f e w w o r d s ---------------- -
hi. ya reached new oldschoolish ascii pack with lot of great ascii
goodies. our crew is called iNNATE, and if it goes about ascii, we
doin it only in oldschool style. so, dont lookin for other
styles in our packs.
we tried to do it as best as we can, and well try it further.
we dont care about money or big fame we do it for our and
yours pleasure. ascii is our way to satisfy people like ya and if
well see one smile of satisfaction on your face at least, well
do more packs. nah... im kiddin, well do it without your
in this pack weve one .gif piece from krs. i think that one pic
like that isnt too dangerous to our oldschool image
ok. its all news for this pack.
---- m e m b e r s ------------------- -
pOs! poise ........... founder ....................... nkr@wp.pl
an annie ............ artist ...... janne.toivanen@kolumbus.fi
krs krs .............. artist ................... krs@netbox.pl
zw szwagier ......... artist ........ szwagiero@poczta.onet.pl
tG! thung ............ artist ................. thung@cyb3r.org
twr twister .......... artist ................. twister13@wp.pl
uif with ............. artist ..................... with@go2.pl
---- j o i n u s -------------------- -
if you feel that pressure in your head...
when somethin says you about your awesome skillz...
and when your pet lookin at your ascii about one hour...
e x p r e s s y o u r s e l f . j o i n t o o u r c r e w .
if you want to be a part of innate, send your example asciis to
mail at nkr@wp.pl . guest arts are welcome.
remember - were pure oldschool ascii group, so we accept only
that kind of art.
---- c r e d i t s ------------------- -
all ascii design by poise/innate.
copyright by innate ascii c 2oo3.
i n n a t e pOs!// /
---- f e w w o r d s ---------------- -
hi. ya reached new oldschoolish ascii pack with lot of great ascii
goodies. our crew is called iNNATE, and if it goes about ascii, we
doin it only in oldschool style. so, dont lookin for other
styles in our packs.
we tried to do it as best as we can, and well try it further.
we dont care about money or big fame we do it for our and
yours pleasure. ascii is our way to satisfy people like ya and if
well see one smile of satisfaction on your face at least, well
do more packs. nah... im kiddin, well do it without your
in this pack weve one .gif piece from krs. i think that one pic
like that isnt too dangerous to our oldschool image
ok. its all news for this pack.
---- m e m b e r s ------------------- -
pOs! poise ........... founder ....................... nkr@wp.pl
an annie ............ artist ...... janne.toivanen@kolumbus.fi
krs krs .............. artist ................... krs@netbox.pl
zw szwagier ......... artist ........ szwagiero@poczta.onet.pl
tG! thung ............ artist ................. thung@cyb3r.org
twr twister .......... artist ................. twister13@wp.pl
uif with ............. artist ..................... with@go2.pl
---- j o i n u s -------------------- -
if you feel that pressure in your head...
when somethin says you about your awesome skillz...
and when your pet lookin at your ascii about one hour...
e x p r e s s y o u r s e l f . j o i n t o o u r c r e w .
if you want to be a part of innate, send your example asciis to
mail at nkr@wp.pl . guest arts are welcome.
remember - were pure oldschool ascii group, so we accept only
that kind of art.
---- c r e d i t s ------------------- -
all ascii design by poise/innate.
copyright by innate ascii c 2oo3.
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