this image contains text
t h e
infectiouss monthly
newsletter for the
desperatly ill.
October 1996
Straight from the center for disease control:
Hey there, Motherfucker. Were back. and there isnt anything you can
do about it. The fucked up children of the infected are releasing again. Now
were embracing our true roots. Were not limiting ourselves to just art.
Were still doing art, but were also doing coding, music, bbs Mods, and mabey
even a little expiramentation with telco and security. Its what weve always
done, but we were never public about it, because we were always just artists.
were a little more creative than that. For example, take a look at this seriouskoding ability:
REM potato 95. The latest in tuber operating systems.
print see infectious
print see infectious release
print see basic program
print see basic program run
print good basic program
print see basic instructor
print see basic instructor run
print see basic instructor fall
print poor basic instructor
print see basic class cheer
print happy basic class
Move over future crew, here comes infectious. Yeah, right. After
Rage reads this, hell probably want to kill me. But seriously, weve got some
things in the works. Included in this months pack is an EARLIE beta for
IV, Infectious view. Please keep in mind its missing things like custome screensand support for alot of goodies, but were releasing it anyways so we can wet
your appetite for future releases. Speaking of future releases, another project
in the works is something caled EOS, better known as Ereet operating system.
Its going to give you boring old dos an attitude, especially those of you
limited to the confines of a microsoft product. Everyone here at the
center for disease control uses Bovine Systems / 2 and Linux. Its looking
pretty cool, with alot of configurability involved as well, to allow the user tocustomise for his or her desire. And yet another thing we have is an infectious
application generator. the koding is all set, we just have to get off our lazy
asses and give it an interface. But I thought it was pretty spiffy anyways so
I included it in this months release. Dont you just -love- beta releases?
Kudos to Rage.
Oh, yes. Brainrot. Brainrot is our, ahem, brainchild. It is to be the
largest Art board in the arecode, hands down. Hell, it already is, without
even being open to the public. It will be loaded with T-philes ranging from
cDc hoe to the more technical workings of Leigon of Doom and Phrack Magizine,
and Artpacks dating back to the golden age of art with groups like integredy,
shiver, union, to the very current Apathy, Fire, and iCe. Isnt it just spiffy?
and there is a catch, which most of the people in the 603 are would hate to
hear. The users on this new Jerusalem of bulliten boards will not suck. Mr.
I just got a modem and Im ready to surf cyberspace will not be tollerated.
Nor will the 31331 .ar3Z d00d. And finally, the I just watched Hackers and
now Im the best hacker on the face of the earth cause I can rollerblade and
type on a laptop at the same time. Sorry, lamers. Well, not really.
Oh, yeah.. I thouhgt I should say I had about .S3Ms in the works, but
I ran out of time, so they were never finished, The only one that was even
close to finished I forced into a finished form. Im not exactly happy with it,
But I felt I should get at least one thing out, as far as music goes. I also
have an ansi in the works, which is also almost finished, but Due to time
contraints, it will be in next months pack as well. Speaking of which, Ill
go into some of our goals for next months pack:
Black Tyde- Finish of some of the crap Ive been working on
Rage- Incorperate bunches of new things into the new proggies..
Cygnus- Looking into PCB and Nexus/2 Modding
Matrix Iscariot- Actually submit something before he is severly beaten.
Mercury Fear- Not to work too hard at his new job
and most importantly......
Get more members!
There are also future plans of an Echo net going up, and it will be
run exclusively by myself and my appointees, to avoid another disaster like
what happened to plaguenet. It will probably be called either SLAVEnet, or
HOLOCOUSTnet. I havent deside which yet. And there will be very few foreums...
only around 5 or so. The whole purpose behind this is to keep the net active,
so it doesnt drown it self in sub-sections. Also, it will be strictly
moderated, and, because of that, It will be open to the public. We wont have
to worry about the degregation of quality, because of the fact that if you are
off topic, or annoying, youll get 1 warning, then youll be banned. This way,
all of us will be able to communicate, and not have to worry about finding a
non-lame board to carry it. If you have any suggestions, email me.
Greets, coments, and whatever.
Manic Deppression - and then they fucked like bunnies!
Le Prete De Voyou - yo my gimp!
Filth - errr, Filth!
Mighty Mouse - love the signature
Languid - youve come out of the closet for good?
Morbus - The Mcphreak delux - only 3.99
Madd Maxx - The Maddest In Nashua.. Accept no substitute except spam.
Black Maiden - Which way did you go, you heavy metal girlie?
The Man in Black - Where the fuck -are- you?
Deth Veggie - good luck in Sanfran...
P Floyd - Wheres my fucking dimebag?
.phear us.
infectiouss monthly
newsletter for the
desperatly ill.
October 1996
Straight from the center for disease control:
Hey there, Motherfucker. Were back. and there isnt anything you can
do about it. The fucked up children of the infected are releasing again. Now
were embracing our true roots. Were not limiting ourselves to just art.
Were still doing art, but were also doing coding, music, bbs Mods, and mabey
even a little expiramentation with telco and security. Its what weve always
done, but we were never public about it, because we were always just artists.
were a little more creative than that. For example, take a look at this seriouskoding ability:
REM potato 95. The latest in tuber operating systems.
print see infectious
print see infectious release
print see basic program
print see basic program run
print good basic program
print see basic instructor
print see basic instructor run
print see basic instructor fall
print poor basic instructor
print see basic class cheer
print happy basic class
Move over future crew, here comes infectious. Yeah, right. After
Rage reads this, hell probably want to kill me. But seriously, weve got some
things in the works. Included in this months pack is an EARLIE beta for
IV, Infectious view. Please keep in mind its missing things like custome screensand support for alot of goodies, but were releasing it anyways so we can wet
your appetite for future releases. Speaking of future releases, another project
in the works is something caled EOS, better known as Ereet operating system.
Its going to give you boring old dos an attitude, especially those of you
limited to the confines of a microsoft product. Everyone here at the
center for disease control uses Bovine Systems / 2 and Linux. Its looking
pretty cool, with alot of configurability involved as well, to allow the user tocustomise for his or her desire. And yet another thing we have is an infectious
application generator. the koding is all set, we just have to get off our lazy
asses and give it an interface. But I thought it was pretty spiffy anyways so
I included it in this months release. Dont you just -love- beta releases?
Kudos to Rage.
Oh, yes. Brainrot. Brainrot is our, ahem, brainchild. It is to be the
largest Art board in the arecode, hands down. Hell, it already is, without
even being open to the public. It will be loaded with T-philes ranging from
cDc hoe to the more technical workings of Leigon of Doom and Phrack Magizine,
and Artpacks dating back to the golden age of art with groups like integredy,
shiver, union, to the very current Apathy, Fire, and iCe. Isnt it just spiffy?
and there is a catch, which most of the people in the 603 are would hate to
hear. The users on this new Jerusalem of bulliten boards will not suck. Mr.
I just got a modem and Im ready to surf cyberspace will not be tollerated.
Nor will the 31331 .ar3Z d00d. And finally, the I just watched Hackers and
now Im the best hacker on the face of the earth cause I can rollerblade and
type on a laptop at the same time. Sorry, lamers. Well, not really.
Oh, yeah.. I thouhgt I should say I had about .S3Ms in the works, but
I ran out of time, so they were never finished, The only one that was even
close to finished I forced into a finished form. Im not exactly happy with it,
But I felt I should get at least one thing out, as far as music goes. I also
have an ansi in the works, which is also almost finished, but Due to time
contraints, it will be in next months pack as well. Speaking of which, Ill
go into some of our goals for next months pack:
Black Tyde- Finish of some of the crap Ive been working on
Rage- Incorperate bunches of new things into the new proggies..
Cygnus- Looking into PCB and Nexus/2 Modding
Matrix Iscariot- Actually submit something before he is severly beaten.
Mercury Fear- Not to work too hard at his new job
and most importantly......
Get more members!
There are also future plans of an Echo net going up, and it will be
run exclusively by myself and my appointees, to avoid another disaster like
what happened to plaguenet. It will probably be called either SLAVEnet, or
HOLOCOUSTnet. I havent deside which yet. And there will be very few foreums...
only around 5 or so. The whole purpose behind this is to keep the net active,
so it doesnt drown it self in sub-sections. Also, it will be strictly
moderated, and, because of that, It will be open to the public. We wont have
to worry about the degregation of quality, because of the fact that if you are
off topic, or annoying, youll get 1 warning, then youll be banned. This way,
all of us will be able to communicate, and not have to worry about finding a
non-lame board to carry it. If you have any suggestions, email me.
Greets, coments, and whatever.
Manic Deppression - and then they fucked like bunnies!
Le Prete De Voyou - yo my gimp!
Filth - errr, Filth!
Mighty Mouse - love the signature
Languid - youve come out of the closet for good?
Morbus - The Mcphreak delux - only 3.99
Madd Maxx - The Maddest In Nashua.. Accept no substitute except spam.
Black Maiden - Which way did you go, you heavy metal girlie?
The Man in Black - Where the fuck -are- you?
Deth Veggie - good luck in Sanfran...
P Floyd - Wheres my fucking dimebag?
.phear us.
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