this image contains text
IND1193.NFO : About this months release pack
BB-DIS.IND : A boom-boom ansi for Discordia Magazine
AV-IND01.IND : Absolut Vixens first Poetic ansi for IND
EC-ABB.IND : Eclipse ansi for Abbadon
EC-SOE.IND : Eclipses State of Euphoria ad
EC-PSY.IND : Eclipse ansi for Psychotic Explosions
DD-HYCU.IND : Dark Deceptions ansi for his band
DD-INV.IND : Dark Deceptions ansi Invasion
DD-IND.IND : Dark Deceptions IND Logo
DD-IND2.IND : Dark Deceptions second IND Logo
DD-GEH.IND : Dark Deceptions Gehenna Logo
TS-CH.IND : Toads Choatic Hysteria ad
BB-PRO.IND : boom-booms prototype ad
MPMUERT.IND : Major Perverts Muerte ad
LUC-EN4.IND : Lucifers ansi for Enigma/IND WHQ
TS-IND2.IND : Toads Second IND Logo
TS-IND1.IND : Toads IND Logo
BB-IND.IND : boom-booms attempt at an IND Logo
LUC-GODS.IND : Lucifer does a quick FILEID
TS-IND3.IND : Toads Third IND Logo
DD-IND3.IND : Dark Deceptions Third IND Logo there racing
BB-DEL.IND : boom-booms delerium ansi
LUC-DIS.IND : Lucifers discordia Logo
LUC-UKN.IND : Lucifers UNKNOWN couriers Logo
MP-AD1.IND : Major Perverts IND Ad
SM-CCi.IND : Sandman Infoform for CCi access for Enigma
TH-BUGS.IND : The Hackers first IND Ansi, a Bugs Bunny logoff
CG-VGA01.GIF : Cool Guys Gif
EC-SD.IND : Eclipses Silicon Dreams ansi
EC-IND.IND : Eclipse IND Logo
CG-VGA02.GIF : Another Cool Guy Gif
EC-IND2.IND : Eclipses Second IND Logo
EC-GATE.IND : Eclipses Gates to another world ansi
EC-DREAM.IND : Eclipses Dreamline Ad
DD-FS.IND : Dark Deceptions Forbidden Site Logo
HOLY.669 : Protocultures first 669/MOD for IND
CB-LDR.EXE : Citizen Blue mini-loader-demo
INFO2.EXE : Infolepedia 2 - INDs automated info-newsletter
NOTDEAD.EXE : A small note to anyone who was told IND was dead
INDVIEW.EXE : INDs own ansi viewer 1.0 by Citizen Blue
INDPATHS.EXE : Holy Avengers modification of a Katt module
BALLS01.EXE : A challenge that was overcome, SPEED w/sprites no flick.
FUNKSCRL.EXE : Very small but interesting beta scroller by Citizen Blue
INDVGA.EXE : A Beta of the IND Real Time 3D Engine by Katt
INDBETA.EXE : A Beta of the Sombrero Calc formula 3D
INDGAMMA.EXE : A Gamma of the IND Real Time 3D Engine by Katt
INDDROP.EXE : An Alpha of the IND Real Time 3D Engine by Katt
INDBLOW.EXE : Citizen Blue Blows up IND, nice gravity and realism.
WL-IND1.MOD : Warlords 1st Mod for IND... Many more to follow...
PR-HOLY.669 : Protoculture, the newest Musician for IND Large Techno
EC-DIN.IND : Eclipse Ansi for Dreamline Information Network
* Reccomended player for Mods and 669 is DMP 2.74 to support the multiple
* Many betas were released in this pack, the reason was to show that the
coders were working on things, the finished optimized products will be
released at a later date.
BB-DIS.IND : A boom-boom ansi for Discordia Magazine
AV-IND01.IND : Absolut Vixens first Poetic ansi for IND
EC-ABB.IND : Eclipse ansi for Abbadon
EC-SOE.IND : Eclipses State of Euphoria ad
EC-PSY.IND : Eclipse ansi for Psychotic Explosions
DD-HYCU.IND : Dark Deceptions ansi for his band
DD-INV.IND : Dark Deceptions ansi Invasion
DD-IND.IND : Dark Deceptions IND Logo
DD-IND2.IND : Dark Deceptions second IND Logo
DD-GEH.IND : Dark Deceptions Gehenna Logo
TS-CH.IND : Toads Choatic Hysteria ad
BB-PRO.IND : boom-booms prototype ad
MPMUERT.IND : Major Perverts Muerte ad
LUC-EN4.IND : Lucifers ansi for Enigma/IND WHQ
TS-IND2.IND : Toads Second IND Logo
TS-IND1.IND : Toads IND Logo
BB-IND.IND : boom-booms attempt at an IND Logo
LUC-GODS.IND : Lucifer does a quick FILEID
TS-IND3.IND : Toads Third IND Logo
DD-IND3.IND : Dark Deceptions Third IND Logo there racing
BB-DEL.IND : boom-booms delerium ansi
LUC-DIS.IND : Lucifers discordia Logo
LUC-UKN.IND : Lucifers UNKNOWN couriers Logo
MP-AD1.IND : Major Perverts IND Ad
SM-CCi.IND : Sandman Infoform for CCi access for Enigma
TH-BUGS.IND : The Hackers first IND Ansi, a Bugs Bunny logoff
CG-VGA01.GIF : Cool Guys Gif
EC-SD.IND : Eclipses Silicon Dreams ansi
EC-IND.IND : Eclipse IND Logo
CG-VGA02.GIF : Another Cool Guy Gif
EC-IND2.IND : Eclipses Second IND Logo
EC-GATE.IND : Eclipses Gates to another world ansi
EC-DREAM.IND : Eclipses Dreamline Ad
DD-FS.IND : Dark Deceptions Forbidden Site Logo
HOLY.669 : Protocultures first 669/MOD for IND
CB-LDR.EXE : Citizen Blue mini-loader-demo
INFO2.EXE : Infolepedia 2 - INDs automated info-newsletter
NOTDEAD.EXE : A small note to anyone who was told IND was dead
INDVIEW.EXE : INDs own ansi viewer 1.0 by Citizen Blue
INDPATHS.EXE : Holy Avengers modification of a Katt module
BALLS01.EXE : A challenge that was overcome, SPEED w/sprites no flick.
FUNKSCRL.EXE : Very small but interesting beta scroller by Citizen Blue
INDVGA.EXE : A Beta of the IND Real Time 3D Engine by Katt
INDBETA.EXE : A Beta of the Sombrero Calc formula 3D
INDGAMMA.EXE : A Gamma of the IND Real Time 3D Engine by Katt
INDDROP.EXE : An Alpha of the IND Real Time 3D Engine by Katt
INDBLOW.EXE : Citizen Blue Blows up IND, nice gravity and realism.
WL-IND1.MOD : Warlords 1st Mod for IND... Many more to follow...
PR-HOLY.669 : Protoculture, the newest Musician for IND Large Techno
EC-DIN.IND : Eclipse Ansi for Dreamline Information Network
* Reccomended player for Mods and 669 is DMP 2.74 to support the multiple
* Many betas were released in this pack, the reason was to show that the
coders were working on things, the finished optimized products will be
released at a later date.
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