this image contains text
iMPURE ASCii rules the world since we start counting from 1940 so here we are again.
Isnt this info file atmospheric? Im typing lightly not to ruin it,
feeling like a moth leaving chew marks on a beautiful painting.
The graphics were drawn by our standout artist Prismate in the final
hours before we released this collection. Most of the art contributions
arrived on the final day, with a surge of last-minute submissions. Its
become a bit of a tradition for the group, where the bulk of the work
comes together right at the end, to commander Hellbeards despair.
We recently lost our longtime member, Hawk Hubbard. He was the only one
among us who wasnt an artist, the fact that he was accepted in the group
eitherway says a lot about his character and just how well-liked he was.
His passing is a heavy loss for our close-knit community, and he will be
deeply missed. In his memory, his BBS systems will continue under
the care of m00p.
Lets keep the train rolling.
-- Hellbeard
:, : n :
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, ,, b,,:, ,:
, : nn::! .
:::. nn ::: n.
:::: :b :::
::: :: .:::::: Y - Y - - -
xz - - - - - - Sweden ---- -- -
iks - France ---- -- -
pO - - Norway ---- -- -
bHe - - - Y - Finland ---- -- -
pmt - - Y - - Germany ---- -- -
hx - - - - - -X- U.S.A ---- -- -
jp - - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
mz Y - - Holland ---- -- -
ldn - Germany ---- -- -
lmn - - - - Y - Argentina ---- -- -
2o! - - NULL ---- -- -
vnm - - Y Lebanon ---- -- -
x0 -X- - - U.S.A ---- -- -
ab - - - - Argentina ---- -- -
h7 - - - Finland ---- -- -
dip - W - Switzerland ---- -- -
grx - Y Y -X- Finland ---- -- -
arl - - - Argentina ---- -- -
5m Y - U.S.A ---- -- -
.cn Germany ---- -- -
anst - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
ixxu -X- -X- Germany ---- -- -
nerv - - Germany ---- -- -
- - - - - - - Y
W O R L D H Q : Black Flag :: Master M00p // blackflagbbs.com / blackflag.acid.org --
port 23: Mystic, port 24: Searchlight, port 2627: PCBoard, port 2629: Oblivion/2
Acid Underworld // acidunderworld.com -- port 31337: Mystic Rpi
EURO HQ: Haciend :: Master h7 // haciend.bbs.fi
GERMAN HQ: The Yard :: Master zANER // too-l33t-4-u
US HQ: aBSiNTHE :: Master aNACHRONiST // absinthebbs.net
port 1940
---- MEMBER BOARD: 79 Columns :: Master halipha // oddnetwork.org
------ MEMBER BOARD: Distortion :: Master jP! // d1st.org
---------- MEMBER BOARD: iNK tWO! :: Master Smooth // bbs.inktwo.com
------------ DiSTRO BOARD: FlupH :: Master Skuz // fluph.zapto.org
-------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Xibalba :: Master NuSkooler // xibalba.l33t.codes
port: 44510
---------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Dreamland :: Master Dream Master // bbs.dreamlandbbs.org
------------------ DiSTRO BOARD: Clutch :: Master niter3 // bbs.clutchbbs.com
DiSTRO BOARD: Pharcyde :: Master Accessi // bbs.pharcyde.org
DiSTRO BOARD: Slime City :: Master m00p // bbs.retrohack.se
bANANA bENDER port 8484: x/84
C O N T A C T :
FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
WWW https://www.impure.nl
iRC impure @ efnet
E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
Isnt this info file atmospheric? Im typing lightly not to ruin it,
feeling like a moth leaving chew marks on a beautiful painting.
The graphics were drawn by our standout artist Prismate in the final
hours before we released this collection. Most of the art contributions
arrived on the final day, with a surge of last-minute submissions. Its
become a bit of a tradition for the group, where the bulk of the work
comes together right at the end, to commander Hellbeards despair.
We recently lost our longtime member, Hawk Hubbard. He was the only one
among us who wasnt an artist, the fact that he was accepted in the group
eitherway says a lot about his character and just how well-liked he was.
His passing is a heavy loss for our close-knit community, and he will be
deeply missed. In his memory, his BBS systems will continue under
the care of m00p.
Lets keep the train rolling.
-- Hellbeard
:, : n :
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- -- - - ..d6. b.b. b :
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:::. nn ::: n.
:::: :b :::
::: :: .:::::: Y - Y - - -
xz - - - - - - Sweden ---- -- -
iks - France ---- -- -
pO - - Norway ---- -- -
bHe - - - Y - Finland ---- -- -
pmt - - Y - - Germany ---- -- -
hx - - - - - -X- U.S.A ---- -- -
jp - - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
mz Y - - Holland ---- -- -
ldn - Germany ---- -- -
lmn - - - - Y - Argentina ---- -- -
2o! - - NULL ---- -- -
vnm - - Y Lebanon ---- -- -
x0 -X- - - U.S.A ---- -- -
ab - - - - Argentina ---- -- -
h7 - - - Finland ---- -- -
dip - W - Switzerland ---- -- -
grx - Y Y -X- Finland ---- -- -
arl - - - Argentina ---- -- -
5m Y - U.S.A ---- -- -
.cn Germany ---- -- -
anst - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
ixxu -X- -X- Germany ---- -- -
nerv - - Germany ---- -- -
- - - - - - - Y
W O R L D H Q : Black Flag :: Master M00p // blackflagbbs.com / blackflag.acid.org --
port 23: Mystic, port 24: Searchlight, port 2627: PCBoard, port 2629: Oblivion/2
Acid Underworld // acidunderworld.com -- port 31337: Mystic Rpi
EURO HQ: Haciend :: Master h7 // haciend.bbs.fi
GERMAN HQ: The Yard :: Master zANER // too-l33t-4-u
US HQ: aBSiNTHE :: Master aNACHRONiST // absinthebbs.net
port 1940
---- MEMBER BOARD: 79 Columns :: Master halipha // oddnetwork.org
------ MEMBER BOARD: Distortion :: Master jP! // d1st.org
---------- MEMBER BOARD: iNK tWO! :: Master Smooth // bbs.inktwo.com
------------ DiSTRO BOARD: FlupH :: Master Skuz // fluph.zapto.org
-------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Xibalba :: Master NuSkooler // xibalba.l33t.codes
port: 44510
---------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Dreamland :: Master Dream Master // bbs.dreamlandbbs.org
------------------ DiSTRO BOARD: Clutch :: Master niter3 // bbs.clutchbbs.com
DiSTRO BOARD: Pharcyde :: Master Accessi // bbs.pharcyde.org
DiSTRO BOARD: Slime City :: Master m00p // bbs.retrohack.se
bANANA bENDER port 8484: x/84
C O N T A C T :
FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
WWW https://www.impure.nl
iRC impure @ efnet
E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
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