this image contains text
: Were halfway through 2024 already! Time flies when the world is crazy. Its easy to get caught up in
: world events and numbed by the day-to-day needs of ones own life. But as Picasso once said,
: Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Textmode art in particular is great for
: that. Tapping away at the keyboard to fit the perfect character to reflect what you see in your minds
: eye while listening to good music... everything else falls away. There is purity in art, and the
: : manifestation of it not only fulfills the artist but makes the world a better place. Man does not live
: : by bread alone he also craves ASCII. :
: : Over the past few years, we have seen a continuation of a renaissance in what I consider the trinity
: : of the underground scene: demoscene, BBSes, and textmode art. Demo parties such as Revision and Evoke
: : are more popular than ever and are attracting a much needed new generation. New boards are popping up
: : left and right as people rediscover the magic of BBSing. The bar continues to be raised in textmode
: : art the pieces that are coming out from groups such as Fire, Lazarus, and *cough cough* iMPURE are
: : redefining expectations. However, unlike demscene and BBSing, we are not attracting new artists. That
: : is something that must change for our culture to survive. If youre reading this, then chances are
: : that you love this venerable and niche form of digital art. So, share it! Post it where others can
:: : discover it. Show it to your friends. Make stickers and share at events! Art is meant to be shared.
:: : ASCII made me discover the joy of art. What a gift! I would love for someone else to have that joy.
::: :: In the meantime, enjoy our 87th pack of textmode love. We still have the fire burning. Lets Go!
::: :: aNACHRONiSTaNSt
::::::: Whatever Anachronist just said but with the addition of a great shout out to our friends in :
::::::: Hermanas del Perro Magntico - the SECOND best ascii art group after impure! Viva la vida y :
::::::: muere la muerte mis amigos! :
::: -- ---- b. :::::::................................ ::: ::
:: n.b. :::::::::::::::::::::::::.............. ::: :::
: . n.. . :::::::............. ::: :::
. n.. : :::::::.......... :::::::
n.. .. ::::.......... ::::::::
n . .: - ::::::::..... ::::::::
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n. . -- - :::::::::. ::::::::
b - b. :::::::::::::::::
: : ------ b. :::::::::::::::
,d:b b. :::::::::::::
,d - -- b ::::::::::::
,d -- -. . b :::::::::::
,db. ,d -- . . b ::::::::::
,d ,d -. b :::::::::
,d,,,nnn . b ::::::::
-- . b ::::::::
-,,. . . b :::::::
b. . . !b ::::::
b. . . . ! :::::
------- ------- b. . . . b :::::
-------- ------ ----- b. . . . ::::
-- --------------------------- - - b b. : ::::
--- - - - -- b .:::
-------------- ---- b b :::
.--- -------- ----- - - - -- b b : : :::
---- ----- ------ ----- - - b b ! : , :::
-- -- -- nnn dnnnnn.. -- b, :::::::
-- --- , ,: ,,nn::: d6.. b. b, b ::::::
---- , ,nnn d6. b.b, b :::::
, ,, .d6. b. b, b ::::
-- ,,, ---nn .d6. b.b, b :::
-- --- nnn .d6. b.b, b ::
- -- - - ..d6. b.b. b :
- -- --- --- .d6.:L :b b :
--- ---- ---- d:: : :
----...... --- ----- .d:: : :
..... -------- .d: : :
.. ..... ,,,,,, .d: :
::,,, ..d: . :
,, . --.. d: Y :
. .. ..... .: : d: ! : :
.. . : ,, d: : : ! :
. . .. d: ......... 9 d : :
....--- : d.nnnn. 9
,. : . 9
, .,. , ,, d . :9
. : : ,,,,n .d9
: ,:::: : :: : d
:: ,:: n. : ,, n.
.n nn ::::d : d n.
.: .d : n. // nn.
.nn.. .d ., n.
n. n. .d
n ,,,,,.d .dL
:::: : L
:: : ::: L
.n .: L
.nnn. :
. n :
n : . , : nnnnn
. . ,d ,: , J
N n , , ,db n
,.. / , ,d : ,,..
,,,,, . n. d,9 n.
/ n ::.
nnn / n. n n :nn
. .b / / n n.. :nn
: ,nb / b n..
, b / nn // / n..
: ,9,, b / nnn /
, b nnn
,,, b ,,,, ,
. 1 nn,nn.
, b 1:,:
, ,, b,,:, ,:
, : nn::! .
:::. nn ::: n.
:::: :b :::
::: :: .:::::: Y - Y - - -
::: :: ::::::: P R I S M A T E
Y /
- -- ---- xz - - - - - - Sweden ---- -- -
: - -- ---- hh - - - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- iks - France ---- -- -
- -- ---- pO - - Norway ---- -- -
- -- ---- bHe - - - Y - Finland ---- -- -
- -- ---- pmt - - Y - - Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- hx - - - - - -X- U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- jp - - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- mz Y - - Holland ---- -- -
- -- ---- ldn - Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- lmn - - - - Y - Argentina ---- -- -
- -- ---- 2o! - - NULL ---- -- -
- -- ---- vnm - - Y Lebanon ---- -- -
- -- ---- x0 -X- - - U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- ab - - - - Argentina ---- -- -
- -- ---- h7 - - - Finland ---- -- -
- -- ---- dip - W - Switzerland ---- -- -
- -- ---- grx - Y Y -X- Finland ---- -- -
- -- ---- arl - - - Argentina ---- -- -
- -- ---- 5m Y - U.S.A ---- -- -
: - -- ---- .cn Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- anst - - - - U.S.A ---- -- - :
- -- ---- ixxu -X- -X- Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- nerv - - Germany ---- -- -
- - - - - - - Y
W O R L D H Q : Black Flag :: Master Hawk Hubbard // blackflagbbs.com / blackflag.acid.org --
port 23: Mystic, port 24: Searchlight, port 2627: PCBoard, port 2629: Oblivion/2
Acid Underworld // acidunderworld.com -- port 31337: Mystic Rpi
EURO HQ: Haciend :: Master h7 // haciend.bbs.fi
GERMAN HQ: The Yard :: Master zANER // too-l33t-4-u
US HQ: aBSiNTHE :: Master aNACHRONiST // absinthebbs.net
port 1940
---- MEMBER BOARD: 79 Columns :: Master halipha // oddnetwork.org
------ MEMBER BOARD: Distortion :: Master jP! // d1st.org
---------- MEMBER BOARD: iNK tWO! :: Master Smooth // bbs.inktwo.com
------------ DiSTRO BOARD: FlupH :: Master Skuz // fluph.zapto.org
-------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Xibalba :: Master NuSkooler // xibalba.l33t.codes
port: 44510
---------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Dreamland :: Master Dream Master // bbs.dreamlandbbs.org
------------------ DiSTRO BOARD: Clutch :: Master niter3 // bbs.clutchbbs.com
DiSTRO BOARD: Pharcyde :: Master Accessi // bbs.pharcyde.org
DiSTRO BOARD: Slime City :: Master m00p // bbs.retrohack.se
bANANA bENDER port 8484: x/84
C O N T A C T :
FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
WWW https://www.impure.nl
iRC impure @ efnet
E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
A big Thank YOU ZANER, MX and SKOPE for
your awesome guest pieces.
: Were halfway through 2024 already! Time flies when the world is crazy. Its easy to get caught up in
: world events and numbed by the day-to-day needs of ones own life. But as Picasso once said,
: Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. Textmode art in particular is great for
: that. Tapping away at the keyboard to fit the perfect character to reflect what you see in your minds
: eye while listening to good music... everything else falls away. There is purity in art, and the
: : manifestation of it not only fulfills the artist but makes the world a better place. Man does not live
: : by bread alone he also craves ASCII. :
: : Over the past few years, we have seen a continuation of a renaissance in what I consider the trinity
: : of the underground scene: demoscene, BBSes, and textmode art. Demo parties such as Revision and Evoke
: : are more popular than ever and are attracting a much needed new generation. New boards are popping up
: : left and right as people rediscover the magic of BBSing. The bar continues to be raised in textmode
: : art the pieces that are coming out from groups such as Fire, Lazarus, and *cough cough* iMPURE are
: : redefining expectations. However, unlike demscene and BBSing, we are not attracting new artists. That
: : is something that must change for our culture to survive. If youre reading this, then chances are
: : that you love this venerable and niche form of digital art. So, share it! Post it where others can
:: : discover it. Show it to your friends. Make stickers and share at events! Art is meant to be shared.
:: : ASCII made me discover the joy of art. What a gift! I would love for someone else to have that joy.
::: :: In the meantime, enjoy our 87th pack of textmode love. We still have the fire burning. Lets Go!
::: :: aNACHRONiSTaNSt
::::::: Whatever Anachronist just said but with the addition of a great shout out to our friends in :
::::::: Hermanas del Perro Magntico - the SECOND best ascii art group after impure! Viva la vida y :
::::::: muere la muerte mis amigos! :
::: -- ---- b. :::::::................................ ::: ::
:: n.b. :::::::::::::::::::::::::.............. ::: :::
: . n.. . :::::::............. ::: :::
. n.. : :::::::.......... :::::::
n.. .. ::::.......... ::::::::
n . .: - ::::::::..... ::::::::
n.: - --- - :::::..... ::::::::
n. . -- - :::::::::. ::::::::
b - b. :::::::::::::::::
: : ------ b. :::::::::::::::
,d:b b. :::::::::::::
,d - -- b ::::::::::::
,d -- -. . b :::::::::::
,db. ,d -- . . b ::::::::::
,d ,d -. b :::::::::
,d,,,nnn . b ::::::::
-- . b ::::::::
-,,. . . b :::::::
b. . . !b ::::::
b. . . . ! :::::
------- ------- b. . . . b :::::
-------- ------ ----- b. . . . ::::
-- --------------------------- - - b b. : ::::
--- - - - -- b .:::
-------------- ---- b b :::
.--- -------- ----- - - - -- b b : : :::
---- ----- ------ ----- - - b b ! : , :::
-- -- -- nnn dnnnnn.. -- b, :::::::
-- --- , ,: ,,nn::: d6.. b. b, b ::::::
---- , ,nnn d6. b.b, b :::::
, ,, .d6. b. b, b ::::
-- ,,, ---nn .d6. b.b, b :::
-- --- nnn .d6. b.b, b ::
- -- - - ..d6. b.b. b :
- -- --- --- .d6.:L :b b :
--- ---- ---- d:: : :
----...... --- ----- .d:: : :
..... -------- .d: : :
.. ..... ,,,,,, .d: :
::,,, ..d: . :
,, . --.. d: Y :
. .. ..... .: : d: ! : :
.. . : ,, d: : : ! :
. . .. d: ......... 9 d : :
....--- : d.nnnn. 9
,. : . 9
, .,. , ,, d . :9
. : : ,,,,n .d9
: ,:::: : :: : d
:: ,:: n. : ,, n.
.n nn ::::d : d n.
.: .d : n. // nn.
.nn.. .d ., n.
n. n. .d
n ,,,,,.d .dL
:::: : L
:: : ::: L
.n .: L
.nnn. :
. n :
n : . , : nnnnn
. . ,d ,: , J
N n , , ,db n
,.. / , ,d : ,,..
,,,,, . n. d,9 n.
/ n ::.
nnn / n. n n :nn
. .b / / n n.. :nn
: ,nb / b n..
, b / nn // / n..
: ,9,, b / nnn /
, b nnn
,,, b ,,,, ,
. 1 nn,nn.
, b 1:,:
, ,, b,,:, ,:
, : nn::! .
:::. nn ::: n.
:::: :b :::
::: :: .:::::: Y - Y - - -
::: :: ::::::: P R I S M A T E
Y /
- -- ---- xz - - - - - - Sweden ---- -- -
: - -- ---- hh - - - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- iks - France ---- -- -
- -- ---- pO - - Norway ---- -- -
- -- ---- bHe - - - Y - Finland ---- -- -
- -- ---- pmt - - Y - - Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- hx - - - - - -X- U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- jp - - - - - U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- mz Y - - Holland ---- -- -
- -- ---- ldn - Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- lmn - - - - Y - Argentina ---- -- -
- -- ---- 2o! - - NULL ---- -- -
- -- ---- vnm - - Y Lebanon ---- -- -
- -- ---- x0 -X- - - U.S.A ---- -- -
- -- ---- ab - - - - Argentina ---- -- -
- -- ---- h7 - - - Finland ---- -- -
- -- ---- dip - W - Switzerland ---- -- -
- -- ---- grx - Y Y -X- Finland ---- -- -
- -- ---- arl - - - Argentina ---- -- -
- -- ---- 5m Y - U.S.A ---- -- -
: - -- ---- .cn Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- anst - - - - U.S.A ---- -- - :
- -- ---- ixxu -X- -X- Germany ---- -- -
- -- ---- nerv - - Germany ---- -- -
- - - - - - - Y
W O R L D H Q : Black Flag :: Master Hawk Hubbard // blackflagbbs.com / blackflag.acid.org --
port 23: Mystic, port 24: Searchlight, port 2627: PCBoard, port 2629: Oblivion/2
Acid Underworld // acidunderworld.com -- port 31337: Mystic Rpi
EURO HQ: Haciend :: Master h7 // haciend.bbs.fi
GERMAN HQ: The Yard :: Master zANER // too-l33t-4-u
US HQ: aBSiNTHE :: Master aNACHRONiST // absinthebbs.net
port 1940
---- MEMBER BOARD: 79 Columns :: Master halipha // oddnetwork.org
------ MEMBER BOARD: Distortion :: Master jP! // d1st.org
---------- MEMBER BOARD: iNK tWO! :: Master Smooth // bbs.inktwo.com
------------ DiSTRO BOARD: FlupH :: Master Skuz // fluph.zapto.org
-------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Xibalba :: Master NuSkooler // xibalba.l33t.codes
port: 44510
---------------- DiSTRO BOARD: Dreamland :: Master Dream Master // bbs.dreamlandbbs.org
------------------ DiSTRO BOARD: Clutch :: Master niter3 // bbs.clutchbbs.com
DiSTRO BOARD: Pharcyde :: Master Accessi // bbs.pharcyde.org
DiSTRO BOARD: Slime City :: Master m00p // bbs.retrohack.se
bANANA bENDER port 8484: x/84
C O N T A C T :
FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
WWW https://www.impure.nl
iRC impure @ efnet
E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
A big Thank YOU ZANER, MX and SKOPE for
your awesome guest pieces.
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