this image contains text
/Y Y / . /
l ,.:: -/ / / ::..,/ l
// : II :: X :: II :
II ::,, / / :: II /X /
SS ! II : --// V / // :: II !// SS /
SS + II :: / / . / :: II / + : SS /
: ::II/ :: : V V -/ II/:: : /
/ : // / / Y / / /
/ / /l /: / //
/ : . .. / Y l // .. . / : /
. / : :. . .. :::: . / :ii: .. . .: : /.
: . i::.. .. / .. / ..::l / . / :
: / l/ // l :
// / // ii // /
. : ,..,,-:+ . : G R i S K . +:-,,.., : .
/ . : . . : sP!Mp
,+ t h e + n e e d + f o r + g r e e d +/,
-------------------------------------------- heya! no hard feelings grisk
So, Im back in Impure, and Im finally *IN* iMPURE!ASCIi and thats beyond
I wasnt always *IN* iMPURE!ASCIi even though I was in impure.ascii
That was a long time ago. In fact, that was way back when I drew this in 2017.
I wasnt ready to come back to the scene, drawing, but I did. And it was sort
of weird, and my art was .. OK .. some was inspired, but not really. It was a
vague period to say the least. During that time, I connected most closely
with a guy I used to know tangentially in the late 90s. He used to go by
m0dium Im pretty sure but now and even now he goes by Grisk. Means greed
in his language. Which language? I forget. Its that kind of story.
Theres a lot more to this story. But I dont know most of it. I do know he
both inspired and confounded me when I was around during this period. And I
drew him this piece, which was about as inspired as I ever got back then.
Its DECENT. Its coasting. Its reliant on everything Id done before.
He once chastised me for relying on o/s styling. He wasnt wrong. See above.
So... It didnt work out Grisk, but it did I thank YOU. Hope youre doing OK
l ,.:: -/ / / ::..,/ l
// : II :: X :: II :
II ::,, / / :: II /X /
SS ! II : --// V / // :: II !// SS /
SS + II :: / / . / :: II / + : SS /
: ::II/ :: : V V -/ II/:: : /
/ : // / / Y / / /
/ / /l /: / //
/ : . .. / Y l // .. . / : /
. / : :. . .. :::: . / :ii: .. . .: : /.
: . i::.. .. / .. / ..::l / . / :
: / l/ // l :
// / // ii // /
. : ,..,,-:+ . : G R i S K . +:-,,.., : .
/ . : . . : sP!Mp
,+ t h e + n e e d + f o r + g r e e d +/,
-------------------------------------------- heya! no hard feelings grisk
So, Im back in Impure, and Im finally *IN* iMPURE!ASCIi and thats beyond
I wasnt always *IN* iMPURE!ASCIi even though I was in impure.ascii
That was a long time ago. In fact, that was way back when I drew this in 2017.
I wasnt ready to come back to the scene, drawing, but I did. And it was sort
of weird, and my art was .. OK .. some was inspired, but not really. It was a
vague period to say the least. During that time, I connected most closely
with a guy I used to know tangentially in the late 90s. He used to go by
m0dium Im pretty sure but now and even now he goes by Grisk. Means greed
in his language. Which language? I forget. Its that kind of story.
Theres a lot more to this story. But I dont know most of it. I do know he
both inspired and confounded me when I was around during this period. And I
drew him this piece, which was about as inspired as I ever got back then.
Its DECENT. Its coasting. Its reliant on everything Id done before.
He once chastised me for relying on o/s styling. He wasnt wrong. See above.
So... It didnt work out Grisk, but it did I thank YOU. Hope youre doing OK
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