this image contains text
aN / /
bY jACK pHLASH // /
OLDSHIT : A Collection
. This is a collection of old, unreleased ASCII. Most of it is
from 2003 to 2013 during which I released very little, and
: what I did release was ANSI. I was still drawing ASCII during
. this time apparently which included a batch of submissions
....: for Impure which was also in hibernation from 2007 to 2014
: and a small colly I put together for Mimics 10 year birthday
: .... pack which also never came out, most of which was released
: : later under Break. Almost all if not all of these pieces
:.. : .. were done for PC, though as Ive more or less switched
: entirely to drawing in Amiga fonts these days, Ive tweaked
several of them just a bit to compensate. Enjoy!
01 ...................................... Chaotic Bliss BBS :
02 .................................. Cyber Chat Net BBS Ad .. : ...
03 ...................................... Distortion BBS Ad : :
04 ................................... The Graveyard BBS Ad ...: :
05 ........................................... Impure!ASCII :
06 ...................................... IniqTERM Template ....:
07 .......................................... Iniquity v3.0 :
08 ................................. Meteropolis BBS Header
09 ............................................. Misery BBS :
10 .................................. Monterey BBS Joint 1
11 .................................. Monterey BBS Joint 2 .
12 .................................... Monterey BBS Pop-up
13 ....................................... The Pharcyde BBS
14 ..................................... ToorCon 8 Shirt 1
15 ..................................... ToorCon 8 Shirt 2
16 ..................................... ToorCon 8 Shirt 3
Chaotic Bliss BBS +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of two pieces I did for Whimsical
+-- 2007 -- Agonys Synchronet BBS. The other was the --+
+----------------WHEN? ANSI which appears on the boards welcome
. .. ... screen also unreleased.
,--- ----, ,----, ,---- ---- jp!,----,
c H A O T I C ---- / /
b L I S S / ---- / /
Cyber Chat Net BBS Ad +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ I dont remember this one but I think it
+-- 2011 -- was done as a joke, and between that and --+
+----------------WHEN? how basic it is, I never released it.
------- --- / ---- jp!
SysOp: Phil Taylor Co-SysOp: Jesus Christ --- --- ---
7 TB of warez! Instant validation unless Phil is busy hes busy.
Running the latest WildCat! illegally registered! Donations required.
Over 50,022,259,444,201,235,532 message areas. Not restarted!
Distortion BBS Ad +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A little BBS ad I did for my own board.
+-- 2006 -- This one was intended to be released with --+
+----------------WHEN? Impure between 2006 and 2008. Despite
. .. .... never being released, I think I used it
:...... for a ZIP comment for quite a while.
: ? / : : :
.....: dddd iii ss tt o r tt iii ooo nnnn :.....
: demonic productions whq :
:... home of the zeronet echomail network ...:
: tons of official underground scene affils :
.....: including modding, ansi, ascii, and hpcav :.....
: +o jack phlash +o filth :
,, t e l n e t : / / d 1 s t . o r g ,,
The Graveyard BBS Ad +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A request I did for The Reapers board.
+-- 2006 -- This one was intended to be released with --+
+----------------WHEN? Impure between 2006 and 2008. Im not sure
. .. .... if he ever used it or not, but he did use
:...... the terrible ANSI I did for him. Ugh.
/ , , / / jpIMP
r i p / / / , / / , /
: : +o tHE rEAPER : :
Impure!ASCII +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Pulled from the backup of a PabloDraw
+-- 2009 -- server I used to run. I remember Pogue, --+
+----------------WHEN? Pook and I doing a bunch of doodling and
. .. .... chatting at around this time as part of a
:...... planned Impure revival that didnt happen
until much later.
/ / jp!
IniqTERM Template +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Template done for the main/phonebook UI
+-- 2006 -- for IniqTERM, which was part of the --+
+----------------WHEN? original Iniquity v3 project Spec was
. .. .... working on. Intended to be released with
:...... Impure between 2006 and 2008.
system name address/port
distortion telnet://d1st.org:23
distortion telnet://d1st.org:23
distortion telnet://d1st.org:23
alt-a : add alt-e : edit alt-d : delete enter : connect escape : exit
last called: xx:xxpm xx/xx/xx first call: xx:xxpm xx/xx/xx
calls today: 1 total calls: 423
sysop: jack phlash software: mystic32
note: the original version of this interface was done with a custom color
palette using tundradraws 24bit color feature and saved in iniquitys new
ansi24 file format. see it when iqterm is released!
Iniquity v3.0 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A little Iniquity logo doodle I used for
+-- 2005 -- a WFC template when trying to commission --+
+----------------WHEN? a new WFC for Specs Iniquity v3 project.
// i n i q u i t y b b s 3 //
::: / / / jp!::
Meteropolis BBS Header +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three pieces done for Dedchyldes
+-- 2008 -- BBS and originally intended for Mimics --+
+----------------WHEN? anniversary pack, the other two were
. .. .... released in Break 2. I think I skipped
:...... this one because of how basic it is, but
I like the end result of the coloring.
. . . . : from: date:
: : : to: time:
jp! subject:
- : m E T R O P O L I S ,,---
metropolis message header for dedchylde
Misery BBS +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A request done for my man Netsurges Amiga
+-- 2009 -- board. This was another one pulled from my --+
+----------------WHEN? Impure PabloDraw server logs. Tweaked.
// lOGIN: jax phlashx0rz / // / ..
pASSWORD: ******** / / / //
/ / //jp!
Monterey BBS Joint 1 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Another one pulled from the old Impure
+-- 2009 -- PabloDraw server backups. This was one of --+
+----------------WHEN? two simple one person starts, one person
. .. .... finishes style joints Pook and I did for
:...... Escs BBS. Pook started this one.
Monterey BBS Joint 2 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Another one pulled from the old Impure
+-- 2009 -- PabloDraw server backups. This was one of --+
+----------------WHEN? two simple one person starts, one person
. .. .... finishes style joints Pook and I did for
:...... Escs BBS. I started this one.
/ i/ ./ i/ . i/ , / / , / i i
. . ! . ! . ! i ! .! . .! l
i i i. i l i . i----i i . l
/ II l i I iI l i---- l
----- -------- II --- --- --- /I
Monterey BBS Pop-up +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Yet another piece for my boy Escs
+-- 2013 -- Daydream board. No idea why this one was --+
+----------------WHEN? never released other than perhaps not
. .. ... being totally satisfied with it. *shrug*
..: : / /jp! : :..
:.. . . --- mONTEREY bBS pOPUP mESSAGE!@? // . . ..:
:.. : umm?? : ..:
The Pharcyde BBS +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Drawn for Access Denieds dope Synchronet
+-- 2009 -- board. I drew him two, and released the --+
+----------------WHEN? other in Roots 2. Not sure why I never
. .. .... released this one, but 4D used it as his
:...... connect screen for years.
t e h...
: / jp!
Toorcon 8 Shirt 1 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three logos submitted as possible
+-- 2006 -- shirt designs for Acidjazz to use as --+
+----------------WHEN? Toorcon 8 t-shirt designs. I think this
. .. .... might have actually ended up being used,
:...... though Ive never seen it. Intended to be
released with Impure 2006 - 2008.
/ . . // / jp!
t o o r c o n :::::::::: numero ocho september 2006 san diego, ca
Toorcon 8 Shirt 2 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three logos submitted as possible
+-- 2006 -- shirt designs for Acidjazz to use as --+
+----------------WHEN? Toorcon 8 t-shirt designs. Intended to be
. .. ... released with Impure 2006 - 2008.
/ -----, ,----- / jp!
. t O O R c O N / / / / z 0 0 6 .
Toorcon 8 Shirt 3 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three logos submitted as possible
+-- 2006 -- shirt designs for Acidjazz to use as --+
+----------------WHEN? Toorcon 8 t-shirt designs. Intended to be
. .. ... released with Impure 2006 - 2008.
// / // / / ----// / jp!
tOORcON eIGHT 20 / 06 sAN dIEGO, cA
+-- REQUESTS: jp@demonic.net -------------EOF:600 LINES
BBS: d1st.org:23 TELNET d1st.org:22 SSH .... .. .
BLOG: https://jackphla.sh ......:
bY jACK pHLASH // /
OLDSHIT : A Collection
. This is a collection of old, unreleased ASCII. Most of it is
from 2003 to 2013 during which I released very little, and
: what I did release was ANSI. I was still drawing ASCII during
. this time apparently which included a batch of submissions
....: for Impure which was also in hibernation from 2007 to 2014
: and a small colly I put together for Mimics 10 year birthday
: .... pack which also never came out, most of which was released
: : later under Break. Almost all if not all of these pieces
:.. : .. were done for PC, though as Ive more or less switched
: entirely to drawing in Amiga fonts these days, Ive tweaked
several of them just a bit to compensate. Enjoy!
01 ...................................... Chaotic Bliss BBS :
02 .................................. Cyber Chat Net BBS Ad .. : ...
03 ...................................... Distortion BBS Ad : :
04 ................................... The Graveyard BBS Ad ...: :
05 ........................................... Impure!ASCII :
06 ...................................... IniqTERM Template ....:
07 .......................................... Iniquity v3.0 :
08 ................................. Meteropolis BBS Header
09 ............................................. Misery BBS :
10 .................................. Monterey BBS Joint 1
11 .................................. Monterey BBS Joint 2 .
12 .................................... Monterey BBS Pop-up
13 ....................................... The Pharcyde BBS
14 ..................................... ToorCon 8 Shirt 1
15 ..................................... ToorCon 8 Shirt 2
16 ..................................... ToorCon 8 Shirt 3
Chaotic Bliss BBS +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of two pieces I did for Whimsical
+-- 2007 -- Agonys Synchronet BBS. The other was the --+
+----------------WHEN? ANSI which appears on the boards welcome
. .. ... screen also unreleased.
,--- ----, ,----, ,---- ---- jp!,----,
c H A O T I C ---- / /
b L I S S / ---- / /
Cyber Chat Net BBS Ad +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ I dont remember this one but I think it
+-- 2011 -- was done as a joke, and between that and --+
+----------------WHEN? how basic it is, I never released it.
------- --- / ---- jp!
SysOp: Phil Taylor Co-SysOp: Jesus Christ --- --- ---
7 TB of warez! Instant validation unless Phil is busy hes busy.
Running the latest WildCat! illegally registered! Donations required.
Over 50,022,259,444,201,235,532 message areas. Not restarted!
Distortion BBS Ad +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A little BBS ad I did for my own board.
+-- 2006 -- This one was intended to be released with --+
+----------------WHEN? Impure between 2006 and 2008. Despite
. .. .... never being released, I think I used it
:...... for a ZIP comment for quite a while.
: ? / : : :
.....: dddd iii ss tt o r tt iii ooo nnnn :.....
: demonic productions whq :
:... home of the zeronet echomail network ...:
: tons of official underground scene affils :
.....: including modding, ansi, ascii, and hpcav :.....
: +o jack phlash +o filth :
,, t e l n e t : / / d 1 s t . o r g ,,
The Graveyard BBS Ad +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A request I did for The Reapers board.
+-- 2006 -- This one was intended to be released with --+
+----------------WHEN? Impure between 2006 and 2008. Im not sure
. .. .... if he ever used it or not, but he did use
:...... the terrible ANSI I did for him. Ugh.
/ , , / / jpIMP
r i p / / / , / / , /
: : +o tHE rEAPER : :
Impure!ASCII +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Pulled from the backup of a PabloDraw
+-- 2009 -- server I used to run. I remember Pogue, --+
+----------------WHEN? Pook and I doing a bunch of doodling and
. .. .... chatting at around this time as part of a
:...... planned Impure revival that didnt happen
until much later.
/ / jp!
IniqTERM Template +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Template done for the main/phonebook UI
+-- 2006 -- for IniqTERM, which was part of the --+
+----------------WHEN? original Iniquity v3 project Spec was
. .. .... working on. Intended to be released with
:...... Impure between 2006 and 2008.
system name address/port
distortion telnet://d1st.org:23
distortion telnet://d1st.org:23
distortion telnet://d1st.org:23
alt-a : add alt-e : edit alt-d : delete enter : connect escape : exit
last called: xx:xxpm xx/xx/xx first call: xx:xxpm xx/xx/xx
calls today: 1 total calls: 423
sysop: jack phlash software: mystic32
note: the original version of this interface was done with a custom color
palette using tundradraws 24bit color feature and saved in iniquitys new
ansi24 file format. see it when iqterm is released!
Iniquity v3.0 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A little Iniquity logo doodle I used for
+-- 2005 -- a WFC template when trying to commission --+
+----------------WHEN? a new WFC for Specs Iniquity v3 project.
// i n i q u i t y b b s 3 //
::: / / / jp!::
Meteropolis BBS Header +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three pieces done for Dedchyldes
+-- 2008 -- BBS and originally intended for Mimics --+
+----------------WHEN? anniversary pack, the other two were
. .. .... released in Break 2. I think I skipped
:...... this one because of how basic it is, but
I like the end result of the coloring.
. . . . : from: date:
: : : to: time:
jp! subject:
- : m E T R O P O L I S ,,---
metropolis message header for dedchylde
Misery BBS +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ A request done for my man Netsurges Amiga
+-- 2009 -- board. This was another one pulled from my --+
+----------------WHEN? Impure PabloDraw server logs. Tweaked.
// lOGIN: jax phlashx0rz / // / ..
pASSWORD: ******** / / / //
/ / //jp!
Monterey BBS Joint 1 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Another one pulled from the old Impure
+-- 2009 -- PabloDraw server backups. This was one of --+
+----------------WHEN? two simple one person starts, one person
. .. .... finishes style joints Pook and I did for
:...... Escs BBS. Pook started this one.
Monterey BBS Joint 2 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Another one pulled from the old Impure
+-- 2009 -- PabloDraw server backups. This was one of --+
+----------------WHEN? two simple one person starts, one person
. .. .... finishes style joints Pook and I did for
:...... Escs BBS. I started this one.
/ i/ ./ i/ . i/ , / / , / i i
. . ! . ! . ! i ! .! . .! l
i i i. i l i . i----i i . l
/ II l i I iI l i---- l
----- -------- II --- --- --- /I
Monterey BBS Pop-up +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Yet another piece for my boy Escs
+-- 2013 -- Daydream board. No idea why this one was --+
+----------------WHEN? never released other than perhaps not
. .. ... being totally satisfied with it. *shrug*
..: : / /jp! : :..
:.. . . --- mONTEREY bBS pOPUP mESSAGE!@? // . . ..:
:.. : umm?? : ..:
The Pharcyde BBS +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ Drawn for Access Denieds dope Synchronet
+-- 2009 -- board. I drew him two, and released the --+
+----------------WHEN? other in Roots 2. Not sure why I never
. .. .... released this one, but 4D used it as his
:...... connect screen for years.
t e h...
: / jp!
Toorcon 8 Shirt 1 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three logos submitted as possible
+-- 2006 -- shirt designs for Acidjazz to use as --+
+----------------WHEN? Toorcon 8 t-shirt designs. I think this
. .. .... might have actually ended up being used,
:...... though Ive never seen it. Intended to be
released with Impure 2006 - 2008.
/ . . // / jp!
t o o r c o n :::::::::: numero ocho september 2006 san diego, ca
Toorcon 8 Shirt 2 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three logos submitted as possible
+-- 2006 -- shirt designs for Acidjazz to use as --+
+----------------WHEN? Toorcon 8 t-shirt designs. Intended to be
. .. ... released with Impure 2006 - 2008.
/ -----, ,----- / jp!
. t O O R c O N / / / / z 0 0 6 .
Toorcon 8 Shirt 3 +--------------------------------------------+
+----------------------+ One of three logos submitted as possible
+-- 2006 -- shirt designs for Acidjazz to use as --+
+----------------WHEN? Toorcon 8 t-shirt designs. Intended to be
. .. ... released with Impure 2006 - 2008.
// / // / / ----// / jp!
tOORcON eIGHT 20 / 06 sAN dIEGO, cA
+-- REQUESTS: jp@demonic.net -------------EOF:600 LINES
BBS: d1st.org:23 TELNET d1st.org:22 SSH .... .. .
BLOG: https://jackphla.sh ......:
log in to add a comment.