this image contains text
,,, P*
,db, , *,, O ,*,
*b, ** ,**
db, ** ,,*,*,, ,,, ,, ,*,**
*b, *, ,dBb,,*,** ,b ,** ,*,**
*b, *, , , ,***,** ,* ,*,** ,*
*b, ,* , ,*,*,,** ,* ,*,** ,
,,,,*b, d* P,,** ,**,** ,***,** ,
,** *,*b, ,d* ,** ,,P,* ,**,** ,
, * *b, *b* ,***,* ,,*, ,**,,** ,
* *b*** ,,*P , ** ,,** ,*
, *b, *,**,,* * , *,*
, *b, ,* , *** , * ,*
d, , , * *,*,*** ** ,*
,*b, d *
, ,d
b ,oP ,db, ,d,
, ,dP , , ,dP ,d
,d ,bP , , b ,d , d
,d ,dP , , ,P ,dP , d ,
,d dP , , ,d ,dP ,,* ,
,dP ,P , ,PP,d ,d ,,B ,d*
,dP d ,d , ,,* * ,dP dP ,,B ,d*
d d , P,*, ,,dP ,,B ,d*
* d, ,B , ,d ,,B,d
db ,P o ,B:o ,,B,*P
d , ,o ,,P ,,B*P , * ,
dP , ,d ,, , ,B ,,P B,
dP , dB *,, , ,,B d
d , B ,*,, , B ,d
,B ,** ,,,P ,dP
d ,P * ,, ,dP
,P * ,d ,,B ,dP
,b cd, ,dP
,P , b,,P
, ,**, OPB*
/ / V / / L/ /
L/ / / / / / /
LLLLL/ L./L/L/L/ /
! / -this bit rocks
!!!!!!/ !!!!L!L!!/
l i m p U R e
l a 7 9 m e c o l l e c t i o n ,
yaow. *, ,
impure number seventy nine. can you imagine. *
seventy nine times, impure members gathered and created some
silly awesome shits. ,
its this magical moment of the season again.
our very own dear spring is here.
remember, one year ago?
there was some nfo file we wrote, talking about meadows.
meadows are here again. all around. ,
were currently walking around, in the meadows, spreading our
seeds of classical and awesome text art files.
its all growing. look twice. this pack is giant.
so many guest files.
this deserves a nfo file written in flashy green.
another shot of schnaps.
wait. were writing history here. lets get serious. its 2021.
were grown up. or we try to.
lets talk about grown up things, then.
the seventy nine above, is definitely not well balanced.
grisk will surely hate it.
grisk should know that we definitely are not who we seem to be.
clues are all over.
we take our power from some hidden place.
were growing.
we hired spinsane. ,
were filled with american love now.
we even wrote him in green in the members list!
grisk. clues are all over.
look. twice.
lornikon connected on irc from his amiga today. .
he could have connected his typewriter to his amiga.
np: 505 - And There We were
were gonna grow some more pretty soon, in the next lines.
guests pimped our pack again this time.
time flies by. its almost 10pm.
,, candles are burning. .
, , grisk. ,
. , wind is growing mad all over the place.
, no way to get out without filling cold.
, , lets stick inside. inside warm feelings of ascii making.
, , inside warm feeling of feeling at home with brothers.
-- -- or with bubbles of schnaps.
ixxu pumped up some handsome logo for the above mastery.
requested, given back in no time. this morning.
so yeah. hey. this pack is here.
we made it again. ,
we should add some greetings section to this nfo file.
, , not enough titan greetings. , .,
next lines are full of love. , , *
. ,. grisk!!!!!!!!!!****
, .: hey. , , ,
,, .yo. , ,*
,, imp? , *
, iMPURe 1940 - INFINITY
, *l ! !
the guest list as well is written in flash green. this is going
to be silly. hey, awesome guest artists, join us already.
m-m-much thanks for the guest appearance to :: ,
mx - dipswitch - ne7 - zaner - shathippenspure - jojo - threaz
aaaaaaaaaannnd lmn.
we told you it was a very great amount of guest artists in the
pack. this is another of these quoteawesomestoriesquote.
/ , , / ! O
O ! / / /8/ //O//O//8 / / /O/ / o /
// / // /8 O // /9 / //O /
/ o , / , .cn/
ll a g r a n d e f a m i l l e i m p u r e
spinsane sp
pogue pO 2o! +l grmmxi grx
hellbeard xz , venam vnm hawk hubbard hh
haliphax hx xero x0 arlequin arl
jack phlash jp acidbrain, ab smooth 5m
maze mz prismate pmt cn .cn
, lord nikon ldn irokos iks , anachronist ans
, * ixxu ixxu , ,
c o n t a c t a n d b b s e s
, FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
, WWW https://www.impure.nl , /
, iRC impure @ efnet /
, * E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
, , bulletinboardsystemslist, / !
WORLD Black Flag CANADA Fading Black /
HQ Master Hawk Hubbard ,, HQ Master westie /
,blackflagbbs.com ,* fadingblack.net ,
, blackflag.acid.org , ,port 8282 , ,
port 23: Mystic X ,
port 24: Searchlight ,
, port 2627: PCBoard , ,
port 2629: Oblivion/2 , ,
, ACiD Underworld , , , ,, ,
, , acidunderworld.com , ,
port 31337: Mystic Rpi, ,,
EURO Haciend , GERMAN The Yard
HQ Master h7 HQ Master zANER
haciend.bbs.fi ,,,, too-l33t-4-u
MEMBER Distortion MEMBER 79 Columns
BOARD Master jP! BOARD Master haliphax
d1st.org ,,,,, oddnetwork.org
BOARD Master aNACHRONiST BOARD Master Smooth /
absinthebbs.net port 1940 ,,,,, bbs.inktwo.com
,,,,, ,, inktwo.acid.org ! .
, / o
DiSTRO FlupH , *, DiSTRO Clutch /
BOARD Master Skuz *, , BOARD Master niter3/
fluph.zapto.org * , ,,,,, bbs.clutchbbs.com
DiSTRO Slime City l DiSTRO , Pharcyde
BOARD Master m00p ,, , BOARD ,Master Accession
bbs.retrohack.se x,, , bbs.pharcyde.org
, port 8484: x/84 ,,, ,b ,
DiSTRO Dreamland DiSTRO Necronomicon
BOARD Master Dream Master BOARD Master Necromaster
bbs.dreamlandbbs.org ,,,,,, necrobbs.ddns.net
, , port 40: CNet
DiSTRO Xibalba , ,
BOARD Master NuSkooler ,*, ,
xibalba.l33t.codes , * , ,
port: 44510 , , ,
DiSTRO fORCE9 , , ,
BOARD Master RiPuk l ,
bbs.force9.org ++
Y / / //
/ Y /
, d /
, , **MMM, , *, *
, ,MM*, *, .
: , : : ..96:: .:.
* .b : * Mb, ,: ::
.: ..d* : b*, .:.
, ..d* *b, ,
, * *b,,, *
: sd*9 : MMMMMM*
.d 9,: !:b,
. 9 9, :**
:: 9 . **
. s: : :b. ,. d :: ,
!! * impure ascii 1940 *, ,
, , *l , / !
! , ! a n s i - s h i t - a r t s ,
! , , iks - .cn - 2o - ixxu - pmt ,
!! ,,look ixxu made a new 3 logo ,
!! the fantastic five collab
!! , meant to live forever ,
!! i M P U R e ,,
!! 1 9 4 0
!! i n f i n i t y ,
,,, P*
,db, , *,, O ,*,
*b, ** ,**
db, ** ,,*,*,, ,,, ,, ,*,**
*b, *, ,dBb,,*,** ,b ,** ,*,**
*b, *, , , ,***,** ,* ,*,** ,*
*b, ,* , ,*,*,,** ,* ,*,** ,
,,,,*b, d* P,,** ,**,** ,***,** ,
,** *,*b, ,d* ,** ,,P,* ,**,** ,
, * *b, *b* ,***,* ,,*, ,**,,** ,
* *b*** ,,*P , ** ,,** ,*
, *b, *,**,,* * , *,*
, *b, ,* , *** , * ,*
d, , , * *,*,*** ** ,*
,*b, d *
, ,d
b ,oP ,db, ,d,
, ,dP , , ,dP ,d
,d ,bP , , b ,d , d
,d ,dP , , ,P ,dP , d ,
,d dP , , ,d ,dP ,,* ,
,dP ,P , ,PP,d ,d ,,B ,d*
,dP d ,d , ,,* * ,dP dP ,,B ,d*
d d , P,*, ,,dP ,,B ,d*
* d, ,B , ,d ,,B,d
db ,P o ,B:o ,,B,*P
d , ,o ,,P ,,B*P , * ,
dP , ,d ,, , ,B ,,P B,
dP , dB *,, , ,,B d
d , B ,*,, , B ,d
,B ,** ,,,P ,dP
d ,P * ,, ,dP
,P * ,d ,,B ,dP
,b cd, ,dP
,P , b,,P
, ,**, OPB*
/ / V / / L/ /
L/ / / / / / /
LLLLL/ L./L/L/L/ /
! / -this bit rocks
!!!!!!/ !!!!L!L!!/
l i m p U R e
l a 7 9 m e c o l l e c t i o n ,
yaow. *, ,
impure number seventy nine. can you imagine. *
seventy nine times, impure members gathered and created some
silly awesome shits. ,
its this magical moment of the season again.
our very own dear spring is here.
remember, one year ago?
there was some nfo file we wrote, talking about meadows.
meadows are here again. all around. ,
were currently walking around, in the meadows, spreading our
seeds of classical and awesome text art files.
its all growing. look twice. this pack is giant.
so many guest files.
this deserves a nfo file written in flashy green.
another shot of schnaps.
wait. were writing history here. lets get serious. its 2021.
were grown up. or we try to.
lets talk about grown up things, then.
the seventy nine above, is definitely not well balanced.
grisk will surely hate it.
grisk should know that we definitely are not who we seem to be.
clues are all over.
we take our power from some hidden place.
were growing.
we hired spinsane. ,
were filled with american love now.
we even wrote him in green in the members list!
grisk. clues are all over.
look. twice.
lornikon connected on irc from his amiga today. .
he could have connected his typewriter to his amiga.
np: 505 - And There We were
were gonna grow some more pretty soon, in the next lines.
guests pimped our pack again this time.
time flies by. its almost 10pm.
,, candles are burning. .
, , grisk. ,
. , wind is growing mad all over the place.
, no way to get out without filling cold.
, , lets stick inside. inside warm feelings of ascii making.
, , inside warm feeling of feeling at home with brothers.
-- -- or with bubbles of schnaps.
ixxu pumped up some handsome logo for the above mastery.
requested, given back in no time. this morning.
so yeah. hey. this pack is here.
we made it again. ,
we should add some greetings section to this nfo file.
, , not enough titan greetings. , .,
next lines are full of love. , , *
. ,. grisk!!!!!!!!!!****
, .: hey. , , ,
,, .yo. , ,*
,, imp? , *
, iMPURe 1940 - INFINITY
, *l ! !
the guest list as well is written in flash green. this is going
to be silly. hey, awesome guest artists, join us already.
m-m-much thanks for the guest appearance to :: ,
mx - dipswitch - ne7 - zaner - shathippenspure - jojo - threaz
aaaaaaaaaannnd lmn.
we told you it was a very great amount of guest artists in the
pack. this is another of these quoteawesomestoriesquote.
/ , , / ! O
O ! / / /8/ //O//O//8 / / /O/ / o /
// / // /8 O // /9 / //O /
/ o , / , .cn/
ll a g r a n d e f a m i l l e i m p u r e
spinsane sp
pogue pO 2o! +l grmmxi grx
hellbeard xz , venam vnm hawk hubbard hh
haliphax hx xero x0 arlequin arl
jack phlash jp acidbrain, ab smooth 5m
maze mz prismate pmt cn .cn
, lord nikon ldn irokos iks , anachronist ans
, * ixxu ixxu , ,
c o n t a c t a n d b b s e s
, FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
, WWW https://www.impure.nl , /
, iRC impure @ efnet /
, * E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
, , bulletinboardsystemslist, / !
WORLD Black Flag CANADA Fading Black /
HQ Master Hawk Hubbard ,, HQ Master westie /
,blackflagbbs.com ,* fadingblack.net ,
, blackflag.acid.org , ,port 8282 , ,
port 23: Mystic X ,
port 24: Searchlight ,
, port 2627: PCBoard , ,
port 2629: Oblivion/2 , ,
, ACiD Underworld , , , ,, ,
, , acidunderworld.com , ,
port 31337: Mystic Rpi, ,,
EURO Haciend , GERMAN The Yard
HQ Master h7 HQ Master zANER
haciend.bbs.fi ,,,, too-l33t-4-u
MEMBER Distortion MEMBER 79 Columns
BOARD Master jP! BOARD Master haliphax
d1st.org ,,,,, oddnetwork.org
BOARD Master aNACHRONiST BOARD Master Smooth /
absinthebbs.net port 1940 ,,,,, bbs.inktwo.com
,,,,, ,, inktwo.acid.org ! .
, / o
DiSTRO FlupH , *, DiSTRO Clutch /
BOARD Master Skuz *, , BOARD Master niter3/
fluph.zapto.org * , ,,,,, bbs.clutchbbs.com
DiSTRO Slime City l DiSTRO , Pharcyde
BOARD Master m00p ,, , BOARD ,Master Accession
bbs.retrohack.se x,, , bbs.pharcyde.org
, port 8484: x/84 ,,, ,b ,
DiSTRO Dreamland DiSTRO Necronomicon
BOARD Master Dream Master BOARD Master Necromaster
bbs.dreamlandbbs.org ,,,,,, necrobbs.ddns.net
, , port 40: CNet
DiSTRO Xibalba , ,
BOARD Master NuSkooler ,*, ,
xibalba.l33t.codes , * , ,
port: 44510 , , ,
DiSTRO fORCE9 , , ,
BOARD Master RiPuk l ,
bbs.force9.org ++
Y / / //
/ Y /
, d /
, , **MMM, , *, *
, ,MM*, *, .
: , : : ..96:: .:.
* .b : * Mb, ,: ::
.: ..d* : b*, .:.
, ..d* *b, ,
, * *b,,, *
: sd*9 : MMMMMM*
.d 9,: !:b,
. 9 9, :**
:: 9 . **
. s: : :b. ,. d :: ,
!! * impure ascii 1940 *, ,
, , *l , / !
! , ! a n s i - s h i t - a r t s ,
! , , iks - .cn - 2o - ixxu - pmt ,
!! ,,look ixxu made a new 3 logo ,
!! the fantastic five collab
!! , meant to live forever ,
!! i M P U R e ,,
!! 1 9 4 0
!! i n f i n i t y ,
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