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l i m p u r e
t h e 7 6 t h c o l l e c t i o n
, ,stealing the show. thats how they call it, right? i have this file in
,,,front of me, the release date is planned for today, it is 3am. the
impure members channel has never been so active. we told the world this
pack would happen. we told the world this pack would be once again,
another eyecandy. the really good news is that this whole economical
system has been shot in the knee, drawing art has never been so easy and
enthusiastic. you know, this feeling of having holidays till the end of
your life, like when you were kid, running in the meadows, just being
happy. thats how it goes, nowadays. mental freedom, finally.
enjoy all of it, its made of honey, from the meadows.
deep thanks go to our guest artists for this pack
nerv - yix - quake - mypalgoo
, *l
l a g r a n d e f a m i l l e i m p u r e
pogue pO 2o! +l grmmxi grx
hellbeard xz venam vnm hawk hubbard hh
haliphax hx xero x0 arlequin arl
jack phlash jp acidbrain ab smooth 5m
maze mz prismate pmt cn cn
, lord nikon ldn irokos iks anachronist ans
, * ixxu ixxu , ,
c o n t a c t a n d b b s e s
, FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
, WWW https://www.impure.nl
, iRC impure @ efnet
, * E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
, , bulletinboardsystemslist
WORLD Black Flag CANADA Fading Black
HQ Master Hawk Hubbard ,, HQ Master westie
blackflagbbs.com ,* fadingblack.net ,
blackflag.acid.org , , ,, , ,
port 23: Mystic X ,
port 24: Searchlight ,
port 2627: PCBoard , ,
port 2629: Oblivion/2 , ,
, ACiD Underworld , , , ,, ,
, acidunderworld.com , ,
port 31337: Mystic Rpi, ,,
EURO Haciend GERMAN The Yard
HQ Master h7 HQ Master zANER
haciend.bbs.fi ,,,, too-l33t-4-u
MEMBER Distortion MEMBER 79 Columns
BOARD Master jP! BOARD Master haliphax
d1st.org ,,,,, oddnetwork.org
BOARD Master aNACHRONiST BOARD Master Smooth
absinthebbs.net port 1940 ,,,,, bbs.inktwo.com
,,,,, ,, inktwo.acid.org
DiSTRO FlupH , *, DiSTRO Alcoholiday
BOARD Master Skuz *, , BOARD Master Zero Reader
fluph.zapto.org * , ,,,,, alco.bbs.io
DiSTRO Slime City l DiSTRO , Clutch
BOARD Master m00p ,, , BOARD ,Master niter3
bbs.retrohack.se x,, , bbs.clutchbbs.com
port 8484: x/84 ,,, ,b ,
DiSTRO Dreamland DiSTRO Necronomicon
BOARD Master Dream Master BOARD Master Necromaster
bbs.dreamlandbbs.org ,,,,,,, necrobbs.strangled.net
, port 40: CNet
DiSTRO Xibalba DiSTRO Pharcyde
BOARD Master NuSkooler,* BOARD Master Accession
xibalba.l33t.codes, *, bbs.pharcyde.org
port: 44510 ,
BOARD Master RiPuk l
bbs.force9.org ++
/ , /db / /
/ / / / xz
* impure ascii 1940 * ,
, *l ,
i M P U R e
1 9 4 0
i n f i n i t y
, ,, b,
,,,.., , *,*P*,,, * ,
l -+ ,
l. ,
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, b, x , , - ,
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........* ***. l,,, ,
/b*xxx,,,,, ** b , ,
* ***XXXxx*,,,, d , , ,.
, , *,***xxxbc.. ,
xxbx *b,
dd , b,
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***/***XXXb*x,, **
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xd** **b,
, ,d**,xxb** ,
xx,p, , *x
,,**XXXxxxx,,,,,,d , ,
x ,,c,x ,
, , d *
l i m p u r e
t h e 7 6 t h c o l l e c t i o n
, ,stealing the show. thats how they call it, right? i have this file in
,,,front of me, the release date is planned for today, it is 3am. the
impure members channel has never been so active. we told the world this
pack would happen. we told the world this pack would be once again,
another eyecandy. the really good news is that this whole economical
system has been shot in the knee, drawing art has never been so easy and
enthusiastic. you know, this feeling of having holidays till the end of
your life, like when you were kid, running in the meadows, just being
happy. thats how it goes, nowadays. mental freedom, finally.
enjoy all of it, its made of honey, from the meadows.
deep thanks go to our guest artists for this pack
nerv - yix - quake - mypalgoo
, *l
l a g r a n d e f a m i l l e i m p u r e
pogue pO 2o! +l grmmxi grx
hellbeard xz venam vnm hawk hubbard hh
haliphax hx xero x0 arlequin arl
jack phlash jp acidbrain ab smooth 5m
maze mz prismate pmt cn cn
, lord nikon ldn irokos iks anachronist ans
, * ixxu ixxu , ,
c o n t a c t a n d b b s e s
, FTP ftp://oddnetwork.org
, WWW https://www.impure.nl
, iRC impure @ efnet
, * E-MAiL arcworld@yahoo.com
, , bulletinboardsystemslist
WORLD Black Flag CANADA Fading Black
HQ Master Hawk Hubbard ,, HQ Master westie
blackflagbbs.com ,* fadingblack.net ,
blackflag.acid.org , , ,, , ,
port 23: Mystic X ,
port 24: Searchlight ,
port 2627: PCBoard , ,
port 2629: Oblivion/2 , ,
, ACiD Underworld , , , ,, ,
, acidunderworld.com , ,
port 31337: Mystic Rpi, ,,
EURO Haciend GERMAN The Yard
HQ Master h7 HQ Master zANER
haciend.bbs.fi ,,,, too-l33t-4-u
MEMBER Distortion MEMBER 79 Columns
BOARD Master jP! BOARD Master haliphax
d1st.org ,,,,, oddnetwork.org
BOARD Master aNACHRONiST BOARD Master Smooth
absinthebbs.net port 1940 ,,,,, bbs.inktwo.com
,,,,, ,, inktwo.acid.org
DiSTRO FlupH , *, DiSTRO Alcoholiday
BOARD Master Skuz *, , BOARD Master Zero Reader
fluph.zapto.org * , ,,,,, alco.bbs.io
DiSTRO Slime City l DiSTRO , Clutch
BOARD Master m00p ,, , BOARD ,Master niter3
bbs.retrohack.se x,, , bbs.clutchbbs.com
port 8484: x/84 ,,, ,b ,
DiSTRO Dreamland DiSTRO Necronomicon
BOARD Master Dream Master BOARD Master Necromaster
bbs.dreamlandbbs.org ,,,,,,, necrobbs.strangled.net
, port 40: CNet
DiSTRO Xibalba DiSTRO Pharcyde
BOARD Master NuSkooler,* BOARD Master Accession
xibalba.l33t.codes, *, bbs.pharcyde.org
port: 44510 ,
BOARD Master RiPuk l
bbs.force9.org ++
/ , /db / /
/ / / / xz
* impure ascii 1940 * ,
, *l ,
i M P U R e
1 9 4 0
i n f i n i t y
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