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:: . / gRK . /
-- Telnet: necrobbs.strangled.net -- https://twitter.com/NecroBBS --
Official Distribution Site For Impure!ASCII Blocktronics
- RetroNet Headquarters - Cyber-Net - DoveNet - DoreNet - SFNet! -
- FidoNet - SurvNet - SportNet - GatorNet! - UseNet -
Doing a Jack Phlash here by taking the liberty to rework the old and tired
screen for Necronomicon BBS. If the msgnet information is outdated, change
it, Necromaster. I started on this a long time ago just clearing out the
queue of things to do. -- gRISKOKARE/iMPURE!aSCII 1940
:: . / gRK . /
-- Telnet: necrobbs.strangled.net -- https://twitter.com/NecroBBS --
Official Distribution Site For Impure!ASCII Blocktronics
- RetroNet Headquarters - Cyber-Net - DoveNet - DoreNet - SFNet! -
- FidoNet - SurvNet - SportNet - GatorNet! - UseNet -
-- Telnet: necrobbs.strangled.net -- https://twitter.com/NecroBBS --
Official Distribution Site For Impure!ASCII Blocktronics
- RetroNet Headquarters - Cyber-Net - DoveNet - DoreNet - SFNet! -
- FidoNet - SurvNet - SportNet - GatorNet! - UseNet -
Doing a Jack Phlash here by taking the liberty to rework the old and tired
screen for Necronomicon BBS. If the msgnet information is outdated, change
it, Necromaster. I started on this a long time ago just clearing out the
queue of things to do. -- gRISKOKARE/iMPURE!aSCII 1940
:: . / gRK . /
-- Telnet: necrobbs.strangled.net -- https://twitter.com/NecroBBS --
Official Distribution Site For Impure!ASCII Blocktronics
- RetroNet Headquarters - Cyber-Net - DoveNet - DoreNet - SFNet! -
- FidoNet - SurvNet - SportNet - GatorNet! - UseNet -
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