this image contains text
.. . -.- - , o o ..
with 3 from - -
/./ Y /Y Y Y ./ / /.
l l l l l l l
lllllllllll ll
This artpack was downloaded from http://textmod.es/
the text art preservation network! Show your love and l/ i
donate at: / Y
EUR maze@maze.io PayPal /---
Curating text mode art since 2010! /
http://textmod.es/ -- Main site / /
ftp://ftp.textmode.es/ -- Leech at will /
telnet://bloodisland.ph4.se/ -- Coolest place on the web /
telent://oddnetwork.org/ -- BBSing done right
with 3 from - -
/./ Y /Y Y Y ./ / /.
l l l l l l l
lllllllllll ll
This artpack was downloaded from http://textmod.es/
the text art preservation network! Show your love and l/ i
donate at: / Y
EUR maze@maze.io PayPal /---
Curating text mode art since 2010! /
http://textmod.es/ -- Main site / /
ftp://ftp.textmode.es/ -- Leech at will /
telnet://bloodisland.ph4.se/ -- Coolest place on the web /
telent://oddnetwork.org/ -- BBSing done right
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