this image contains text
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ACiDic is an offical subsidary of ACiD Productions, Inc. ACiDic is the BBS
Modification Division of ACiD.
If you are interested in joining the ACiDic team leave E-Mail to caphood
or any division leaders on any quality board or on aGORa Net.
The current ACiDic world headquarters is Black Flag, @ blackflag.acid.org
:. : : :: + ACiD bBS mODiFiCATiON diViSiON + :: : : .:
Thanks to Hellbeard for some design inspiration. -- gRK/iMPURE!aSCII 1940
...... . ,, ,dXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXb, ,, . ......
ACiDic is an offical subsidary of ACiD Productions, Inc. ACiDic is the BBS
Modification Division of ACiD.
If you are interested in joining the ACiDic team leave E-Mail to caphood
or any division leaders on any quality board or on aGORa Net.
The current ACiDic world headquarters is Black Flag, @ blackflag.acid.org
:. : : :: + ACiD bBS mODiFiCATiON diViSiON + :: : : .:
Thanks to Hellbeard for some design inspiration. -- gRK/iMPURE!aSCII 1940
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