this image contains text
! ! l ! .
. !: : :. l-,,,,,,,,--t- : : : !:
,- ,- : . ,:l:,,,:: / /
/ . ldn. ,- / ,- / / /
t h e z e r o . s i x . o n e e y e c a n d y
i n f o
Summer is here in the northern hemisphere and our unix
beards are blowing in the wind as we are all surfing on
the great wave of laziness that comes with summer time.
Old habits die hard though and today we bring you this
little gem that we call 61.
Lots of stuff happened within our movement since last
release. Grmmxi put a selection of his ascii work on
display at an art exhibition. Lordnikon has been
spending weeks on drawing a doomsday typewriter machine
on his typewriter. Pogue has been to Spain ...,
Griskokare has been busy supplying Caphood with ascii
for his BBS and Hellbeard has been building mongolian
We also have a new talent within our ranks Venam. Hes
fresh blood in the scene but has been growing a unix
beard since forever. Check out his interesting ascii
Thread lightly upon the trails of time, det finns s
jvla mnga skojare dr ute, and stay tuned for the
awakening of the impure dragon at the evoke demoparty.
i n f o
.want to apply to impure? mail us at impure@thuglife.org
and/or eric@modermodemet.se and include examples of
your work.. or drop by impure on irc efnet
.Impure is a style, not a group. If you think you have
the style, join up!
c o n t a c t
ftp n/a
irc impure @ efnet
mail impure@thuglife.org and eric@modermodemet.se
www http://bbs.ninja/impure
bbs bloodisland.ph4.se
artflow email us your guest pieces.
members know where to submit.
b o a r d s
world-hq - Piranha - Black Flag - master: caphood
+ blackflag.acid.org +
+ port: 24/Searchlight +
euro-hq - Haciend - - master: h7
+ haciend.bbs.fi +
member - Blood island/x - - master: xzippo
+ bloodisland.ph4.se + hellbeard
member - Distortion -
+ d1st.org + - master: jP!
member - 79 Columns -
+ oddnetwork.org + - master: haliphax
member - Random Noize -
+ temporarily down + - master: maze
.want to be a dist. board/BBS or site, contact us.
m e m b e r s
.the clan. .memories.
greetz goes to our
pO pOGUE - norway past members, who has
xz hELLBEARD - sweden began their journey
grk gRISKOKARE - sweden into a new scene, a
hx hALIPHAX - usa new world or maybe
jp jACK pHLASH - usa just a new group in
mz mAZE - holland no partically order:
ldn lORD nIKON - germany spitfire, befeater,
grx gRMMXI - finland dorm, dopedemon, esc,
ch cAPHOOD - usa hex corrupt, quix,
+l 2o! - cuba the director, methane
vnm vENAM - lebanon skywalker, acidburn,
cleaner, dark stalker
the genocidal servant
magma, mystic rage,
helter skelter, dwarf
dark entity,
tekkrik-e, zimmer,
inphamilair, blooz,
ansichrist, pix, pdz,
dedchylde, devilangel
acidbrain, elend,
simonking, ozzeth,
shadow lord,
dead brain, tribe,
noof, scour, curdon
g r e e t s
.hello to our friends in:
break!!ascii . blocktronics . mistigris
dezign . dekadence . devotion . galza
divine stylers
+ all of you old geezers still in the text art scene
We dont believe in bad KARMA, we dont MIMIC, we
have no REMORSE and we are not about to BREAK up.
* 1 9 4 0 - 2 0 1 6 *
seventy six years of ascii art and counting!
. !: : :. l-,,,,,,,,--t- : : : !:
,- ,- : . ,:l:,,,:: / /
/ . ldn. ,- / ,- / / /
t h e z e r o . s i x . o n e e y e c a n d y
i n f o
Summer is here in the northern hemisphere and our unix
beards are blowing in the wind as we are all surfing on
the great wave of laziness that comes with summer time.
Old habits die hard though and today we bring you this
little gem that we call 61.
Lots of stuff happened within our movement since last
release. Grmmxi put a selection of his ascii work on
display at an art exhibition. Lordnikon has been
spending weeks on drawing a doomsday typewriter machine
on his typewriter. Pogue has been to Spain ...,
Griskokare has been busy supplying Caphood with ascii
for his BBS and Hellbeard has been building mongolian
We also have a new talent within our ranks Venam. Hes
fresh blood in the scene but has been growing a unix
beard since forever. Check out his interesting ascii
Thread lightly upon the trails of time, det finns s
jvla mnga skojare dr ute, and stay tuned for the
awakening of the impure dragon at the evoke demoparty.
i n f o
.want to apply to impure? mail us at impure@thuglife.org
and/or eric@modermodemet.se and include examples of
your work.. or drop by impure on irc efnet
.Impure is a style, not a group. If you think you have
the style, join up!
c o n t a c t
ftp n/a
irc impure @ efnet
mail impure@thuglife.org and eric@modermodemet.se
www http://bbs.ninja/impure
bbs bloodisland.ph4.se
artflow email us your guest pieces.
members know where to submit.
b o a r d s
world-hq - Piranha - Black Flag - master: caphood
+ blackflag.acid.org +
+ port: 24/Searchlight +
euro-hq - Haciend - - master: h7
+ haciend.bbs.fi +
member - Blood island/x - - master: xzippo
+ bloodisland.ph4.se + hellbeard
member - Distortion -
+ d1st.org + - master: jP!
member - 79 Columns -
+ oddnetwork.org + - master: haliphax
member - Random Noize -
+ temporarily down + - master: maze
.want to be a dist. board/BBS or site, contact us.
m e m b e r s
.the clan. .memories.
greetz goes to our
pO pOGUE - norway past members, who has
xz hELLBEARD - sweden began their journey
grk gRISKOKARE - sweden into a new scene, a
hx hALIPHAX - usa new world or maybe
jp jACK pHLASH - usa just a new group in
mz mAZE - holland no partically order:
ldn lORD nIKON - germany spitfire, befeater,
grx gRMMXI - finland dorm, dopedemon, esc,
ch cAPHOOD - usa hex corrupt, quix,
+l 2o! - cuba the director, methane
vnm vENAM - lebanon skywalker, acidburn,
cleaner, dark stalker
the genocidal servant
magma, mystic rage,
helter skelter, dwarf
dark entity,
tekkrik-e, zimmer,
inphamilair, blooz,
ansichrist, pix, pdz,
dedchylde, devilangel
acidbrain, elend,
simonking, ozzeth,
shadow lord,
dead brain, tribe,
noof, scour, curdon
g r e e t s
.hello to our friends in:
break!!ascii . blocktronics . mistigris
dezign . dekadence . devotion . galza
divine stylers
+ all of you old geezers still in the text art scene
We dont believe in bad KARMA, we dont MIMIC, we
have no REMORSE and we are not about to BREAK up.
* 1 9 4 0 - 2 0 1 6 *
seventy six years of ascii art and counting!
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