this image contains text
t h e z e r o . f i v e . f i v e e y e c a n d y
o o
o o o
o / o
----------pO!/ . /------//---
o I M P U R E ! ? o
o 194O
let us fall out the window with confetti in our hairs
i n f o
Impure!Ascii is back again, this time delivering you a
chritma goodiebag from the wonders of ascii art. Its
been a busy year for us as we actually managed to
release three quality art packs since we got back from
retirement about 6 months ago. Pogue got so worn out
and exhausted that he had to travel down to Spain in
order to calm down. Rumours has it that he is drinking
boat drinks at the beach and is seeing purple santas
everywhere. Whos putting goodies in his drinks?
Lots of love to the lads in the group that managed to
contribute on such a short basis and also to our
friends in the amiga scene who made this art collection
into what it is. Thanks Sk!n, Lord Nikon and Skope.
Its good to have friends!
Cut out the bloody shopping and take care of eachother.
Happy new year and merry christmas!
Ps, go out in the woods and cut down a spruce christmas
tree in order to support your local biodiversity.
i n f o
.want to apply to impure? mail us at impure@thuglife.org
and/or eric@modermodemet.se and include examples of
your work.. or drop by impure on irc efnet
.Impure is a style, not a group. If you think you have
the style, join up!
c o n t a c t
ftp ftp://shroo.ms hosted by frost
irc impure or 1984 @ efnet
mail impure@thuglife.org and eric@modermodemet.se
www http://bbs.ninja/impure
bbs bloodisland.ph4.se
artflow email us your guest pieces.
members know where to submit.
b o a r d s
world-hq - Blood island/x - - master: xzippo
+ bloodisland.ph4.se +
euro-hq - Haciend - - master: h7
+ haciend.bbs.fi +
usa-hq - Piranha - Black flag - master: caphood
+ blackflag.acid.org +
+ port: 23/Mystic, 2425/PCB 2627/DD +
member - Distortion -
+ d1st.org + - master: jP!
member - 79 Columns -
+ oddnetwork.org + - master: haliphax
member - Random noize -
+ maze.io + - master: maze
dist - Shrooms -
+ bbs.shroo.ms + - master: frost
.want to be a dist. board/BBS or site, contact us.
m e m b e r s
.the clan. .memories.
pO pOGUE - norway greetz goes to our
xz hELLBEARD - sweden past members, who has
began their journey
grk gRISKOKARE - sweden into a new scene, a
hx hALIPHAX - usa new world or maybe
jp jACK pHLASH - usa just a new group in
scr sCOUR - cuba no partically order:
cdn cURDON - sweden spitfire, befeater,
mz mAZE - netherlands dorm, dopedemon, esc,
hex corrupt, quix,
.guests. the director, methane
ldn lORD nIKON - germany skywalker, acidburn,
sk sKOPE - sweden cleaner, dark stalker
sk!n sK!N - germany the genocidal servant
magma, mystic rage,
its good to have friends helter skelter, dwarf
dark entity,
tekkrik-e, zimmer,
inphamilair, blooz,
ansichrist, pix, pdz,
dedchylde, devilangel
acidbrain, elend,
simonking, ozzeth,
shadow lord,
dead brain, tribe,
g r e e t s
.hello to our friends in:
break!ascii . blocktronics . tulou . x/84 dev team
dezign . dekadence . devotion . galza
divine stylers . fire dream
+ all of you old geezers still in the text art scene
Ooh Mimic? Where are you now?
/ n7vasl /
l / / /
--- --- - --- --- ---- --l/- ----- -
.o pure pimpin /
* 1 9 4 0 - 2 0 1 4 *
seventy four years of ascii art and counting!
o o
o o o
o / o
----------pO!/ . /------//---
o I M P U R E ! ? o
o 194O
let us fall out the window with confetti in our hairs
i n f o
Impure!Ascii is back again, this time delivering you a
chritma goodiebag from the wonders of ascii art. Its
been a busy year for us as we actually managed to
release three quality art packs since we got back from
retirement about 6 months ago. Pogue got so worn out
and exhausted that he had to travel down to Spain in
order to calm down. Rumours has it that he is drinking
boat drinks at the beach and is seeing purple santas
everywhere. Whos putting goodies in his drinks?
Lots of love to the lads in the group that managed to
contribute on such a short basis and also to our
friends in the amiga scene who made this art collection
into what it is. Thanks Sk!n, Lord Nikon and Skope.
Its good to have friends!
Cut out the bloody shopping and take care of eachother.
Happy new year and merry christmas!
Ps, go out in the woods and cut down a spruce christmas
tree in order to support your local biodiversity.
i n f o
.want to apply to impure? mail us at impure@thuglife.org
and/or eric@modermodemet.se and include examples of
your work.. or drop by impure on irc efnet
.Impure is a style, not a group. If you think you have
the style, join up!
c o n t a c t
ftp ftp://shroo.ms hosted by frost
irc impure or 1984 @ efnet
mail impure@thuglife.org and eric@modermodemet.se
www http://bbs.ninja/impure
bbs bloodisland.ph4.se
artflow email us your guest pieces.
members know where to submit.
b o a r d s
world-hq - Blood island/x - - master: xzippo
+ bloodisland.ph4.se +
euro-hq - Haciend - - master: h7
+ haciend.bbs.fi +
usa-hq - Piranha - Black flag - master: caphood
+ blackflag.acid.org +
+ port: 23/Mystic, 2425/PCB 2627/DD +
member - Distortion -
+ d1st.org + - master: jP!
member - 79 Columns -
+ oddnetwork.org + - master: haliphax
member - Random noize -
+ maze.io + - master: maze
dist - Shrooms -
+ bbs.shroo.ms + - master: frost
.want to be a dist. board/BBS or site, contact us.
m e m b e r s
.the clan. .memories.
pO pOGUE - norway greetz goes to our
xz hELLBEARD - sweden past members, who has
began their journey
grk gRISKOKARE - sweden into a new scene, a
hx hALIPHAX - usa new world or maybe
jp jACK pHLASH - usa just a new group in
scr sCOUR - cuba no partically order:
cdn cURDON - sweden spitfire, befeater,
mz mAZE - netherlands dorm, dopedemon, esc,
hex corrupt, quix,
.guests. the director, methane
ldn lORD nIKON - germany skywalker, acidburn,
sk sKOPE - sweden cleaner, dark stalker
sk!n sK!N - germany the genocidal servant
magma, mystic rage,
its good to have friends helter skelter, dwarf
dark entity,
tekkrik-e, zimmer,
inphamilair, blooz,
ansichrist, pix, pdz,
dedchylde, devilangel
acidbrain, elend,
simonking, ozzeth,
shadow lord,
dead brain, tribe,
g r e e t s
.hello to our friends in:
break!ascii . blocktronics . tulou . x/84 dev team
dezign . dekadence . devotion . galza
divine stylers . fire dream
+ all of you old geezers still in the text art scene
Ooh Mimic? Where are you now?
/ n7vasl /
l / / /
--- --- - --- --- ---- --l/- ----- -
.o pure pimpin /
* 1 9 4 0 - 2 0 1 4 *
seventy four years of ascii art and counting!
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