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t h e z e r o . f o u r . n i n e e y e c a n d y
/ / i M P U R E // / / / / / / / / / / / / / I / / sDW / ------/----- --------- // / 19 40 / + + / / / .---------- / // // /-----------. . . . . . i n f o r m a t i o n . . . .. . . a s c i i . a r c h i v e . . . + iMPURE 49 - Waiting for Pogue If you are looking for ASCII Packs, + ASCII Collys or ASCII Utilities, be It was autumn -in the year of 2004- sure to drop by our site at: On irc the days seemed dull and boring -like a ship without sails- w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g We where all awaiting something, someone. cause we have everything there Then one rainy day he just stood If you are looking for a pack or a + there staring at us, colly by a certain ASCII artist or With a bottle of Corona in one hand group, be sure to type this into and a -type writer- in the other. your browser: First he said to us -Lets releasch www.thuglife.org/ascii this thing ye maggotz- Then he sang a song, Sju attende ..and you will be taken to the ASCII and throwed the pack at us. ARCHIVE SEARCH. He turned away from the light Visit our site by going to: and roved out in the cold dark November night. w w w . i m p u r e . t k Now dont tell us it wasnt worth the wait. The legend of Impure is in the making. + Want to apply to impure? mail us at impure@thuglife.org and include examples of your work.. or drop by + impure on irc efnet and ask for xzippo or pogue. Impure is a style, not a group. If you have the style, join up! - ::....... / : . // . . / : : / : : : c O N T A C T ! : . :/ / : . : : sCr/pO! / / / / : / : / // / / / / / :: // / // / // : :: :: :: // :: // . :: .. :: .. :: // :: // .. :: .. - / .. . . . . . . . b o a r d s . . . . . . . . . . c o n t a c t i n g . . . . world-hq blood island ............ bloodisland.darktech.org:50 ........ ftp down +46.31918096 ................ xzip irc impure or woe irc efnet mail impure@thuglife.org euro-hq haciend .................. www www.impure.tk haciend.bbs.fi ................ h7 ww2 www.thuglife.org/impure ww3 impure.estilla.com swedish-hq terraniux underground . + 46.87777388 .......... tetsuoii artflow send submits to pogue or mail it to our mail at danish-hq euphoric illusion ...... +45.58520573 ............ zubfatal impure@thuglife.org german-hq the badlands ........... +49.9116959478 .......... bad peon . . . . . m e m b e r s . . . . . . : : dutch-hq the lounge .............. :..................founders.: thelounge.org ........... martigan pO pOGUE poguemon@thuglife.org telnet-hq insomnia ............... xz xZiP arakee@beer.com inso.darktech.org ......... silica . . :...................artists.: Want to be a distribution board/BBS or site, feel free to contact us. AB aCIDBRAIN not@available.yet jP jACk pHLASh jp@demonic.net . . . . m e m o r i e s . . . . . . eLD eLEND germany sK sIMONKING poland greetz goes to our past members, who oZZ oZZETH not@available.yet has began their journey into a new DA dEVIL aNGEL not@available scene, a new world or maybe just a cDN cURDON sweden new group not in any partically sHl sHADOW lORD not@available order: spitfire, befeater, dorm, dED dEDCHYLDE not@available dopedemon, quix, esc, hex corrupt, dBRNdEAD bRAIN italy the director, methane, skywalker, t03 tRIBE finland acidburn, cleaner, the genocidal . . servantmagma, helter skelter, :....................guests.: dark stalker, dwarf, mystic rage, shyphtsagramore, dark entity, tekkrik-e, modium, inphamilair, ansichrist, zimmer, pix, befeater, blooz, pdz. : // :. / / / n7vasl / / / / , / ,/ / /, / / / l / / / .: --- --- - --- --- ---- --l/- ----- ------- ---- / .o pure pimpin / / / /
/ / i M P U R E // / / / / / / / / / / / / / I / / sDW / ------/----- --------- // / 19 40 / + + / / / .---------- / // // /-----------. . . . . . i n f o r m a t i o n . . . .. . . a s c i i . a r c h i v e . . . + iMPURE 49 - Waiting for Pogue If you are looking for ASCII Packs, + ASCII Collys or ASCII Utilities, be It was autumn -in the year of 2004- sure to drop by our site at: On irc the days seemed dull and boring -like a ship without sails- w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g We where all awaiting something, someone. cause we have everything there Then one rainy day he just stood If you are looking for a pack or a + there staring at us, colly by a certain ASCII artist or With a bottle of Corona in one hand group, be sure to type this into and a -type writer- in the other. your browser: First he said to us -Lets releasch www.thuglife.org/ascii this thing ye maggotz- Then he sang a song, Sju attende ..and you will be taken to the ASCII and throwed the pack at us. ARCHIVE SEARCH. He turned away from the light Visit our site by going to: and roved out in the cold dark November night. w w w . i m p u r e . t k Now dont tell us it wasnt worth the wait. The legend of Impure is in the making. + Want to apply to impure? mail us at impure@thuglife.org and include examples of your work.. or drop by + impure on irc efnet and ask for xzippo or pogue. Impure is a style, not a group. If you have the style, join up! - ::....... / : . // . . / : : / : : : c O N T A C T ! : . :/ / : . : : sCr/pO! / / / / : / : / // / / / / / :: // / // / // : :: :: :: // :: // . :: .. :: .. :: // :: // .. :: .. - / .. . . . . . . . b o a r d s . . . . . . . . . . c o n t a c t i n g . . . . world-hq blood island ............ bloodisland.darktech.org:50 ........ ftp down +46.31918096 ................ xzip irc impure or woe irc efnet mail impure@thuglife.org euro-hq haciend .................. www www.impure.tk haciend.bbs.fi ................ h7 ww2 www.thuglife.org/impure ww3 impure.estilla.com swedish-hq terraniux underground . + 46.87777388 .......... tetsuoii artflow send submits to pogue or mail it to our mail at danish-hq euphoric illusion ...... +45.58520573 ............ zubfatal impure@thuglife.org german-hq the badlands ........... +49.9116959478 .......... bad peon . . . . . m e m b e r s . . . . . . : : dutch-hq the lounge .............. :..................founders.: thelounge.org ........... martigan pO pOGUE poguemon@thuglife.org telnet-hq insomnia ............... xz xZiP arakee@beer.com inso.darktech.org ......... silica . . :...................artists.: Want to be a distribution board/BBS or site, feel free to contact us. AB aCIDBRAIN not@available.yet jP jACk pHLASh jp@demonic.net . . . . m e m o r i e s . . . . . . eLD eLEND germany sK sIMONKING poland greetz goes to our past members, who oZZ oZZETH not@available.yet has began their journey into a new DA dEVIL aNGEL not@available scene, a new world or maybe just a cDN cURDON sweden new group not in any partically sHl sHADOW lORD not@available order: spitfire, befeater, dorm, dED dEDCHYLDE not@available dopedemon, quix, esc, hex corrupt, dBRNdEAD bRAIN italy the director, methane, skywalker, t03 tRIBE finland acidburn, cleaner, the genocidal . . servantmagma, helter skelter, :....................guests.: dark stalker, dwarf, mystic rage, shyphtsagramore, dark entity, tekkrik-e, modium, inphamilair, ansichrist, zimmer, pix, befeater, blooz, pdz. : // :. / / / n7vasl / / / / , / ,/ / /, / / / l / / / .: --- --- - --- --- ---- --l/- ----- ------- ---- / .o pure pimpin / / / /
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