this image contains text
// //pO!/ /
// 169 gROUPS!
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g aSCIIrEVIEWS!
/ / // 2Oth december 2OO2
t h i s f i l e p a s s e d t h e a s c i i a r c h i v e a t
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
begin colly
Proudly from the Impure 1940 family..
. ozz!imp /
d e d c h y l d e
of the legendary
// / :. .:. pOimp
/ / iMPURE!aSCii:. /
impure ascii 1940
his first ascii collection
d. .
. d
.dC! ,
we all need to fuck tha sys...
we all need to fuck tha sys...
we all need to FUCK THA SYS...
wH0RE! ...
FUCK / /
/ dC! / / / ----/
SYSTEM! :::: .................. ::
in stunning technicolor freeflow oldschool style - where available
ive been walking through your streets,
where all your moneys earning,
where all your buildings crying,
and clueless neckties working,
revolving fake lawn houses,
housing all your fears,
desensitized by tv,
overbearing advertising,
god of consumerism,
and all your crooked pictures,
looking good, mirrorism,
filtering information,
for the public eye,
designed for profiteering,
your neighboor, what a guy.
modern globalization,
coupled with condemnations,
unnecessary death,
matador corporations,
puppeting your frustrations,
with the blinded flag,
manufacturing consent
is the name of the game,
the bottom line is money,
nobody gives a fuck.
4000 hungry children die per hour,
from starvation,
while billions spent on bombs,
create death showers.
- system of a down
dC! / / /
// introduction //
dedchylde here, with my first ever ascii
collection, and also my first release with
the infamous impure 1940 family.
theres not much to say, except that there
are a lot of varying styles in this colly.
some of this art is older stuff thats
been laying around for a while, some of it
is newer stuff from oscompo competitions.
im still working on a style of my own,
so i apologize if ive inadvertantly done
something thats already been done before.
circumventing circuses,
lamenting in protest,
to visible police,
presence sponsored fear,
battalions of riot police,
with rubber bullet kisses,
baton courtesy,
service with a smile
beyond the staples center you can see america,
with its tired, poor, avenging disgrace,
peaceful, loving youth against the brutality,
of plastic existence.
pushing little children,
with their fully automatics,
they like to push the weak around,
pushing little children,
with their fully automatics,
they like to push the weak around.
a rush of words,
pleading to disperse,
upon your naked walls, alive,
a political call,
the fall guy accord,
we cant afford to be neutral on a moving train!
- more system of a down :
i n d e x /
// // dC!
board logos /
it says... for...
01 piranha oscompo
02 sector7 g00r00
03 cocteau ozzeth
group/people logos /
04 mosoul oscompo
05 deeznuts poise
06 poise poise
07 hiro protagonist oscompo
08 secular 1 poise
09 secular 2 poise
10 k0re kempy
11 trsi oscompo
12 kempy kempy
13 deeznuts myself
14 impure the impure crew
15 remorse ascii remorse - you guys alive?!
fileid logos /
16 empathy.diz radman
17 k0re.diz kempy
18 impure.diz myself
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 01 says piranha for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
iCE aNSI / oBV/X / fUBAR / pLF / sENSE / aCID 95
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 02 says sector 7 for g00r00
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ / //-------/ dC!/ /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 03 says cocteau for ozzeth
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
--------- ------- --------- / /dC!------- ,
welcome to cocteau...
login: dedc!
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 04 says mosoul for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
draw in three minutes for oscompo. ill never enter a compo late again.
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 05 says deeznuts for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ ---dC!
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 06 says poise for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! // // // // //
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 07 says hiro protagonist for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ dC! / /
hIRO fUCKIN pR0TAGoNIST!@* recognize.
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 08 says secular 1 for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
// / dC!
secular // // // /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 09 says secular 2 for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 10 says k0re for kempy
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
// dC!
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 11 says trsi for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ dC! /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 12 says kempy for kempy
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! /
k E M P Y !
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 13 says deeznuts ascii for myself
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC!/ / / / / /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 14 says impure for the impure crew
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! /
impure ascii 1940. refreshing.
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 15 says remorse ascii for remorse
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! . ... ... .
---------------------- remorse ascii 81 -----------------------
an experiment gone horribly wrong? the ascii, i mean. not the group. :P
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 16 says emp.diz for radman
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
12345678912345678912345678912345678912345 x
- / / - / 2
/ / 3
dC! // ---------- / iMP 4
Empathy Pack XXX 6
... expand as needed ... 7
12/25/02 9
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 17 says k0.diz for kempy
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
123456789123456789123456789123456789 x
/ / / 3
/ 4
------dC! --------------- 5
la la la. k0re presents... 7
-------------------- 01/01/03 -- 9
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 18 says imp.diz for myself
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
12345678912345678912345678912345678912345 x
---/ // 2
,// / 3
----- // dC! 4
/ 5
impure ascii 1940 pack 33! / 6
/ oldschool ascii l33tn3SS, b1tch! 7
/ 8
end of colly //
-/ / ------, / dC! /
/ dC! / / //
// final notes //
thats it. pretty sad. anyway, feel free to
criticize or request at dedchylde@hotmail.com
as i said, im still working on my own style,
so hopefully the next colly will be a lot more
fluid and ... stylish.
greets go out to all the impure!194o guys
for being as supportive as possible and
always hooking me up with art when i need
it. also to the other oldschool artists
whose works ive enjoyed over the years,
especially biogenesis, phreak klass, and
dwarf. and to poise/dzn... looking forward
to doing that joint colly with ya....
- dedc!imp194o
dC! // / // //
// credits //
dedchylde : ozzeth impure1940
impure : pogue impure1940
fileid.diz : pogue impure1940
and finally...
Y Y.
------------------ Y.
b Y.oooPPoooo
,,cooooodP YP Yo
----------, i ,odP
---- Yoo. dC! ,odPP
Zb oP
dP YYboo
oP ....,oooooooooo.
dont expect any more newschool from me anytime soon.
/- // /pO! ::
Dedchylde presents his first colly
entitled fuck the system.
- 1ooo lines. whatever.
// 169 gROUPS!
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g aSCIIrEVIEWS!
/ / // 2Oth december 2OO2
t h i s f i l e p a s s e d t h e a s c i i a r c h i v e a t
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
begin colly
Proudly from the Impure 1940 family..
. ozz!imp /
d e d c h y l d e
of the legendary
// / :. .:. pOimp
/ / iMPURE!aSCii:. /
impure ascii 1940
his first ascii collection
d. .
. d
.dC! ,
we all need to fuck tha sys...
we all need to fuck tha sys...
we all need to FUCK THA SYS...
wH0RE! ...
FUCK / /
/ dC! / / / ----/
SYSTEM! :::: .................. ::
in stunning technicolor freeflow oldschool style - where available
ive been walking through your streets,
where all your moneys earning,
where all your buildings crying,
and clueless neckties working,
revolving fake lawn houses,
housing all your fears,
desensitized by tv,
overbearing advertising,
god of consumerism,
and all your crooked pictures,
looking good, mirrorism,
filtering information,
for the public eye,
designed for profiteering,
your neighboor, what a guy.
modern globalization,
coupled with condemnations,
unnecessary death,
matador corporations,
puppeting your frustrations,
with the blinded flag,
manufacturing consent
is the name of the game,
the bottom line is money,
nobody gives a fuck.
4000 hungry children die per hour,
from starvation,
while billions spent on bombs,
create death showers.
- system of a down
dC! / / /
// introduction //
dedchylde here, with my first ever ascii
collection, and also my first release with
the infamous impure 1940 family.
theres not much to say, except that there
are a lot of varying styles in this colly.
some of this art is older stuff thats
been laying around for a while, some of it
is newer stuff from oscompo competitions.
im still working on a style of my own,
so i apologize if ive inadvertantly done
something thats already been done before.
circumventing circuses,
lamenting in protest,
to visible police,
presence sponsored fear,
battalions of riot police,
with rubber bullet kisses,
baton courtesy,
service with a smile
beyond the staples center you can see america,
with its tired, poor, avenging disgrace,
peaceful, loving youth against the brutality,
of plastic existence.
pushing little children,
with their fully automatics,
they like to push the weak around,
pushing little children,
with their fully automatics,
they like to push the weak around.
a rush of words,
pleading to disperse,
upon your naked walls, alive,
a political call,
the fall guy accord,
we cant afford to be neutral on a moving train!
- more system of a down :
i n d e x /
// // dC!
board logos /
it says... for...
01 piranha oscompo
02 sector7 g00r00
03 cocteau ozzeth
group/people logos /
04 mosoul oscompo
05 deeznuts poise
06 poise poise
07 hiro protagonist oscompo
08 secular 1 poise
09 secular 2 poise
10 k0re kempy
11 trsi oscompo
12 kempy kempy
13 deeznuts myself
14 impure the impure crew
15 remorse ascii remorse - you guys alive?!
fileid logos /
16 empathy.diz radman
17 k0re.diz kempy
18 impure.diz myself
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 01 says piranha for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
iCE aNSI / oBV/X / fUBAR / pLF / sENSE / aCID 95
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 02 says sector 7 for g00r00
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ / //-------/ dC!/ /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 03 says cocteau for ozzeth
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
--------- ------- --------- / /dC!------- ,
welcome to cocteau...
login: dedc!
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 04 says mosoul for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
draw in three minutes for oscompo. ill never enter a compo late again.
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 05 says deeznuts for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ ---dC!
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 06 says poise for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! // // // // //
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 07 says hiro protagonist for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ dC! / /
hIRO fUCKIN pR0TAGoNIST!@* recognize.
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 08 says secular 1 for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
// / dC!
secular // // // /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 09 says secular 2 for poise
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 10 says k0re for kempy
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
// dC!
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 11 says trsi for oscompo
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
/ dC! /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 12 says kempy for kempy
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! /
k E M P Y !
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 13 says deeznuts ascii for myself
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC!/ / / / / /
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 14 says impure for the impure crew
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! /
impure ascii 1940. refreshing.
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 15 says remorse ascii for remorse
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
dC! . ... ... .
---------------------- remorse ascii 81 -----------------------
an experiment gone horribly wrong? the ascii, i mean. not the group. :P
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 16 says emp.diz for radman
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
12345678912345678912345678912345678912345 x
- / / - / 2
/ / 3
dC! // ---------- / iMP 4
Empathy Pack XXX 6
... expand as needed ... 7
12/25/02 9
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 17 says k0.diz for kempy
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
123456789123456789123456789123456789 x
/ / / 3
/ 4
------dC! --------------- 5
la la la. k0re presents... 7
-------------------- 01/01/03 -- 9
/ f u c k t h e s y s t e m 2 0 0 2
-------- / / ------------+ 18 says imp.diz for myself
dC!imp1940 // --------------------------------------------
12345678912345678912345678912345678912345 x
---/ // 2
,// / 3
----- // dC! 4
/ 5
impure ascii 1940 pack 33! / 6
/ oldschool ascii l33tn3SS, b1tch! 7
/ 8
end of colly //
-/ / ------, / dC! /
/ dC! / / //
// final notes //
thats it. pretty sad. anyway, feel free to
criticize or request at dedchylde@hotmail.com
as i said, im still working on my own style,
so hopefully the next colly will be a lot more
fluid and ... stylish.
greets go out to all the impure!194o guys
for being as supportive as possible and
always hooking me up with art when i need
it. also to the other oldschool artists
whose works ive enjoyed over the years,
especially biogenesis, phreak klass, and
dwarf. and to poise/dzn... looking forward
to doing that joint colly with ya....
- dedc!imp194o
dC! // / // //
// credits //
dedchylde : ozzeth impure1940
impure : pogue impure1940
fileid.diz : pogue impure1940
and finally...
Y Y.
------------------ Y.
b Y.oooPPoooo
,,cooooodP YP Yo
----------, i ,odP
---- Yoo. dC! ,odPP
Zb oP
dP YYboo
oP ....,oooooooooo.
dont expect any more newschool from me anytime soon.
/- // /pO! ::
Dedchylde presents his first colly
entitled fuck the system.
- 1ooo lines. whatever.
log in to add a comment.