this image contains text
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
,,,,,,, ,,, , / bnespf-----
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
Home to over 137 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
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Yeah,, i know how boring it is with collys, and on top of that, i used
the same fokkn font all over : Ill do better next time! promise! :
reach me at xzip@alpha-force.org or by calling my board.
to prevail!
pur3 oldschool board carrying zer0 to fourteen day warez
goOd boy, go ahead and uPLOAD!
yoO go ahead and dOwnload boy!
sysOp breaks in for a chat
user setup.
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
,,,,,,, ,,, , / bnespf-----
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
Home to over 137 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
Interviews Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.
Yeah,, i know how boring it is with collys, and on top of that, i used
the same fokkn font all over : Ill do better next time! promise! :
reach me at xzip@alpha-force.org or by calling my board.
to prevail!
pur3 oldschool board carrying zer0 to fourteen day warez
goOd boy, go ahead and uPLOAD!
yoO go ahead and dOwnload boy!
sysOp breaks in for a chat
user setup.
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