this image contains text
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
,,,,,,, ,,, , / bnespf-----
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
Home to over 137 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
Interviews Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.
oO/ h
/ / p o g u e m o n h
/ creators of intense art
/ / Oo/
pO/impoO/ /
/ / / CiA hAZMAT
oO /
- -- / -- - ll /
/ xzimp /
/ i m p u r 3 /
the most leet group in town
p r e s e n t s...
g a t h e r e d s o u l s /
:: / / : .: pO
: lay tho soul to rest, for tha friend has left ::
: tha friend for four years is gone, tha time has not been long :
: tho we had a good time, tha friendship had enough crime :
: tho we never really knew one and another, he who seeked was :
just like a soulmate. tha time had come to say, a sad ended :
story cause she couldnt stay. tho our friendship will live on .
. forever, the time seemed like never. we laughed and had some
good years, now its time to say cheers. its a sad ending, i
hoped it would end differently today, its never to late to
say stay. we had our ups and downs, we had our glamour and
shit, despite it all, we managed to stay together as one,
until today, when we split into two. two different souls, :
flying away, looking back at the times we had and say, why .
is this happening to me. why is this always happening to me. :
my eyes are to blind to see, the tears in my eyes, will only :
. make the eyes shore and red, my better half would forever :
stay in bed. i can remember the laughter and jokes, but soon
it would only be a brief chapter in our minds. our souls are
divided by two, its time to say goodbye and let sorrow be
in our minds as we leave for peace. its the feeling of empty
ness, which tares on your soulness. the heart is empty and
soon all the blood will vanish from the heart, leaving a big
whole inside one and another. tho skin will turn white as .
coke, tho we try to bread as much as we can, there isnt a
good way to choke. the emptyness builds up inside of tho who
lets it build. a friend is gone, never to come again. tho
. soul will forever be, its too hard to see. the meaning of
life as it is, maybe we are just another fish, in the sea.
if we could flea, and be together forever, and never. it
would be a dream, i dont believe in nightmares, tho i dont
belive in fairytails. our dear souls are divided by two,
our breading is getting weak. tho its almost hard to speak.
tha soul will fly into the air, is it now that we should .
care? our dear friend has left his home, gone to another
place, along way from a phone. tho we can hear the voice,
we dont have much of a choice. our days has ended, its
sad to say. why cant we just play, like old days. there
isnt much to do, when our dear friend is gone. tho our
souls will communicate through the air, we really dont
think its any fair. who decides which soul to live and
which to die, who desides which to say bye. i know ill
miss you, i know you care. tho i dont really know how to
copp with it, iguess its easy when the years goes by. still
it doesnt seem right. why split our souls up, its a damn
. fuckedup, world. he who see the soul up in the heaving or
down in the ground, doesnt matter if you are lost or found.
you have meant so much to me and friends, its sad to say it
has come to an end. as we see tho soul fly away, a piece of
our hearts fly away with you. tho we cant feel it at this
point, im sure it will come back after the next joint. we
hope, but not pray. we dont belive in praying to a guy who
we never meet. im just hoping that we can reunit, in a town .
with many green trees, coming after you without any tears.
lets hope you will come back and our souls could be as one
again. lets hope our souls will be at one, tho it might
take ages before it will happen, it will be. tho who believe .
. will see tha other in a nother dimention, lets hope it will :
be without any extention. our souls was as one, let them be :
as one again.... ..............:
g a t h e r e d s o u l s .......
: in memory of a good friend, which i unfortuniatly :
: will never see again. .....:
/ / pO
/ --- / ------ / - / ----- lOGO
o1.ascii // myself
o2.cotbbs // ?
// o3.darkside bbs // nut
o4.obfuscated2OOO // tetsuoii/pO
o5.operator page // xzipolito
o6.pinp // myself
o7.prevchat // lordarch
o8.sector7 // ?
i d x o9.simplicity // ?
n e 1o.weed // myself
11.ecstacy // reapern66
12.ansanity // ?
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: none
: logo: ascii .-----.:
pOimp .------ /------. a s c i i
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: cotbbs .-----.:
/ c o t b b s /
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: nut
: logo: darkside bbs .-----.:
/ / / : pOimp :..
:: :: mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
: ::: ::::: :: mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
d a r k s i d e mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: tetsuoii/pO
: logo: obf2OOO .-----.:
:: : pOimp
- / // / 2
/ O B F U S C A T E D 2 O O O
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: xzipolito
: logo: operator page .-----.:
pOimp . / i
/ :: : :: : i
/ / i
/ - / i
. ..operator.page.. . / .
: / : i
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: myself
: logo: pinp .-----.:
:...pO/ // // // // ..........
:...: :........: :...................: pOimp
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: lordarch
: logo: prevchat .-----.:
. c o m m a n d s . .
pREVCHAt -s send files
/ -d display file
/ / -c clear screen
/ -r receive file
/ / / ESC - Exit
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: sector7 .-----.:
.-----. ::::::::::::::::::. pOimp .-----.
.----- . ..sECtOR!sEVEN.. . :::: -----.
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: simplicity .-----.:
: ::: i
i / /
i / pOimp
i ..siMPLiCiTY.. . i
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: a friend indeed
: logo: weed .-----.:
/ / : pO/iMP
: ..w..3..3..d..
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: reapern66
: logo: ecstacy bbs .-----.:
ecstacy bbs - +o reapern666 .
quality art bbs support board - located eCStACy
on some lonely lines through telnet : ::: :
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: ansanity emag .-----.:
a n s a n i t y / pOimp
/ / pO
/ --- / ------ / - / ----- dIz
o1.obfuscated2OOO.diz // myself
o2.phobic.diz // tetsuoii/pO
// o3.thuglife.org.diz // myself
o4.woe.diz // def/myself
o5.hazmat.diz // t-bob
o6.t-rex.diz // litle divil
o7.dore-net.diz // dream master
o8.iniquity2k.diz // jack phlash
i d x
n e
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: tetsuoii/pO
: logo: obf2OOO.diz .-----.:
O B F U S C A T E D 2 O O O
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: tetsuoii/pO
: logo: phobic.diz .-----.:
l ll l
/l / /
l / /
./l/l pHOBiC l.
l pHOBiC mUSiC pRODUCTiONS xx/xx/OO l
l mod name: to mordor with love l
musician: tetsuoii
l f o rmat: .it l
- www.wasted.nu ------------------
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: myself
: logo: thuglife.diz .-----.:
l l
ll pO l ll
l/l /l /
./l l/l l.
l t h u g l i f e . o r g i n f o l
l The thuglife.org crew is seeking ppl l
l who want to review asciipacks for thel
l upcoming section of the homepage. l
l l
l April 2OOO l
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: myself/def
: logo: woe.hirez.diz .-----.:
l O1 / ::: :: l
/ l /
./l wOEl l/l l
l we are proud to present our l
l first hirez pack in years. l
l the digital revolution aint l
l over yet l
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: t-bob
: logo: hazmat.diz .-----.:
:: i l ::::::::: :::::::.
:: l i ::
:: i . :
:: l pO i:: HAZMAT O8 :
the first pack to survive the millenium
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: litle divil
: logo: t-rex.diz .-----.:
i x
l:: : :: :::i
---- t-REXOO Proudly Presents: ----
l: :l
i type something here... i
i: i
--PPE---O1/O1/OO----- t-rex.org
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: dream master
: logo: dore-net.diz .-----.:
Great net for your BBS. DoRENET
is dedicated to modding, ansiart,
programming, and more.If you like
to modd, code, draw etc etc, then
this net is for you. Updated node
list, and file base listings.
DoRENET InfoPack 02-00
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: jack phlash
: logo: iniquity.diz .-----.:
i i
l/ /
l pO!
l i n i q u i t y 2 k
l l
i l
: info goes here... i
l .
::: Greetz goes to those who really think oldschool is the best way to
express yourself artistic. Oldschool will never die, never, never
ever, never.. oh, i think you got the pointD Greetz to all impure
members who are in now and has been in.
g a t h e r e d .-----..--./
s o u l s :
---poguemon signs out------------------------------------------------------
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
,,,,,,, ,,, , / bnespf-----
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
Home to over 137 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
Interviews Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
,,,,,,, ,,, , / bnespf-----
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
Home to over 137 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
Interviews Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.
oO/ h
/ / p o g u e m o n h
/ creators of intense art
/ / Oo/
pO/impoO/ /
/ / / CiA hAZMAT
oO /
- -- / -- - ll /
/ xzimp /
/ i m p u r 3 /
the most leet group in town
p r e s e n t s...
g a t h e r e d s o u l s /
:: / / : .: pO
: lay tho soul to rest, for tha friend has left ::
: tha friend for four years is gone, tha time has not been long :
: tho we had a good time, tha friendship had enough crime :
: tho we never really knew one and another, he who seeked was :
just like a soulmate. tha time had come to say, a sad ended :
story cause she couldnt stay. tho our friendship will live on .
. forever, the time seemed like never. we laughed and had some
good years, now its time to say cheers. its a sad ending, i
hoped it would end differently today, its never to late to
say stay. we had our ups and downs, we had our glamour and
shit, despite it all, we managed to stay together as one,
until today, when we split into two. two different souls, :
flying away, looking back at the times we had and say, why .
is this happening to me. why is this always happening to me. :
my eyes are to blind to see, the tears in my eyes, will only :
. make the eyes shore and red, my better half would forever :
stay in bed. i can remember the laughter and jokes, but soon
it would only be a brief chapter in our minds. our souls are
divided by two, its time to say goodbye and let sorrow be
in our minds as we leave for peace. its the feeling of empty
ness, which tares on your soulness. the heart is empty and
soon all the blood will vanish from the heart, leaving a big
whole inside one and another. tho skin will turn white as .
coke, tho we try to bread as much as we can, there isnt a
good way to choke. the emptyness builds up inside of tho who
lets it build. a friend is gone, never to come again. tho
. soul will forever be, its too hard to see. the meaning of
life as it is, maybe we are just another fish, in the sea.
if we could flea, and be together forever, and never. it
would be a dream, i dont believe in nightmares, tho i dont
belive in fairytails. our dear souls are divided by two,
our breading is getting weak. tho its almost hard to speak.
tha soul will fly into the air, is it now that we should .
care? our dear friend has left his home, gone to another
place, along way from a phone. tho we can hear the voice,
we dont have much of a choice. our days has ended, its
sad to say. why cant we just play, like old days. there
isnt much to do, when our dear friend is gone. tho our
souls will communicate through the air, we really dont
think its any fair. who decides which soul to live and
which to die, who desides which to say bye. i know ill
miss you, i know you care. tho i dont really know how to
copp with it, iguess its easy when the years goes by. still
it doesnt seem right. why split our souls up, its a damn
. fuckedup, world. he who see the soul up in the heaving or
down in the ground, doesnt matter if you are lost or found.
you have meant so much to me and friends, its sad to say it
has come to an end. as we see tho soul fly away, a piece of
our hearts fly away with you. tho we cant feel it at this
point, im sure it will come back after the next joint. we
hope, but not pray. we dont belive in praying to a guy who
we never meet. im just hoping that we can reunit, in a town .
with many green trees, coming after you without any tears.
lets hope you will come back and our souls could be as one
again. lets hope our souls will be at one, tho it might
take ages before it will happen, it will be. tho who believe .
. will see tha other in a nother dimention, lets hope it will :
be without any extention. our souls was as one, let them be :
as one again.... ..............:
g a t h e r e d s o u l s .......
: in memory of a good friend, which i unfortuniatly :
: will never see again. .....:
/ / pO
/ --- / ------ / - / ----- lOGO
o1.ascii // myself
o2.cotbbs // ?
// o3.darkside bbs // nut
o4.obfuscated2OOO // tetsuoii/pO
o5.operator page // xzipolito
o6.pinp // myself
o7.prevchat // lordarch
o8.sector7 // ?
i d x o9.simplicity // ?
n e 1o.weed // myself
11.ecstacy // reapern66
12.ansanity // ?
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: none
: logo: ascii .-----.:
pOimp .------ /------. a s c i i
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: cotbbs .-----.:
/ c o t b b s /
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: nut
: logo: darkside bbs .-----.:
/ / / : pOimp :..
:: :: mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
: ::: ::::: :: mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
d a r k s i d e mm mode mm mode mm mode
mm mode mm mode mm mode
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: tetsuoii/pO
: logo: obf2OOO .-----.:
:: : pOimp
- / // / 2
/ O B F U S C A T E D 2 O O O
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: xzipolito
: logo: operator page .-----.:
pOimp . / i
/ :: : :: : i
/ / i
/ - / i
. ..operator.page.. . / .
: / : i
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: myself
: logo: pinp .-----.:
:...pO/ // // // // ..........
:...: :........: :...................: pOimp
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: lordarch
: logo: prevchat .-----.:
. c o m m a n d s . .
pREVCHAt -s send files
/ -d display file
/ / -c clear screen
/ -r receive file
/ / / ESC - Exit
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: sector7 .-----.:
.-----. ::::::::::::::::::. pOimp .-----.
.----- . ..sECtOR!sEVEN.. . :::: -----.
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: simplicity .-----.:
: ::: i
i / /
i / pOimp
i ..siMPLiCiTY.. . i
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: a friend indeed
: logo: weed .-----.:
/ / : pO/iMP
: ..w..3..3..d..
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: reapern66
: logo: ecstacy bbs .-----.:
ecstacy bbs - +o reapern666 .
quality art bbs support board - located eCStACy
on some lonely lines through telnet : ::: :
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: ?
: logo: ansanity emag .-----.:
a n s a n i t y / pOimp
/ / pO
/ --- / ------ / - / ----- dIz
o1.obfuscated2OOO.diz // myself
o2.phobic.diz // tetsuoii/pO
// o3.thuglife.org.diz // myself
o4.woe.diz // def/myself
o5.hazmat.diz // t-bob
o6.t-rex.diz // litle divil
o7.dore-net.diz // dream master
o8.iniquity2k.diz // jack phlash
i d x
n e
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: tetsuoii/pO
: logo: obf2OOO.diz .-----.:
O B F U S C A T E D 2 O O O
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: tetsuoii/pO
: logo: phobic.diz .-----.:
l ll l
/l / /
l / /
./l/l pHOBiC l.
l pHOBiC mUSiC pRODUCTiONS xx/xx/OO l
l mod name: to mordor with love l
musician: tetsuoii
l f o rmat: .it l
- www.wasted.nu ------------------
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: myself
: logo: thuglife.diz .-----.:
l l
ll pO l ll
l/l /l /
./l l/l l.
l t h u g l i f e . o r g i n f o l
l The thuglife.org crew is seeking ppl l
l who want to review asciipacks for thel
l upcoming section of the homepage. l
l l
l April 2OOO l
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: myself/def
: logo: woe.hirez.diz .-----.:
l O1 / ::: :: l
/ l /
./l wOEl l/l l
l we are proud to present our l
l first hirez pack in years. l
l the digital revolution aint l
l over yet l
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: t-bob
: logo: hazmat.diz .-----.:
:: i l ::::::::: :::::::.
:: l i ::
:: i . :
:: l pO i:: HAZMAT O8 :
the first pack to survive the millenium
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: litle divil
: logo: t-rex.diz .-----.:
i x
l:: : :: :::i
---- t-REXOO Proudly Presents: ----
l: :l
i type something here... i
i: i
--PPE---O1/O1/OO----- t-rex.org
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: dream master
: logo: dore-net.diz .-----.:
Great net for your BBS. DoRENET
is dedicated to modding, ansiart,
programming, and more.If you like
to modd, code, draw etc etc, then
this net is for you. Updated node
list, and file base listings.
DoRENET InfoPack 02-00
g a t h e r e d
: s o u l s :
: / req: jack phlash
: logo: iniquity.diz .-----.:
i i
l/ /
l pO!
l i n i q u i t y 2 k
l l
i l
: info goes here... i
l .
::: Greetz goes to those who really think oldschool is the best way to
express yourself artistic. Oldschool will never die, never, never
ever, never.. oh, i think you got the pointD Greetz to all impure
members who are in now and has been in.
g a t h e r e d .-----..--./
s o u l s :
---poguemon signs out------------------------------------------------------
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
,,,,,,, ,,, , / bnespf-----
w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g
This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
Home to over 137 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
Interviews Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.
log in to add a comment.