this image contains text
- - //.// / / // / m4!@
............... - o O - ::::::::::::: : : I M P U R E ,:::::::::::: ,---, ..::::::::::::: the pimps are back, back to pimp yo butthole again! ascii is the
media we use to give expressions of our pretty bored lives. impure
is now gonna make some changes, like release more oftenhah... well,
i bet you wanna know whats happened since last time? Wed like to
welcome kartOOn to the team and wed like to say goodbye to quix he
always comes and goes.. so say in about a month or so, maybe hes
back in imp once again .. the almighty hoe-daddy Juggie has now made
us all happy by giving us a ftp site with lotsa space on, so we can
have our files spread to the www, heh. if you ever wanna get our
files, which we strongly dont recomend, you can now get em off:
-+- www: www.thuglife.org/impure or
-+- ftp: woe.dhs.org - port:54545 in the pimp dir under
/pub/woe/impure/ ..go and seek justice for us.
we got some words to those who wanna give us some words.. you can do
that by mailing us, and well give you a response..we wont let
anyone down.... We believe in the oldscene... our support will be to
those which really are into ascii, and not those who only draws
ascii for the fame and to have something to do...
give us the support by mailing us at
-+- impure@thuglife.org or drop by -+- www.thuglife.org/impure
time to sign off homes, and get back to our lives,
peace out from:
metaphOre, xzip and kartOOn.
and some respect goes to: speed devil, anouk, not, xzip, amok,
haji..and all those other people we really
really liked to fuck, yah its good sex u know..
ever wonder why ppl do ascii for free?
............... - o O - ::::::::::::: : : I M P U R E ,:::::::::::: ,---, ..::::::::::::: the pimps are back, back to pimp yo butthole again! ascii is the
media we use to give expressions of our pretty bored lives. impure
is now gonna make some changes, like release more oftenhah... well,
i bet you wanna know whats happened since last time? Wed like to
welcome kartOOn to the team and wed like to say goodbye to quix he
always comes and goes.. so say in about a month or so, maybe hes
back in imp once again .. the almighty hoe-daddy Juggie has now made
us all happy by giving us a ftp site with lotsa space on, so we can
have our files spread to the www, heh. if you ever wanna get our
files, which we strongly dont recomend, you can now get em off:
-+- www: www.thuglife.org/impure or
-+- ftp: woe.dhs.org - port:54545 in the pimp dir under
/pub/woe/impure/ ..go and seek justice for us.
we got some words to those who wanna give us some words.. you can do
that by mailing us, and well give you a response..we wont let
anyone down.... We believe in the oldscene... our support will be to
those which really are into ascii, and not those who only draws
ascii for the fame and to have something to do...
give us the support by mailing us at
-+- impure@thuglife.org or drop by -+- www.thuglife.org/impure
time to sign off homes, and get back to our lives,
peace out from:
metaphOre, xzip and kartOOn.
and some respect goes to: speed devil, anouk, not, xzip, amok,
haji..and all those other people we really
really liked to fuck, yah its good sex u know..
ever wonder why ppl do ascii for free?
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