![valhalla menus by dreech [d3]](/pack/impure01/x1/D3-VALHA.ANS.png)
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m e n u n a m e
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command
d3 command command
sHAZAAM mUTHA fUGGAZ! heres me latest menu, its for valhalla bbs in brantfordand uhmm.. ya know woohaa!,. whatever.. there it is, and it should remain
right there unless its on valhalla,. and I dont understand any of this jizm
so,. dONT rIP iT,. thats fer all you lazy cunts in london,. ?!
.,dee-3 out mUTHA fUGAZ!,. ?!
m e n u n a m e
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command command
command command
d3 command command
sHAZAAM mUTHA fUGGAZ! heres me latest menu, its for valhalla bbs in brantfordand uhmm.. ya know woohaa!,. whatever.. there it is, and it should remain
right there unless its on valhalla,. and I dont understand any of this jizm
so,. dONT rIP iT,. thats fer all you lazy cunts in london,. ?!
.,dee-3 out mUTHA fUGAZ!,. ?!
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