![liquid logon screen by dreech [d3]](/pack/impure01/x1/D3-LOGIN.ANS.png)
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l iQuid,.
..wachOO gOnna dO nOw,. ?!
us3 k3ys tO chOos3,. +o lOgin
---- whq,. blind pr0dukshunz
: aff1lz,. phat.impur3.slap
--------------woohaa!---------------------------------------------------------yEE bEEOTCH,. ?! the logon matryx for ma board,. this is a blind production
so if any of you niggaz want a peice of this genius shit,. call cata dee!
or chronic distortions,. l33t boards!,. uhmm... lame plugz hrmm,. out,.
.,d33-3?! rip it and ill spork you to death!
..wachOO gOnna dO nOw,. ?!
us3 k3ys tO chOos3,. +o lOgin
---- whq,. blind pr0dukshunz
: aff1lz,. phat.impur3.slap
--------------woohaa!---------------------------------------------------------yEE bEEOTCH,. ?! the logon matryx for ma board,. this is a blind production
so if any of you niggaz want a peice of this genius shit,. call cata dee!
or chronic distortions,. l33t boards!,. uhmm... lame plugz hrmm,. out,.
.,d33-3?! rip it and ill spork you to death!
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