this image contains text
tf impact
tf twisted foo* jps@escape.ca ansifounder
3c tricolore* umeatoug@cc.umanitoba.caansicodings3mfndr an aneurysm* nmadness@mbnet.mb.ca asciiprez
os osiris* none asciivgasenior
bak bakteeri* missing ascii
j0c jester of chaos* none ansi
tn toon two missing ansi
exl ex-l none coding
ma mafesto** mafesto@mindless.com ansicodingvga
nos nosferatu none ascii
de dark element* darkelement@juno.com ascii
gs godslayer none vga
os! osiris* theres 2 osirises vga
rbs rabies* dreems@phayze.com wwwlit
* members releasing this paq
* new members
* timeout warning
morals obscure WHQ canada +1 204 775 4593 osiris
fatal impact HQ canada +1 204 589 4503 twisted foo celestial dreems CHQ canada +1 204 489 6897 rbs, an!
sponge MEM canada +1 204 000 0000 neosmurf
the source MEM canada +1 204 582 6337 nosferatu
lunatic asylum/2 BHQ brazil +55-11-539-3826 bugs bunny
halcienda GHQ germany +00 00 000 0000 tricycle
dreamhold bbs FHQ finland +49 47 788 0173 demolux
paradox den n1 EHQ england +44 1582 861498 paradox
gulp SHQ sweden +46 08 7440198 zendel
futures imperfect DIS canada +1 204 253 2018 draven
silikon knights DIS canada +1 519 472 1350 mafesto
radio station DIS finland +00 c0 min gson bakteeri
salt DIS canada +1-403-459-0058 sadistic in
to apply for a distro site please email:
we can be contacted via:
email : impact97@hotmail.com / aneurysm@icenter.net
irc : impactart / aneuriZm -- msg me
bbs : fatal impact / morals obscure above logo by tf, outline by3c, fillins by an - impact
tf twisted foo* jps@escape.ca ansifounder
3c tricolore* umeatoug@cc.umanitoba.caansicodings3mfndr an aneurysm* nmadness@mbnet.mb.ca asciiprez
os osiris* none asciivgasenior
bak bakteeri* missing ascii
j0c jester of chaos* none ansi
tn toon two missing ansi
exl ex-l none coding
ma mafesto** mafesto@mindless.com ansicodingvga
nos nosferatu none ascii
de dark element* darkelement@juno.com ascii
gs godslayer none vga
os! osiris* theres 2 osirises vga
rbs rabies* dreems@phayze.com wwwlit
* members releasing this paq
* new members
* timeout warning
morals obscure WHQ canada +1 204 775 4593 osiris
fatal impact HQ canada +1 204 589 4503 twisted foo celestial dreems CHQ canada +1 204 489 6897 rbs, an!
sponge MEM canada +1 204 000 0000 neosmurf
the source MEM canada +1 204 582 6337 nosferatu
lunatic asylum/2 BHQ brazil +55-11-539-3826 bugs bunny
halcienda GHQ germany +00 00 000 0000 tricycle
dreamhold bbs FHQ finland +49 47 788 0173 demolux
paradox den n1 EHQ england +44 1582 861498 paradox
gulp SHQ sweden +46 08 7440198 zendel
futures imperfect DIS canada +1 204 253 2018 draven
silikon knights DIS canada +1 519 472 1350 mafesto
radio station DIS finland +00 c0 min gson bakteeri
salt DIS canada +1-403-459-0058 sadistic in
to apply for a distro site please email:
we can be contacted via:
email : impact97@hotmail.com / aneurysm@icenter.net
irc : impactart / aneuriZm -- msg me
bbs : fatal impact / morals obscure above logo by tf, outline by3c, fillins by an - impact
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