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July 1994 Edition
Heh, hi again guys! Well, after another grueling month of
vacationing etc the pack is out. This month it seems more
emphasis was set on quality instead of quantity. Anyways, if
you havent already, enjoy the pack! or keep reading
Departures ick
This month Acidflash, Grateful Dead and Skyhigh all left Imp,
one for unknown reasons, one to another group, and one who
quit cuz well, loss of inspiration I guess One bizarre
event did occur tho, when we lost The Masked Pirate to Nation
but got him back a week after. TMP is definately a great ansi
artist ever since PoG
Check out our growing and impressive RIP division, seems
ever since Suicidal Maniac stopped ansi and vga hes done
fuckin rad RIPs, Jae Lee style look like how TMP does his
ansis. Oh, you guys can also check out my first VGA, its
not that bad or good but its cool, read the lit in it.
And finally, this month Reznor, Me tn, Black Lightning, and
so on were on vacation, so look next month for a k-killer Imp
pack! Later sk8rs, no on to Tnp
July 1994 Edition
Heh, hi again guys! Well, after another grueling month of
vacationing etc the pack is out. This month it seems more
emphasis was set on quality instead of quantity. Anyways, if
you havent already, enjoy the pack! or keep reading
Departures ick
This month Acidflash, Grateful Dead and Skyhigh all left Imp,
one for unknown reasons, one to another group, and one who
quit cuz well, loss of inspiration I guess One bizarre
event did occur tho, when we lost The Masked Pirate to Nation
but got him back a week after. TMP is definately a great ansi
artist ever since PoG
Check out our growing and impressive RIP division, seems
ever since Suicidal Maniac stopped ansi and vga hes done
fuckin rad RIPs, Jae Lee style look like how TMP does his
ansis. Oh, you guys can also check out my first VGA, its
not that bad or good but its cool, read the lit in it.
And finally, this month Reznor, Me tn, Black Lightning, and
so on were on vacation, so look next month for a k-killer Imp
pack! Later sk8rs, no on to Tnp
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