this image contains text
IMPERIAL Viewer Coding Design - COLUCHE
Version 1.20 June 94 Top-Menu Logo - The Night Prowler
Documentation - Coluche Zorlak
I n t r o d u c t i o n !
Welcome in Imperial Viewer. This program can display any ANSi,
ANSiMation or ASCii file in 80x25 or 80x50 mode. And NEW: **RIP**
SUPPORT! Descriptions of every files is done with the SAUCE standard...
Hope you like this viewer!
F e a t u r e s !
Easy to use and read menu in VGA-text-mode
Description of every file in the pack with sufficient
informations: filename, title and author
Adjustable speed rate to display ANSIs
2 selectable screen formats for ANSIs: text 80x25 and 80x50
RIP graphics support
Fully controlable menu bar
Always present roll back ANSi/ASCii feature
SAUCE system support version 00
Built-in SAUCE editor
Simple but cool screen saver! enabled after 3 minutes
S u p p o r t T y p e s
ANSI, ANSiMation and ASCii files can be displayed, in the 80x25
and 80x50 modes. For the graphic modes, only RIP is supported.
K e y s !
When you are in the menu, you can press:
F1: This help window... ESC to return.
F3: Decreases the speed of the ANSIs being diplayed.
When the slowest speed is reached, the meter returns
to the fastest speed.
+: Increase the speed of ANSi display, stop at 0.
-: Decrease the speed of ANSi display, stop at 28.
F4: Switch between the following screen formats:
Text 80x25 Forced display of 80x25 16c
Text 80x50 Forced display of 80x50 16c
In effect only with ANSi/ANSiMation and ASCii!
Up/Down: Move the menu bar UP or DOWN one line.
PgUp/PgDn: Move the menu bar DOWN or UP one page.
Home/End: Move the menu bar to the top/bottom of its limits.
Enter/Space: Show an ANSi/ASCii file.
ESCape/ALT-Q/X: Quit to DOS.
When an ANSI or ASCii is displayed:
Up/Down / PgUp/PgDn / Home/End / Right/Left: Scroll the ANSI...
Any other key: Return to the viewer menu.
When an ANSiMation or RIP is displayed:
Any key: Return to the viewer menu.
D i s t r i b u t i o n . . .
The first public release of this viewer was in the Imperials pack
of April 1994 IMP0494.ZIP. If your group wants to use this viewer, we
will be glad to help! The only conditions to use this viewer in your
packs are the two following:
Every files of the viewer must be present.
The files needed are: IMPVIEW.EXE and IMPVIEW.NFO.
Those files *MUST* BE 100 INTACT.
What? You dont like the Imperial Logos? :
If you can reach Never Land 514-963-9965, Imperials CHQ or Rash
Reflection 514-635-4043: call us to upload your pack! Thanks for
supporting the Imperial Viewer!
H i s t o r y . . .
1.20 + Added suggestion strings for the Sauce Editor with
Jun94 the file IMPVIEW.SCE
+ Added default screen size support for ANSi and ASCii
+ Added VGA card detection
1.15 + SAUCE modifications can now be saved
Jun94 ** Not released with the Imperial pack
1.10 + Added RIP graphic support
Jun94 f Internal changes
** Not released with the Imperial pack
1.09 + New design of the interface colors, fonts, etc.
May94 - Removed the .CATalog system to implement the SAUCE system
f Bug fix: ASCii files was drawn in black on black!
f Bug fix: ANSi trick causing a funny run-time error...
1.00 ! Initial release in the first Imperial pack
F u t u r e !
What do you think? This viewer isnt really complete...
Then I cant guarantee a precise future yet!
Hopefully VGA-Graphic support will be added for ANSis!
I n t e r l u d e :
Call NOW the PC Arts Scene board
Rash Reflection 1-514-635-4043 SysOp: Coluche IMP/IPC
Demos Intros Dentros Trackmos ANSis Musics Programming
IMPERIAL Member Board BLUR Canadian Head Quarters
460 megs totally for the PC Arts Scene
Artists, musicians and coders are STRONGLY welcomed!
C o n c l u s i o n !
Thanks for choosing Imperial
Coluche is the SysOp of Rash Reflection 514-635-4043
Greetz to:
Every members of Imperial and everyone who commented and helped
for a better viewer especially The Night Prowler, Fern and Zorlak.
Also to all my users and friends! why not?!
IMPERIAL Viewer Coding Design - COLUCHE
Version 1.20 June 94 Top-Menu Logo - The Night Prowler
Documentation - Coluche Zorlak
I n t r o d u c t i o n !
Welcome in Imperial Viewer. This program can display any ANSi,
ANSiMation or ASCii file in 80x25 or 80x50 mode. And NEW: **RIP**
SUPPORT! Descriptions of every files is done with the SAUCE standard...
Hope you like this viewer!
F e a t u r e s !
Easy to use and read menu in VGA-text-mode
Description of every file in the pack with sufficient
informations: filename, title and author
Adjustable speed rate to display ANSIs
2 selectable screen formats for ANSIs: text 80x25 and 80x50
RIP graphics support
Fully controlable menu bar
Always present roll back ANSi/ASCii feature
SAUCE system support version 00
Built-in SAUCE editor
Simple but cool screen saver! enabled after 3 minutes
S u p p o r t T y p e s
ANSI, ANSiMation and ASCii files can be displayed, in the 80x25
and 80x50 modes. For the graphic modes, only RIP is supported.
K e y s !
When you are in the menu, you can press:
F1: This help window... ESC to return.
F3: Decreases the speed of the ANSIs being diplayed.
When the slowest speed is reached, the meter returns
to the fastest speed.
+: Increase the speed of ANSi display, stop at 0.
-: Decrease the speed of ANSi display, stop at 28.
F4: Switch between the following screen formats:
Text 80x25 Forced display of 80x25 16c
Text 80x50 Forced display of 80x50 16c
In effect only with ANSi/ANSiMation and ASCii!
Up/Down: Move the menu bar UP or DOWN one line.
PgUp/PgDn: Move the menu bar DOWN or UP one page.
Home/End: Move the menu bar to the top/bottom of its limits.
Enter/Space: Show an ANSi/ASCii file.
ESCape/ALT-Q/X: Quit to DOS.
When an ANSI or ASCii is displayed:
Up/Down / PgUp/PgDn / Home/End / Right/Left: Scroll the ANSI...
Any other key: Return to the viewer menu.
When an ANSiMation or RIP is displayed:
Any key: Return to the viewer menu.
D i s t r i b u t i o n . . .
The first public release of this viewer was in the Imperials pack
of April 1994 IMP0494.ZIP. If your group wants to use this viewer, we
will be glad to help! The only conditions to use this viewer in your
packs are the two following:
Every files of the viewer must be present.
The files needed are: IMPVIEW.EXE and IMPVIEW.NFO.
Those files *MUST* BE 100 INTACT.
What? You dont like the Imperial Logos? :
If you can reach Never Land 514-963-9965, Imperials CHQ or Rash
Reflection 514-635-4043: call us to upload your pack! Thanks for
supporting the Imperial Viewer!
H i s t o r y . . .
1.20 + Added suggestion strings for the Sauce Editor with
Jun94 the file IMPVIEW.SCE
+ Added default screen size support for ANSi and ASCii
+ Added VGA card detection
1.15 + SAUCE modifications can now be saved
Jun94 ** Not released with the Imperial pack
1.10 + Added RIP graphic support
Jun94 f Internal changes
** Not released with the Imperial pack
1.09 + New design of the interface colors, fonts, etc.
May94 - Removed the .CATalog system to implement the SAUCE system
f Bug fix: ASCii files was drawn in black on black!
f Bug fix: ANSi trick causing a funny run-time error...
1.00 ! Initial release in the first Imperial pack
F u t u r e !
What do you think? This viewer isnt really complete...
Then I cant guarantee a precise future yet!
Hopefully VGA-Graphic support will be added for ANSis!
I n t e r l u d e :
Call NOW the PC Arts Scene board
Rash Reflection 1-514-635-4043 SysOp: Coluche IMP/IPC
Demos Intros Dentros Trackmos ANSis Musics Programming
IMPERIAL Member Board BLUR Canadian Head Quarters
460 megs totally for the PC Arts Scene
Artists, musicians and coders are STRONGLY welcomed!
C o n c l u s i o n !
Thanks for choosing Imperial
Coluche is the SysOp of Rash Reflection 514-635-4043
Greetz to:
Every members of Imperial and everyone who commented and helped
for a better viewer especially The Night Prowler, Fern and Zorlak.
Also to all my users and friends! why not?!
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