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The History of Cyborgs and of Joji Lirin
During the initial waves of attacks by aliens, bio-engineers
had learned to fully integrate a human brain into a body
of a robot thus giving it full intelligence that A.I. could
never emulate. These provided excellent soldiers for the war
for they had amazing reflexes and enhanced senses. As time
went on, more and more power and destruction were crammed
into the small unit of a cyborg ship sized cyborgs were crafted
but were found to be ineffective. Today it is used for
both military, police, and civilian use. The average
lifetime of a cyborg is 200 yrs provided that the cyborg unit
is not damaged beyond reasonable use. One of the few exceptions
is Joji commonly known as Jo Lirin. His brain was dated
01-01-15 AE. Evidently some sort of tests and/or experiments
were done with brains and amazingly Jos had survived. His
was one of the first brains to be used in the test models of
cyborgs. He seemed to have no recollection of who he was no
surprise considering how long his brain had been kept frozen.
He was thought to be dead when his ship was blown apart by
aliens however they recovered his head floating in space.
Amazingly enough, his brain was still functioning. Again he
had no recollection of what had happened. Currently he is
being used to test out a prototype recently bought from the
During the initial waves of attacks by aliens, bio-engineers
had learned to fully integrate a human brain into a body
of a robot thus giving it full intelligence that A.I. could
never emulate. These provided excellent soldiers for the war
for they had amazing reflexes and enhanced senses. As time
went on, more and more power and destruction were crammed
into the small unit of a cyborg ship sized cyborgs were crafted
but were found to be ineffective. Today it is used for
both military, police, and civilian use. The average
lifetime of a cyborg is 200 yrs provided that the cyborg unit
is not damaged beyond reasonable use. One of the few exceptions
is Joji commonly known as Jo Lirin. His brain was dated
01-01-15 AE. Evidently some sort of tests and/or experiments
were done with brains and amazingly Jos had survived. His
was one of the first brains to be used in the test models of
cyborgs. He seemed to have no recollection of who he was no
surprise considering how long his brain had been kept frozen.
He was thought to be dead when his ship was blown apart by
aliens however they recovered his head floating in space.
Amazingly enough, his brain was still functioning. Again he
had no recollection of what had happened. Currently he is
being used to test out a prototype recently bought from the
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