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MiRROR iMAGE The Official iMAGE Productions Newsletter Issue 2
November XX, 1993 Compiled By Cybernary Ansi By Cybernary iMAGE 1993
Almost as quickly as he had arrived, Aphex Twin had decided
to leave iMAGE productions, to join another new group that
consists of tremendous talent, this group, GOTHiC, is headed
by Elminster, and Golgotha both formely of iCE. But things
did not turn out well with him and Gothic so he decided to
join ACiD PRODUCTIONS. But that may sound like bad news,
well half and half g he is taking a double affiliation
and will now stay with iMAGE and ACiD doing LiT for iMAGE
Black Tombstone, formely of the group AXiS is now releasing
under the iMAGE banner. He also has alot of talent, and
some examples of his work can be found both in this pack, and
the last one in which I included 3 examples of his past work
as he had not released an ansi officialy under the iMAGE name.
Well, I am sure most of you have heard of the TaG break up...
well we have acquired Mr. Sinister from the TaG group, he is
going to be the Coding Coordinator, and will be also doing
some ANSis and Literary work for us. Everyone here at iMAGE
welcome MS to the group!
After a call at 2 a.m EASTERN STANDARD TIME, KooL fast on
the heels of Mr. Sinister has decided to join iMAGE. Every-
one here at iMAGE welcome him, and hopes he does well here
at iMAGE PRODUCTIONS. I just hope he remembers I am on
the east coast, and he on the west coast hehe g.
Well things have been going great here at iMAGE and we continue
to grow! We have gotten numerous applications and requests
from SysOps to become dist sites, and such. We have added
many new sites to our list and it continues to grow. PLEASE
send your application in as soon as possible as we will stop
taking sites after we get so big.
Congratulations go out to SHATTERED MIND who has now been
promoted to iMAGE SENIOR STAFF. Congrats and thanks go out
to him for his help with the group
We now have a NEW Eastern U.S. Headquarters, PARADISE LOST.
JabberWocky is the SysOp and we welcome them to the site
supporters. After Cyber-Xs board MAFIA HQ went down, I
couldnt get into touch with him again but I understand
he is now COSYSOP of The Urban Killing Fields, and if he
wishes, that board can become a dist site.
MiRROR iMAGE The Official iMAGE Productions Newsletter Issue 2
November XX, 1993 Compiled By Cybernary Ansi By Cybernary iMAGE 1993
Almost as quickly as he had arrived, Aphex Twin had decided
to leave iMAGE productions, to join another new group that
consists of tremendous talent, this group, GOTHiC, is headed
by Elminster, and Golgotha both formely of iCE. But things
did not turn out well with him and Gothic so he decided to
join ACiD PRODUCTIONS. But that may sound like bad news,
well half and half g he is taking a double affiliation
and will now stay with iMAGE and ACiD doing LiT for iMAGE
Black Tombstone, formely of the group AXiS is now releasing
under the iMAGE banner. He also has alot of talent, and
some examples of his work can be found both in this pack, and
the last one in which I included 3 examples of his past work
as he had not released an ansi officialy under the iMAGE name.
Well, I am sure most of you have heard of the TaG break up...
well we have acquired Mr. Sinister from the TaG group, he is
going to be the Coding Coordinator, and will be also doing
some ANSis and Literary work for us. Everyone here at iMAGE
welcome MS to the group!
After a call at 2 a.m EASTERN STANDARD TIME, KooL fast on
the heels of Mr. Sinister has decided to join iMAGE. Every-
one here at iMAGE welcome him, and hopes he does well here
at iMAGE PRODUCTIONS. I just hope he remembers I am on
the east coast, and he on the west coast hehe g.
Well things have been going great here at iMAGE and we continue
to grow! We have gotten numerous applications and requests
from SysOps to become dist sites, and such. We have added
many new sites to our list and it continues to grow. PLEASE
send your application in as soon as possible as we will stop
taking sites after we get so big.
Congratulations go out to SHATTERED MIND who has now been
promoted to iMAGE SENIOR STAFF. Congrats and thanks go out
to him for his help with the group
We now have a NEW Eastern U.S. Headquarters, PARADISE LOST.
JabberWocky is the SysOp and we welcome them to the site
supporters. After Cyber-Xs board MAFIA HQ went down, I
couldnt get into touch with him again but I understand
he is now COSYSOP of The Urban Killing Fields, and if he
wishes, that board can become a dist site.
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