this image contains text
The Art of Deception
Zig Zag - May 1993 Compilation
ShadowSorcerer here... Well it looks like another month has passed and the
time has come to put together another display of our talent. We are proud to
have survived the past month as a group, and also proud to have grown in size.
So Im sure youll see a wide variety of art from everyone in the group, even
though our time has been limited with the end of school approaching quickly.
This month we merged with a small local VGA and Loader group called VBi
Visions Beyond Imagination, and in the process added two to our ANSi, VGA,
and Loader Production teams, and are processing the other members still to be
reviewed. We hope to be able to show you some more VGA work very soon... and
you should find a good deal in this package as well.
Also this month, we changed our name... we are ILLUSION, or former UNiCoRN
naming... I guess I shouldve mentioned that earlier, but as I promised to
those that call Realms of Darkness anyway that I would have a pack out with
a compilation of those first two weeks works and the newer works, with VBi
members in the group, and that is what Ive done. Youll see the old UNiCoRN
work packaged together with the new ILLUSION work. Well, thats about it from
me... I hope you enjoy the work, and I think I speak for all of us in the
group. Now Ill pass the proverbial mike to One Thumb, our other co-founder,
and let him have a few words, and also allow a few of the artists a few words.
Enjoy the work...
One Thumb begins...
...Welp, like SS said above, another month has passed...He mentioned all the
stuff that went on with the groups members, though not their names. Shadow
Hawk and co. from VBi are in, and weve added a few more members. ObiTuary is
now drawing VGAs for our newly started VGA department. VectoR has now been
promoted to Senior Staff Congrats, by the way, VectoR. Hes now in charge
of Loaders and such. I have a feeling he will be a strong addition to the
Senior members. Well see, and good luck VectoR.
We have changed a few things around. Escape Code Joe Gaballah was a
member of this group for awhile, but due to him not releasing any work, and
the backlash of ragging on UNiCoRN due to him being Gaballah Dont know who
Gaballah is? Read Lancelot !, he has been asked to leave. The sites and
HQs have been moved around, the new standings being: Ragnarok - EHQ, The
Terror Zone - Courier HQ, Realms of Darkness - World HQ, Valley of Death -
WestHQ, Infinite Darkness - SouthHQ, Reign of Terror - iLLUSiON Member board,
and The Solar Eclipse - 510 Dist. Site. Interested in becoming a site?
See below.
I am currently organizing a couriering team which will get the packs out
quickly, and keep mail and updates current between sites and HQs. With school
almost over, the group should have a lot more time to spend on the artwork,
so look for a steady increase in amount AND quality of our work.
Wanna be a courier? See below, or contact One Thumb on CCi, Felony, or
any other good net.
Interested in joining? Fill out the app included with this pack and show
us what youve got!
...later all...
One Thumb kindly shuts up... :
ShadowSorcerer here, AGAIN... to add a little more to what One Thumb was
saying and to apologize for not including the names of the members. Gee, OT,
you didnt HAVE to mention Gaballah, but I guess the staff of Lancelot will
appreciate the plug... : ...anyhow, we are BOTH organizing a couriering team
which will not only get the packs out, but the individual ANSis upon
completion out, and the requests and mail in to those of us who cant get it.
Id also like to mention that we are participating in TRACE magazine, and Id
like to extend my best wishes to Cavalier and his crew on TRACE. Look for it
sometime soon, and look for us with it.
Okay, so theres my plug... now on to the technical details...
FilenameExt Size Creator Description
HD-DUCK ANS 5084HiGH DENSiTY Mighty Duck smoking a cigar
HD-ILLUSANS 5332HiGH DENSiTY Illusion Logo
MEMBERS ANS 11785ShadowSorcerer Member and Site List
SS-BM ANS 4939ShadowSorcerer Black Magic ANSi
VS-STAT1ANS 4096ViSiONaRY Status Screen with Plucky Duck
VS-STAT2ANS 2985ViSiONaRY Status Screen with Garfield
ILLUSIONAPP 2435ShadowSorcerer Illusion Application
OB-ILL1 EXE486842Obituary Illusion Loader SB/VGA
SH-ILL EXE468718Shadow Hawk Illusion Loader VGA
VC-AV103EXE 26528VectoR UNiCoRN ANSi/VGA Viewer
VC-MONO EXE 24551VectoR Monochrome Resolution VGA
VC-ROD EXE 36864VectoR Realms of Darkness Intro
VC-ROD1 EXE 48656VectoR Realms of Darkness Intro
ILLUSIONNFO 10440SS OT This Informative File
HD-VOD UNI 15036HiGH DENSiTY Valley of Death ANSi
KR-SUPLGUNI 3369KillRaven ANSi of the Superman Logo
KR-UNIC UNI 8496KillRaven Old UNiCoRN Member List
KR-UNLG2UNI 3338KillRaven Old UNiCoRN Logo
OT-V2LOGUNI 3279One Thumb ViSiON/2 Login Screen
SS-COBRAUNI 10382ShadowSorcerer The Cobras Den ANSi
SS-INFO UNI 17510ShadowSorcerer New User Infoform
SS-INSANUNI 24867ShadowSorcerer The Insane Asylum ANSi
SS-PSYADUNI 5718ShadowSorcerer Psychosis BBS Advertisement
SS-REALMUNI 15980ShadowSorcerer Realms of Darkness ANSi
SS-SITE UNI 4502ShadowSorcerer Old UNiCoRN Site Prelogin ANSi
SS-SITE2UNI 11591ShadowSorcerer Old UNiCoRN Site Prelogin ANSi
SS-TRACEUNI 4255ShadowSorcerer TRACE Magazine Logo
SS-UNIC UNI 7031ShadowSorcerer Old UNiCoRN Information ANSi
SS-V2LG2UNI 5755ShadowSorcerer ViSiON/2 BBS Advertisement
SS-VOD UNI 17925ShadowSorcerer Valley of Death ANSi
VS-PD UNI 4552ViSiONaRY Plucky Duck
VS-SONICUNI 10081ViSiONaRY Sonic The Hedgehog
VS-TMNT1UNI 8850ViSiONaRY Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
OB-ROD ZIP 84048Obituary Realms of Darkness Intro Loader
VC-VOD ZIP 8370VectoR Valley of Death Loader
39 files 1,442,419
One Thumb would like to extend greets to the following...
Tempus Thales - Keep up the work man! You kick!
Fobman - Thanks for the Terror Zone addition...
Loki - Sorry weve been slow lately! Cya around..
Iceman - Good luck with your new board...
Lord Vader - Keep on couriering man! Great job!
THG - Is that really you guys? Welcome back...
UNT - Great job guys! Keep those warez moving.
ACiD - Still 1!
VALiANT - Your looking great! Good luck...
Midnight Sorrow - Thanks for being a great guy
and for having us!
ShadowSorcerer would like to extend greets to the following...
One Thumb - Where are you? Well, I guess ONE is better than none... :
Tempus Thales - Youre my favorite artist, keep it kickin...
I would like to take this opportunity to beg and plead
Tempus to do my board an ANSi... PLEASE! :
Marshall Law - Excellent work with the Sanctuary ANSi... Your stuff is
Sonic - Thanks for the ANSi.. but in all due respect, could you have done
Dieter - One of the only sensible people in the 408...
Hannibal Lecter - Get off our back.
VALiANT - Cant wait to see more stuff from you guys...
ACiD - You deserve the crown but watch VALiANT.
INC - Coming back, or just still twitching? :
Adrenalin - You did some kick-ass work, cant wait to see the next one.
Sharp - Are my ANSi and Loader done YET? :
Midnight Sorrow - The coolest guy in the scene today... well, at least
by my vote. :
Cavalier - You type too damn fast... good thing I had my capture on. :
TRACE - Im sure you guys will go places.
KillRaven - You show ALOT of potential... keep it kickin, man!
Obituary - When am I gonna see a Death Metal VGA? :
Paul Mauddib - Get back here, so I can hook up CCi! :
As a final note, Id like to extend my middle finger to the lamers in area
code 4O8, for ragging on us because I am a member. What kind of stupid crap
is that? Sheesh...
We, at ILLUSiON, sincerely hope you enjoy, and even use our work...
See Yall later,
ShadowSorcerer SWaT/ILLUSION
T h e A r t o f D e c e p t i o n
The Art of Deception
Zig Zag - May 1993 Compilation
ShadowSorcerer here... Well it looks like another month has passed and the
time has come to put together another display of our talent. We are proud to
have survived the past month as a group, and also proud to have grown in size.
So Im sure youll see a wide variety of art from everyone in the group, even
though our time has been limited with the end of school approaching quickly.
This month we merged with a small local VGA and Loader group called VBi
Visions Beyond Imagination, and in the process added two to our ANSi, VGA,
and Loader Production teams, and are processing the other members still to be
reviewed. We hope to be able to show you some more VGA work very soon... and
you should find a good deal in this package as well.
Also this month, we changed our name... we are ILLUSION, or former UNiCoRN
naming... I guess I shouldve mentioned that earlier, but as I promised to
those that call Realms of Darkness anyway that I would have a pack out with
a compilation of those first two weeks works and the newer works, with VBi
members in the group, and that is what Ive done. Youll see the old UNiCoRN
work packaged together with the new ILLUSION work. Well, thats about it from
me... I hope you enjoy the work, and I think I speak for all of us in the
group. Now Ill pass the proverbial mike to One Thumb, our other co-founder,
and let him have a few words, and also allow a few of the artists a few words.
Enjoy the work...
One Thumb begins...
...Welp, like SS said above, another month has passed...He mentioned all the
stuff that went on with the groups members, though not their names. Shadow
Hawk and co. from VBi are in, and weve added a few more members. ObiTuary is
now drawing VGAs for our newly started VGA department. VectoR has now been
promoted to Senior Staff Congrats, by the way, VectoR. Hes now in charge
of Loaders and such. I have a feeling he will be a strong addition to the
Senior members. Well see, and good luck VectoR.
We have changed a few things around. Escape Code Joe Gaballah was a
member of this group for awhile, but due to him not releasing any work, and
the backlash of ragging on UNiCoRN due to him being Gaballah Dont know who
Gaballah is? Read Lancelot !, he has been asked to leave. The sites and
HQs have been moved around, the new standings being: Ragnarok - EHQ, The
Terror Zone - Courier HQ, Realms of Darkness - World HQ, Valley of Death -
WestHQ, Infinite Darkness - SouthHQ, Reign of Terror - iLLUSiON Member board,
and The Solar Eclipse - 510 Dist. Site. Interested in becoming a site?
See below.
I am currently organizing a couriering team which will get the packs out
quickly, and keep mail and updates current between sites and HQs. With school
almost over, the group should have a lot more time to spend on the artwork,
so look for a steady increase in amount AND quality of our work.
Wanna be a courier? See below, or contact One Thumb on CCi, Felony, or
any other good net.
Interested in joining? Fill out the app included with this pack and show
us what youve got!
...later all...
One Thumb kindly shuts up... :
ShadowSorcerer here, AGAIN... to add a little more to what One Thumb was
saying and to apologize for not including the names of the members. Gee, OT,
you didnt HAVE to mention Gaballah, but I guess the staff of Lancelot will
appreciate the plug... : ...anyhow, we are BOTH organizing a couriering team
which will not only get the packs out, but the individual ANSis upon
completion out, and the requests and mail in to those of us who cant get it.
Id also like to mention that we are participating in TRACE magazine, and Id
like to extend my best wishes to Cavalier and his crew on TRACE. Look for it
sometime soon, and look for us with it.
Okay, so theres my plug... now on to the technical details...
FilenameExt Size Creator Description
HD-DUCK ANS 5084HiGH DENSiTY Mighty Duck smoking a cigar
HD-ILLUSANS 5332HiGH DENSiTY Illusion Logo
MEMBERS ANS 11785ShadowSorcerer Member and Site List
SS-BM ANS 4939ShadowSorcerer Black Magic ANSi
VS-STAT1ANS 4096ViSiONaRY Status Screen with Plucky Duck
VS-STAT2ANS 2985ViSiONaRY Status Screen with Garfield
ILLUSIONAPP 2435ShadowSorcerer Illusion Application
OB-ILL1 EXE486842Obituary Illusion Loader SB/VGA
SH-ILL EXE468718Shadow Hawk Illusion Loader VGA
VC-AV103EXE 26528VectoR UNiCoRN ANSi/VGA Viewer
VC-MONO EXE 24551VectoR Monochrome Resolution VGA
VC-ROD EXE 36864VectoR Realms of Darkness Intro
VC-ROD1 EXE 48656VectoR Realms of Darkness Intro
ILLUSIONNFO 10440SS OT This Informative File
HD-VOD UNI 15036HiGH DENSiTY Valley of Death ANSi
KR-SUPLGUNI 3369KillRaven ANSi of the Superman Logo
KR-UNIC UNI 8496KillRaven Old UNiCoRN Member List
KR-UNLG2UNI 3338KillRaven Old UNiCoRN Logo
OT-V2LOGUNI 3279One Thumb ViSiON/2 Login Screen
SS-COBRAUNI 10382ShadowSorcerer The Cobras Den ANSi
SS-INFO UNI 17510ShadowSorcerer New User Infoform
SS-INSANUNI 24867ShadowSorcerer The Insane Asylum ANSi
SS-PSYADUNI 5718ShadowSorcerer Psychosis BBS Advertisement
SS-REALMUNI 15980ShadowSorcerer Realms of Darkness ANSi
SS-SITE UNI 4502ShadowSorcerer Old UNiCoRN Site Prelogin ANSi
SS-SITE2UNI 11591ShadowSorcerer Old UNiCoRN Site Prelogin ANSi
SS-TRACEUNI 4255ShadowSorcerer TRACE Magazine Logo
SS-UNIC UNI 7031ShadowSorcerer Old UNiCoRN Information ANSi
SS-V2LG2UNI 5755ShadowSorcerer ViSiON/2 BBS Advertisement
SS-VOD UNI 17925ShadowSorcerer Valley of Death ANSi
VS-PD UNI 4552ViSiONaRY Plucky Duck
VS-SONICUNI 10081ViSiONaRY Sonic The Hedgehog
VS-TMNT1UNI 8850ViSiONaRY Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
OB-ROD ZIP 84048Obituary Realms of Darkness Intro Loader
VC-VOD ZIP 8370VectoR Valley of Death Loader
39 files 1,442,419
One Thumb would like to extend greets to the following...
Tempus Thales - Keep up the work man! You kick!
Fobman - Thanks for the Terror Zone addition...
Loki - Sorry weve been slow lately! Cya around..
Iceman - Good luck with your new board...
Lord Vader - Keep on couriering man! Great job!
THG - Is that really you guys? Welcome back...
UNT - Great job guys! Keep those warez moving.
ACiD - Still 1!
VALiANT - Your looking great! Good luck...
Midnight Sorrow - Thanks for being a great guy
and for having us!
ShadowSorcerer would like to extend greets to the following...
One Thumb - Where are you? Well, I guess ONE is better than none... :
Tempus Thales - Youre my favorite artist, keep it kickin...
I would like to take this opportunity to beg and plead
Tempus to do my board an ANSi... PLEASE! :
Marshall Law - Excellent work with the Sanctuary ANSi... Your stuff is
Sonic - Thanks for the ANSi.. but in all due respect, could you have done
Dieter - One of the only sensible people in the 408...
Hannibal Lecter - Get off our back.
VALiANT - Cant wait to see more stuff from you guys...
ACiD - You deserve the crown but watch VALiANT.
INC - Coming back, or just still twitching? :
Adrenalin - You did some kick-ass work, cant wait to see the next one.
Sharp - Are my ANSi and Loader done YET? :
Midnight Sorrow - The coolest guy in the scene today... well, at least
by my vote. :
Cavalier - You type too damn fast... good thing I had my capture on. :
TRACE - Im sure you guys will go places.
KillRaven - You show ALOT of potential... keep it kickin, man!
Obituary - When am I gonna see a Death Metal VGA? :
Paul Mauddib - Get back here, so I can hook up CCi! :
As a final note, Id like to extend my middle finger to the lamers in area
code 4O8, for ragging on us because I am a member. What kind of stupid crap
is that? Sheesh...
We, at ILLUSiON, sincerely hope you enjoy, and even use our work...
See Yall later,
ShadowSorcerer SWaT/ILLUSION
T h e A r t o f D e c e p t i o n
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