this image contains text
... illness modding crew! ...
Yo nigs! Its our third pack and we havent lost any of our original
quality. This month we have had our ups and downs but mainly everything has
gone good. First off illness does not want a damn war with the other modding
groups. Read the nfo file from sl if you give a shit about it. Second the
new drop sit for members is Terminal iLLNESS. iLL Communication is back up.
It was down due to undertakers comp being fixed. All aps should go there and
mods goto Ti. Or you just find me on irc and give me the stuff.
Well since ive made a new home on irc we have picked up mass members.
Communication has been chaotic between the SS so if yer not in the nfo file
it doesnt mean your not in illness. Just ask me or one of the seniors and i
can tell you if you are in or not. Well we merged with vital, a really cool
rg modding mag. Starting next pack Vital will be released with the iLLNESS!
pack. So be expecting it. The people that we picked up from vital are as
follows: Cheese Dip, Mr. Popeil, Deathbringer, Denizen , and Turtle. If i
left some one out, like i said talk to me about it. We have recruited some
good coders, they are as follows: Vital, Fiber Optic, Chemical Warfare, and
Metalic Blood. Be expecting some kick ass mods from these guys. In the art
depot we picked up a few people but we need more. They are as follows: Tyme,
Tripe, Liquid Vision, and Turtle. But like i said we could always use more.
I almost forgot the independant modders we picked up. They are as follows:
Apocalypse, jertex, and xanax. Oh yeah i was recruited as global co-
Ok we had a big problem with Strifefirm pipeline senior. He was
going to be our pipeline senior but he did some shit that really pissed off
undertaker and ld. First he ripped ansis from huma and other boards and
used them for his own. That was a big no-no. Second he acted like a total
ass on irc and made the group as a whole look stupid. There are some other
things but they dont need to be mentioned. So if Strife said that you were
in illness, your not. Contact me or one of the seniors if you still want to
be in illness.
Well one of the founders is back with us. He finally came back after
a whole two weeks of dropping the scene. Pathetic eh? We welcome sl! back
in the group. Currently we are NOT accepting any more distros. Look at the
fucking list. The thing is bigger than John Holmes dick. Mabey will be
accepting distros later but now we arent. We will be getting a WWW page as
soon as we get the vgas for it. So if you want to do some complimentary
art for us then be my guest. Also if you dont have access to ircwhere im
always at, but you have access to inet email then you can send all requests,
apps, death threats, food stamps, etc to jereme@deltanet.com.
Now yer all prolly saying, Dr. Hate why dont you have this nfo file divided
into three different files?. Answer is simple. We are lazy. Plain and
simple. Next month expect the pack to be online and ontime near the first.
i lub you all,
Dr. Hate
Greets: we dont need no stinking greets
All iLLNESS mods are guaranteed to be documented, tested and backdoor free.
If You Set Them Up Right g
iLLNESS Founders
Undertaker Obv/2 Sir Lancelot obv Lord Jazz obv/Ansi
iLLNESS Seniors
Undertaker Obv/2 Lord Jazz Ansi Uprising RG
iLLNESS Co-ordinators
Dr. Hate dH
Obv/2 Crew Ansi Crew RG Crew
. Undertaker . UT . Lord Jazz . ld! . Uprising . UG
. Sir Lancelot . sl . Turtle . tl . Low Rider . LR
. Lord Jazz . ld! . Kung Lao . KU . Demolition Man . DM
. The Exploited . TE. Stormfront . SF . Red Beard . RB
. Phatal . PH . Liquid Vision . lv. apoclypse . AP
. Riptide . RT. . Tripe . tr . chesse dip . CD
. Stone Vyper . SV . Tyme . ty . Bad Breath . BB
. Flair . FL . Denizen . dz
. XanaX . XX . Mr. Popeil . po
. DeathBringer . db
. Vital . ??
. Jertex . jt
Coding Crew
. Sir Lancelot . SL
. Sabeth . sb . Stone Vyper . SV
. Metalic Blood . MB . Canteen Boy . CB
. Vital . ?? . Chemical Warfare . CH
. Fiber Optic . fi
iLLNESS Boards
iLL Communication UT.....iLLNESS World HQ.......obv....714552-6378
Terminal iLLNESS UG......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714282-7641
The Players Club BC......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714995-2648
Huma ld!.................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....619485-6741
Terminal Velocity..........iLLNESS Member Board...obv....714831-1779
Electric Death FL........Eastern Dist Site......obv....607797-2487
Radiation X XX...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....805588-1739
Perpetual Motion...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....416267-6138
Shock of the Hour..........iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510531-5067
Psycho City................iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510797-0525
Digital Cesspool...........iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510803-1915
Incredible Invention.......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510820-1869
The Deathland..............iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510277-0497
Eternal Insanity...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....908224-8780
Sarcastic Toaster..........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......418849-0121
Harvest Moon...............iLLNESS Central HQ.....obv....216951-7059
Suicidel Shrimp............iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....514768-3383
Prayer.....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....909390-1480
Illusionary Summit.........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......905660-0545
Alein Workshop.............iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......305262-9596
Sync/Sub0..................iLLNESS Member Board...obv/RG.714000-0000
The Rising Shadow..........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....219322-0190
rancid!....................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....810 -
Abandon....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....201586-9373
Creeping Death.............iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....414246-5998
The Coven..................iLLNESS Distro Site....Custom..360297-4049
Brand Ech..................iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......908 -
Mayo!......................iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......609241-0364
Sadistic Temple............iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......708296-0549
you can contact any of the iLLNESS members through any of these boards
or through the internet
Yo nigs! Its our third pack and we havent lost any of our original
quality. This month we have had our ups and downs but mainly everything has
gone good. First off illness does not want a damn war with the other modding
groups. Read the nfo file from sl if you give a shit about it. Second the
new drop sit for members is Terminal iLLNESS. iLL Communication is back up.
It was down due to undertakers comp being fixed. All aps should go there and
mods goto Ti. Or you just find me on irc and give me the stuff.
Well since ive made a new home on irc we have picked up mass members.
Communication has been chaotic between the SS so if yer not in the nfo file
it doesnt mean your not in illness. Just ask me or one of the seniors and i
can tell you if you are in or not. Well we merged with vital, a really cool
rg modding mag. Starting next pack Vital will be released with the iLLNESS!
pack. So be expecting it. The people that we picked up from vital are as
follows: Cheese Dip, Mr. Popeil, Deathbringer, Denizen , and Turtle. If i
left some one out, like i said talk to me about it. We have recruited some
good coders, they are as follows: Vital, Fiber Optic, Chemical Warfare, and
Metalic Blood. Be expecting some kick ass mods from these guys. In the art
depot we picked up a few people but we need more. They are as follows: Tyme,
Tripe, Liquid Vision, and Turtle. But like i said we could always use more.
I almost forgot the independant modders we picked up. They are as follows:
Apocalypse, jertex, and xanax. Oh yeah i was recruited as global co-
Ok we had a big problem with Strifefirm pipeline senior. He was
going to be our pipeline senior but he did some shit that really pissed off
undertaker and ld. First he ripped ansis from huma and other boards and
used them for his own. That was a big no-no. Second he acted like a total
ass on irc and made the group as a whole look stupid. There are some other
things but they dont need to be mentioned. So if Strife said that you were
in illness, your not. Contact me or one of the seniors if you still want to
be in illness.
Well one of the founders is back with us. He finally came back after
a whole two weeks of dropping the scene. Pathetic eh? We welcome sl! back
in the group. Currently we are NOT accepting any more distros. Look at the
fucking list. The thing is bigger than John Holmes dick. Mabey will be
accepting distros later but now we arent. We will be getting a WWW page as
soon as we get the vgas for it. So if you want to do some complimentary
art for us then be my guest. Also if you dont have access to ircwhere im
always at, but you have access to inet email then you can send all requests,
apps, death threats, food stamps, etc to jereme@deltanet.com.
Now yer all prolly saying, Dr. Hate why dont you have this nfo file divided
into three different files?. Answer is simple. We are lazy. Plain and
simple. Next month expect the pack to be online and ontime near the first.
i lub you all,
Dr. Hate
Greets: we dont need no stinking greets
All iLLNESS mods are guaranteed to be documented, tested and backdoor free.
If You Set Them Up Right g
iLLNESS Founders
Undertaker Obv/2 Sir Lancelot obv Lord Jazz obv/Ansi
iLLNESS Seniors
Undertaker Obv/2 Lord Jazz Ansi Uprising RG
iLLNESS Co-ordinators
Dr. Hate dH
Obv/2 Crew Ansi Crew RG Crew
. Undertaker . UT . Lord Jazz . ld! . Uprising . UG
. Sir Lancelot . sl . Turtle . tl . Low Rider . LR
. Lord Jazz . ld! . Kung Lao . KU . Demolition Man . DM
. The Exploited . TE. Stormfront . SF . Red Beard . RB
. Phatal . PH . Liquid Vision . lv. apoclypse . AP
. Riptide . RT. . Tripe . tr . chesse dip . CD
. Stone Vyper . SV . Tyme . ty . Bad Breath . BB
. Flair . FL . Denizen . dz
. XanaX . XX . Mr. Popeil . po
. DeathBringer . db
. Vital . ??
. Jertex . jt
Coding Crew
. Sir Lancelot . SL
. Sabeth . sb . Stone Vyper . SV
. Metalic Blood . MB . Canteen Boy . CB
. Vital . ?? . Chemical Warfare . CH
. Fiber Optic . fi
iLLNESS Boards
iLL Communication UT.....iLLNESS World HQ.......obv....714552-6378
Terminal iLLNESS UG......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714282-7641
The Players Club BC......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......714995-2648
Huma ld!.................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....619485-6741
Terminal Velocity..........iLLNESS Member Board...obv....714831-1779
Electric Death FL........Eastern Dist Site......obv....607797-2487
Radiation X XX...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....805588-1739
Perpetual Motion...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....416267-6138
Shock of the Hour..........iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510531-5067
Psycho City................iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510797-0525
Digital Cesspool...........iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510803-1915
Incredible Invention.......iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510820-1869
The Deathland..............iLLNESS Member Board...RG......510277-0497
Eternal Insanity...........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....908224-8780
Sarcastic Toaster..........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......418849-0121
Harvest Moon...............iLLNESS Central HQ.....obv....216951-7059
Suicidel Shrimp............iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....514768-3383
Prayer.....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....909390-1480
Illusionary Summit.........iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......905660-0545
Alein Workshop.............iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......305262-9596
Sync/Sub0..................iLLNESS Member Board...obv/RG.714000-0000
The Rising Shadow..........iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....219322-0190
rancid!....................iLLNESS Distro/Member..obv....810 -
Abandon....................iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....201586-9373
Creeping Death.............iLLNESS Distro Site....obv....414246-5998
The Coven..................iLLNESS Distro Site....Custom..360297-4049
Brand Ech..................iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......908 -
Mayo!......................iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......609241-0364
Sadistic Temple............iLLNESS Distro Site....RG......708296-0549
you can contact any of the iLLNESS members through any of these boards
or through the internet
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