this image contains text
Welp here we are! Finally got the first packet out and things are
looking pretty good for the group. As of now we dont have many artist and
such, but have been talking to a few people about joining the group and they
are considering seeing how new we are, since they are more established.
There is one thing though that many have asked about iLLUSiON, Is this
the previous iLLUSiON that ShadowSorcerer started, then left to start
EMPiRE? No, this is not the same iLLUSiON as the previous, we are though
considering changing the name of the group next month to something
different, yet undecided on a name. Possibly MORBiD/RuNE/ViPER, who knows.
We are still looking for many artist of types and any coders who
feel that they can contribute and produce for the group. So if you
are interested fill out the application and upload it to one of the
HQs that will be listed in the application.
iLLUSiON Viewer
A coder named Static is working on an ansi viewer as of the moment.
Until our viewer is completed we recommend using the best one out there,
ACiD View, and view the ansis in 320x200 mode also, some look good in both
modes ansi and 320x200.
Well I decided to go ahead and throw in how this group was started.
A while back, say January, I did my first ansi. It was for a upcoming
net in this area called iNiQUiTY Net. Which is still around and the
message packets are getting bigger day by day. Everyone though that
the ansi logo I did was pretty cool and so I continued to fool around for
a week or so with TheDraw. I gained access on a very cool board here
called Shadowy Descent which you will see many ansis for in this
pack by me. and he had just become a Distro for a Couriering/File
group called MCC which is based in Belgium. They had just started
up an ansi division of there group and asked me to put together a small
packet for them, because they wanted me to join. I didnt think I was
good enough really to join and only had been drawing for about a week.
Everyone said that I should join them but I decided not to. So
I just fooled around with TheDraw and becoming more interested in ansi
drawing. One day I call this board called Channel Zero and gained access
there. I had always been a fan of ACiD! So I started talking with Beastie
one day and I uploaded some of the ansis I had done which wasnt many
and he said that I wasnt quite ready for a group such as ACiD. We talked
a little more and gave me some very helpful advice Thanks! and off
I went starting to draw more and one day someone said Hey, why dont you
start an ansi group!. I said ,Yeah, thats a possible idea and it
will help me develop into a better artist and stuff. So lets go for it.
I meet a guy named Kingpin who is really great and he gave me some
advice also and it helps getting advice from other artist. So I contacted
a guy named Deathmonger who was in EMPiRE Trial at the moment and asked
him if he would like to join the group and help develop it and he said
sure that he was tired of waiting from hearing from EMPiRE. Also meet
another really great artist named Mr. CoRRuPTiON through Midnite Xpress
Net and thought his stuff was good and asked him if he wanted to join
up with us. He was a little hesitant at first, because some previous
groups that he had joined up with never put out there first packet and
he wasnt sure if iLLUSiON would be different from the other groups.
So basically that is the beginning of iLLUSiON and how the senior
members were picked up and etc.
Blazing Shadow, sysop of Shadowy Descent has joined up with iLLUSiON
and will be head of VGA. His stuff will not be appearing in the packet
since he was picked up to late for anything to be done excpet for a loader
he done a month ago or so for his board which will be in the packet..
A really smoothe artist out there named Esoteric was supposed to join
but I havent heard from him lately. If you are still out there give me a
ring sometime so we can talk about ansi again and stuff.
A coder named Static is about to start work on an ansi viewer for
iLLUSiON. He remains undecided because of classes, work, and spare time
to do things. So we should here from him pretty soon.
Well I think I have said enough for now about everything, greets
will be including at the end . We hope that you enjoy our first pack
and consider becoming some part of the group! We are still looking for
more artist, coders, and distrobution sites. We still need a Northern
HQ, Canadian HQ, and Eastern HQ for the Group. So if your interested fill
out that application! More stats for you stat hungry mongruels.
That is it for now! Catch ya next month!
Beastie/Kingpin: Keep up the good work! Thanks for the GREAT advice!
Mr. Corruption: Well here is the first pack for ya!
Deathmonger: You have come a long ways, ehh? Expect more from you
next month, pal!
Somms: Whomp there it is! Loved your Ansis/RiPS! Esp. your board!
Blazing Shadow: Income taxes are killer arent they?!? Hahahah!
Ozzy: Please dont rip anybodies ansis.
Zargon: Need to here from you...where is that loader?
Absolute Zero: Where is APeX?
DieHard: Cant wait to see the ansi for my board Harsh Realities!
Mass Delusion: Keep up the good work n shit with ALiVE!
Captain: Do the NEW JACK SWING on my NUTS with your fucking STaR ansi group!
Hell Razor: Hey you still interested in couriering for me?
Snowbound: Ztras Voutsya. Khak vasa voute?
Shroom: Wakarimasen Nihongo desu! Nihongo Ni muzakasi desu nee.
Tabemasu Watashi! Garman-San kiree desu ka? Soo desu yo!
Leisure Larry: Da me kabaza!
Scandal: Put your board back up!
Fiber Optic: Start sendig your couriers for the pack!
ACiD: Keep the good stuff rolling out! You guyz rule!
GOTHiC: Sweet, Sweet, Sweet stuff!
Aphex Twin: Love your shit!
iCE: Working your way back up!
SkyZ PiRaTe: I have been watching the sky for the last week? Where you be?
Psychic Warlord: Catch you on IRC sometime soon!
All groups: Good luck! Keep things going!
Asriel, Israfael, Azriel: I wonder if somehow we are telepathicly linked?
Deathmonger will be taking a leave of absence due to some personal problems
and we hope to have him back before the end of the school year. Maybe he
will be able to sneak one or two in for us!
BTW, my first two Rips are included in the pack one of them is average, but
the other is pretty good, hope you like them!
Welp here we are! Finally got the first packet out and things are
looking pretty good for the group. As of now we dont have many artist and
such, but have been talking to a few people about joining the group and they
are considering seeing how new we are, since they are more established.
There is one thing though that many have asked about iLLUSiON, Is this
the previous iLLUSiON that ShadowSorcerer started, then left to start
EMPiRE? No, this is not the same iLLUSiON as the previous, we are though
considering changing the name of the group next month to something
different, yet undecided on a name. Possibly MORBiD/RuNE/ViPER, who knows.
We are still looking for many artist of types and any coders who
feel that they can contribute and produce for the group. So if you
are interested fill out the application and upload it to one of the
HQs that will be listed in the application.
iLLUSiON Viewer
A coder named Static is working on an ansi viewer as of the moment.
Until our viewer is completed we recommend using the best one out there,
ACiD View, and view the ansis in 320x200 mode also, some look good in both
modes ansi and 320x200.
Well I decided to go ahead and throw in how this group was started.
A while back, say January, I did my first ansi. It was for a upcoming
net in this area called iNiQUiTY Net. Which is still around and the
message packets are getting bigger day by day. Everyone though that
the ansi logo I did was pretty cool and so I continued to fool around for
a week or so with TheDraw. I gained access on a very cool board here
called Shadowy Descent which you will see many ansis for in this
pack by me. and he had just become a Distro for a Couriering/File
group called MCC which is based in Belgium. They had just started
up an ansi division of there group and asked me to put together a small
packet for them, because they wanted me to join. I didnt think I was
good enough really to join and only had been drawing for about a week.
Everyone said that I should join them but I decided not to. So
I just fooled around with TheDraw and becoming more interested in ansi
drawing. One day I call this board called Channel Zero and gained access
there. I had always been a fan of ACiD! So I started talking with Beastie
one day and I uploaded some of the ansis I had done which wasnt many
and he said that I wasnt quite ready for a group such as ACiD. We talked
a little more and gave me some very helpful advice Thanks! and off
I went starting to draw more and one day someone said Hey, why dont you
start an ansi group!. I said ,Yeah, thats a possible idea and it
will help me develop into a better artist and stuff. So lets go for it.
I meet a guy named Kingpin who is really great and he gave me some
advice also and it helps getting advice from other artist. So I contacted
a guy named Deathmonger who was in EMPiRE Trial at the moment and asked
him if he would like to join the group and help develop it and he said
sure that he was tired of waiting from hearing from EMPiRE. Also meet
another really great artist named Mr. CoRRuPTiON through Midnite Xpress
Net and thought his stuff was good and asked him if he wanted to join
up with us. He was a little hesitant at first, because some previous
groups that he had joined up with never put out there first packet and
he wasnt sure if iLLUSiON would be different from the other groups.
So basically that is the beginning of iLLUSiON and how the senior
members were picked up and etc.
Blazing Shadow, sysop of Shadowy Descent has joined up with iLLUSiON
and will be head of VGA. His stuff will not be appearing in the packet
since he was picked up to late for anything to be done excpet for a loader
he done a month ago or so for his board which will be in the packet..
A really smoothe artist out there named Esoteric was supposed to join
but I havent heard from him lately. If you are still out there give me a
ring sometime so we can talk about ansi again and stuff.
A coder named Static is about to start work on an ansi viewer for
iLLUSiON. He remains undecided because of classes, work, and spare time
to do things. So we should here from him pretty soon.
Well I think I have said enough for now about everything, greets
will be including at the end . We hope that you enjoy our first pack
and consider becoming some part of the group! We are still looking for
more artist, coders, and distrobution sites. We still need a Northern
HQ, Canadian HQ, and Eastern HQ for the Group. So if your interested fill
out that application! More stats for you stat hungry mongruels.
That is it for now! Catch ya next month!
Beastie/Kingpin: Keep up the good work! Thanks for the GREAT advice!
Mr. Corruption: Well here is the first pack for ya!
Deathmonger: You have come a long ways, ehh? Expect more from you
next month, pal!
Somms: Whomp there it is! Loved your Ansis/RiPS! Esp. your board!
Blazing Shadow: Income taxes are killer arent they?!? Hahahah!
Ozzy: Please dont rip anybodies ansis.
Zargon: Need to here from you...where is that loader?
Absolute Zero: Where is APeX?
DieHard: Cant wait to see the ansi for my board Harsh Realities!
Mass Delusion: Keep up the good work n shit with ALiVE!
Captain: Do the NEW JACK SWING on my NUTS with your fucking STaR ansi group!
Hell Razor: Hey you still interested in couriering for me?
Snowbound: Ztras Voutsya. Khak vasa voute?
Shroom: Wakarimasen Nihongo desu! Nihongo Ni muzakasi desu nee.
Tabemasu Watashi! Garman-San kiree desu ka? Soo desu yo!
Leisure Larry: Da me kabaza!
Scandal: Put your board back up!
Fiber Optic: Start sendig your couriers for the pack!
ACiD: Keep the good stuff rolling out! You guyz rule!
GOTHiC: Sweet, Sweet, Sweet stuff!
Aphex Twin: Love your shit!
iCE: Working your way back up!
SkyZ PiRaTe: I have been watching the sky for the last week? Where you be?
Psychic Warlord: Catch you on IRC sometime soon!
All groups: Good luck! Keep things going!
Asriel, Israfael, Azriel: I wonder if somehow we are telepathicly linked?
Deathmonger will be taking a leave of absence due to some personal problems
and we hope to have him back before the end of the school year. Maybe he
will be able to sneak one or two in for us!
BTW, my first two Rips are included in the pack one of them is average, but
the other is pretty good, hope you like them!
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