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sso.ooo o o o o oo o o oo o oo s
i! ss
Ss. illusion ascii art presents........the 08-95 ascii art paq! .sS
Wow! I never thought id get this months pack out, because ive been away so S much. But My one day home has been dedicated to putting this shit out, so S people dont think that illusion died after one month! Ok well lets get on
to more important stuff. Well I noticed many people liked the last pack
,at least i thought so, and gave me applications. We have 4 new members,
S and I wanted to introduce them. But now that i think of it, i never introd-S uced the rest of the group. Well ill do my best, since i dont know many,
most of the members of illusion. ok here goes..
S graveDigger - ok thats me, the founder of illusion. I havent been around S long, but seem to fit in well. I was sick of th other ascii groups, and
decided to make my own. that simple. im also a senior staff in tric, and
help out around there. lately tho, been busy with illusion.. sorry SL!..
S so, thats basically me. Oh yeah, I draw mostly fonts! When im not dealing S
with some group, i reside on phobia, as a sysop, and just nice guy!
inner chaos - well he is probably, no, he is the best artist that I know.
his artwork never seizes to amaze me. This months submissions were some of
S the best i have seen, aside from some trank ascii i saw sorry ic!.. Dont S
really know him, just his art. He is also in bleach, i think, for he is an
experienced ansi artist too. He is founder of a modding group called rifle,
and sysop of Organized Konfusion and sOlar.
onslaught - well he is a good ascii artist, as well as ansi. he used to run
world famous COP.. hehe.. which when i was a real newbie, couldnt get on.
S .. but now we are friendly, and i am on his new bbs, sOlar.. if i could onlS
y get on more often to download his art! oh well...
Don C aka Aspirint - well just changed his handle, Don C. is a local
S friend of mine, and a good ascii artist. He tried to start Arcadia, but hisS
fone line is too messed up. Thats all i can say about him.. exept, hey Don.
hows yer back?!
S Phish - well, another local i know, that is a real good ascii artist. He isS
the co founder of ZN, a warez/everything group. He sysops the ZN garden
along with nicodemous, and does some other stuff.. i cant really think of
anyting to say about him, exept if you understand his messages, you have a
S real gift. No art thins month, due to lack of communication .. S
Acrid aka Lloth - Dont know much about this guy, exept he is in Canada,
and has only given me 2 peices of art to date. Not bad at ascii.
S Chaka - He is a local to 203, that contacted me on a local bbs, becasue he S
has a 2400 modem, and cant get on Phobia. I gotta fix that, becasue he is
an exceptional artist and surprised me with his application, becasue of his
art quality. I think he sysops Misery Machine in 203, or used to.. Dont kno
or care
S Illusion X - If im correct, he is in bleach also. Not sure though. He is real good at ascii and good at ansi too. He is from california.. Thats all i know. Also, he is a big poster on Phobia. Nice Name Too....
S Jees! That took forever! More members than i thought, oh well.. what a longS
NFO file this is.. hope you read it.. But I still do NEED members!
Well there is nothing else really to update you on.. exept Sherlock Ohms is
S working on a nice coded app for me sorry sloppy joe, he is more exper- S
ienced than you.. So he will be added to the member list as soon as he
is done. I NEED an Eastern US Headquaters, and am looking for headquarters
in ANY and ALL countries exept for Canada and US.. Im still accepting
S distros, but you need to call once a month to DL the paq.. untill i get S
a courier. HINT HINT.. Any Couriers out there?! Send me mail on phobia.
Im also looking for teleconf people, and people to set us up on the internet
with an FTP site... and a WWW site.. if at all possible.. The is some
available for thatr stuff..
Ok well If you read this, holy crap! So just remember to watch for us in
S graveDigger S
illusion founder/tric ss
Make Sure You Read ON.NOT!!!!
Inner Chaos - Hope You Dont Mind I Used Yer Ascii...
TRiC - Always Thank You Guys!
DroolNet - I hear you have an Illusion Area.. Cool..
All Great Ascii Artists, Wicked, Asia, Trank, blah blah blah...
All of 203!
Everyone Who Supports Illusion in the Scene, and anyone who distros the packs!
A MAJOR Greet to those who read this whole NFO file! Jeez you are patient..
Call Illusion WHQ - Phobia - 203-488-4059 - Ops: Emmanuel Goldstien, Sir Leech-
alot, and me gD.. logon: illusion pw: apply
i! ss
Ss. illusion ascii art presents........the 08-95 ascii art paq! .sS
Wow! I never thought id get this months pack out, because ive been away so S much. But My one day home has been dedicated to putting this shit out, so S people dont think that illusion died after one month! Ok well lets get on
to more important stuff. Well I noticed many people liked the last pack
,at least i thought so, and gave me applications. We have 4 new members,
S and I wanted to introduce them. But now that i think of it, i never introd-S uced the rest of the group. Well ill do my best, since i dont know many,
most of the members of illusion. ok here goes..
S graveDigger - ok thats me, the founder of illusion. I havent been around S long, but seem to fit in well. I was sick of th other ascii groups, and
decided to make my own. that simple. im also a senior staff in tric, and
help out around there. lately tho, been busy with illusion.. sorry SL!..
S so, thats basically me. Oh yeah, I draw mostly fonts! When im not dealing S
with some group, i reside on phobia, as a sysop, and just nice guy!
inner chaos - well he is probably, no, he is the best artist that I know.
his artwork never seizes to amaze me. This months submissions were some of
S the best i have seen, aside from some trank ascii i saw sorry ic!.. Dont S
really know him, just his art. He is also in bleach, i think, for he is an
experienced ansi artist too. He is founder of a modding group called rifle,
and sysop of Organized Konfusion and sOlar.
onslaught - well he is a good ascii artist, as well as ansi. he used to run
world famous COP.. hehe.. which when i was a real newbie, couldnt get on.
S .. but now we are friendly, and i am on his new bbs, sOlar.. if i could onlS
y get on more often to download his art! oh well...
Don C aka Aspirint - well just changed his handle, Don C. is a local
S friend of mine, and a good ascii artist. He tried to start Arcadia, but hisS
fone line is too messed up. Thats all i can say about him.. exept, hey Don.
hows yer back?!
S Phish - well, another local i know, that is a real good ascii artist. He isS
the co founder of ZN, a warez/everything group. He sysops the ZN garden
along with nicodemous, and does some other stuff.. i cant really think of
anyting to say about him, exept if you understand his messages, you have a
S real gift. No art thins month, due to lack of communication .. S
Acrid aka Lloth - Dont know much about this guy, exept he is in Canada,
and has only given me 2 peices of art to date. Not bad at ascii.
S Chaka - He is a local to 203, that contacted me on a local bbs, becasue he S
has a 2400 modem, and cant get on Phobia. I gotta fix that, becasue he is
an exceptional artist and surprised me with his application, becasue of his
art quality. I think he sysops Misery Machine in 203, or used to.. Dont kno
or care
S Illusion X - If im correct, he is in bleach also. Not sure though. He is real good at ascii and good at ansi too. He is from california.. Thats all i know. Also, he is a big poster on Phobia. Nice Name Too....
S Jees! That took forever! More members than i thought, oh well.. what a longS
NFO file this is.. hope you read it.. But I still do NEED members!
Well there is nothing else really to update you on.. exept Sherlock Ohms is
S working on a nice coded app for me sorry sloppy joe, he is more exper- S
ienced than you.. So he will be added to the member list as soon as he
is done. I NEED an Eastern US Headquaters, and am looking for headquarters
in ANY and ALL countries exept for Canada and US.. Im still accepting
S distros, but you need to call once a month to DL the paq.. untill i get S
a courier. HINT HINT.. Any Couriers out there?! Send me mail on phobia.
Im also looking for teleconf people, and people to set us up on the internet
with an FTP site... and a WWW site.. if at all possible.. The is some
available for thatr stuff..
Ok well If you read this, holy crap! So just remember to watch for us in
S graveDigger S
illusion founder/tric ss
Make Sure You Read ON.NOT!!!!
Inner Chaos - Hope You Dont Mind I Used Yer Ascii...
TRiC - Always Thank You Guys!
DroolNet - I hear you have an Illusion Area.. Cool..
All Great Ascii Artists, Wicked, Asia, Trank, blah blah blah...
All of 203!
Everyone Who Supports Illusion in the Scene, and anyone who distros the packs!
A MAJOR Greet to those who read this whole NFO file! Jeez you are patient..
Call Illusion WHQ - Phobia - 203-488-4059 - Ops: Emmanuel Goldstien, Sir Leech-
alot, and me gD.. logon: illusion pw: apply
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