this image contains text
,ss, I phear the phunk, but in a certain sense, i AM phunk.
,s ,s ,* s, ,*Ps, Phishstix was trying to act cool
l l but forgot that talking elite is
sd not a very good way to go around
s, picking up chicks. Go buy wafers
l l cause those are a chick magnet.
bs bs
pX! ,s
l ,*Ps, ,*P ,*Ps,
l l l
l l l l l
bs l bs bs bs
naw, my mommy wont let me play with the jive soda,
so i wacked the bitch out. stupid whore. now, i can
have as much jive soda as i want. Its run by a few
really cool guys, Nootropic LegendIesusFire , and
l The 4th Disciple Dark . Its art and stuff, and I
bs get free cookies! So cool your bowels will explode.
,s ,s ,* s, ,*Ps, Phishstix was trying to act cool
l l but forgot that talking elite is
sd not a very good way to go around
s, picking up chicks. Go buy wafers
l l cause those are a chick magnet.
bs bs
pX! ,s
l ,*Ps, ,*P ,*Ps,
l l l
l l l l l
bs l bs bs bs
naw, my mommy wont let me play with the jive soda,
so i wacked the bitch out. stupid whore. now, i can
have as much jive soda as i want. Its run by a few
really cool guys, Nootropic LegendIesusFire , and
l The 4th Disciple Dark . Its art and stuff, and I
bs get free cookies! So cool your bowels will explode.
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