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FONT BY: LiViNG Death ........................................ iDENTiTY Newsletter issue 2 ........................................ -Opening Remarks-
Last month was our PREMiER pack, hoped you all liked it, if not this months pack will knock your ass on the ground. We decided to try something different. We wanted to show off our artists hand drawn pictures. All of
these handrawn pieces of art was scanned using a Epson 600C Full page color Scanner, and a Logitech Hand-held Scanner. We hope you enjoy these handrawn drawings, i know i really enjoyed putting this pack together. This pack is just a preview of whats to come in 1995, if you want to join the fastest growing Art group, apply now why we have positions open. Any Suggestions, criticisms and comments are always appreciated, let us know on our WHQ, or on the CiP Net. Or you can contact us through the internet at the address JJAEGER@EAGLE.ais.net. You can transfer your apps, comments, criticisms to that address. ....................................... -Happenings of November- Alot of changes and additions took place in the month of November. First our World Headquarters was moved over to HiGH FiDELiTY, there you can keep . up on the day to day happenings with iDENTiTY. This leaves some HQ position open. Well have a new updated HQ listing in the January release. We had a
few new people added into iDENTiTY Staff, First we welcome Superfly, he comes in to help us in Public Relations, and to help with Art Cooridnating. He has helped us out alot this month, and will continue to do so in future. Dragon, our new Courier Cooridnator, hes been one hell of a courier for us, and i think he can handle the position and keep our courier team strong and make . sure they do what they have to do. We welcome Zeus into our Writing Dept.. Zeus does some real good lits, and they are powerful, we look forward to
reading them. The Killer comes into our Courier Dept, hes from out west and he looks forward to courier our art packs. We Welcome X into our art department. We only have one piece of his work, but it kicks major ass and youll see alot more out of him in the future. Like they say X marks the spot You are only going to see improvement in the next couple of months. We also dont have a viewier this month, we will have one for next month. ....................................... -Closing Remarks-
That about does it for this month, but we did have the FiRE/PiXEL group
out of 602 drop out of the merge, i dunno why they quit, but they had good talent. Maybe they was afraid of joining a bigger and better group. PSiMiTRY stayed with us, the only one from 602. If you were from 602 and not mentioned in the info file and you still want in, let us know now. If you guys want to . come back, theyllbe a place for ya, if not oh well. So, check this pack out and just wait forthe 1995 release, were guarenteed to have more and better
talented artists in the group. A special thanx goes out to all the members of iDENTiTY for working your asses off. ....................................... -Greetz Gruntz- Greets go out to::: Malicious Intent - Good Job with RAZOR, thanx for all the help this month Superfly - Kick ass work : I greeted ya, FiNALLY : .. Megaman - You can work great under pressure. Speed - Why and the hell did you get sick :
. Black Knight - You ready for 1995 Janurary Release!!!! Trackistar - HiGH FiDELiTY not HiGH FEDiLiTY :: Burning Chrome - Get your board back up : System Crash, OHH SHIT!!! : Group Greets: JUSTiCE - RoC - SuRGE - CiA - ACiD - FiDELiS - RAZOR - Hyper Velocity Grunts:
MiRAGE 908- What a lame ass!!!, CRiMSON SKY, well crash it if you put it up. . EViLiVE 701- I really do think he is mental, or just a dumb ass ........................................ -/- iDENTiTY Productions 1994 --
. -/- Why Settle For Anything Less -- Catch ya all Next Year, have a good Christmas and Party your ass off on DEC 31.......................................
Last month was our PREMiER pack, hoped you all liked it, if not this months pack will knock your ass on the ground. We decided to try something different. We wanted to show off our artists hand drawn pictures. All of
these handrawn pieces of art was scanned using a Epson 600C Full page color Scanner, and a Logitech Hand-held Scanner. We hope you enjoy these handrawn drawings, i know i really enjoyed putting this pack together. This pack is just a preview of whats to come in 1995, if you want to join the fastest growing Art group, apply now why we have positions open. Any Suggestions, criticisms and comments are always appreciated, let us know on our WHQ, or on the CiP Net. Or you can contact us through the internet at the address JJAEGER@EAGLE.ais.net. You can transfer your apps, comments, criticisms to that address. ....................................... -Happenings of November- Alot of changes and additions took place in the month of November. First our World Headquarters was moved over to HiGH FiDELiTY, there you can keep . up on the day to day happenings with iDENTiTY. This leaves some HQ position open. Well have a new updated HQ listing in the January release. We had a
few new people added into iDENTiTY Staff, First we welcome Superfly, he comes in to help us in Public Relations, and to help with Art Cooridnating. He has helped us out alot this month, and will continue to do so in future. Dragon, our new Courier Cooridnator, hes been one hell of a courier for us, and i think he can handle the position and keep our courier team strong and make . sure they do what they have to do. We welcome Zeus into our Writing Dept.. Zeus does some real good lits, and they are powerful, we look forward to
reading them. The Killer comes into our Courier Dept, hes from out west and he looks forward to courier our art packs. We Welcome X into our art department. We only have one piece of his work, but it kicks major ass and youll see alot more out of him in the future. Like they say X marks the spot You are only going to see improvement in the next couple of months. We also dont have a viewier this month, we will have one for next month. ....................................... -Closing Remarks-
That about does it for this month, but we did have the FiRE/PiXEL group
out of 602 drop out of the merge, i dunno why they quit, but they had good talent. Maybe they was afraid of joining a bigger and better group. PSiMiTRY stayed with us, the only one from 602. If you were from 602 and not mentioned in the info file and you still want in, let us know now. If you guys want to . come back, theyllbe a place for ya, if not oh well. So, check this pack out and just wait forthe 1995 release, were guarenteed to have more and better
talented artists in the group. A special thanx goes out to all the members of iDENTiTY for working your asses off. ....................................... -Greetz Gruntz- Greets go out to::: Malicious Intent - Good Job with RAZOR, thanx for all the help this month Superfly - Kick ass work : I greeted ya, FiNALLY : .. Megaman - You can work great under pressure. Speed - Why and the hell did you get sick :
. Black Knight - You ready for 1995 Janurary Release!!!! Trackistar - HiGH FiDELiTY not HiGH FEDiLiTY :: Burning Chrome - Get your board back up : System Crash, OHH SHIT!!! : Group Greets: JUSTiCE - RoC - SuRGE - CiA - ACiD - FiDELiS - RAZOR - Hyper Velocity Grunts:
MiRAGE 908- What a lame ass!!!, CRiMSON SKY, well crash it if you put it up. . EViLiVE 701- I really do think he is mental, or just a dumb ass ........................................ -/- iDENTiTY Productions 1994 --
. -/- Why Settle For Anything Less -- Catch ya all Next Year, have a good Christmas and Party your ass off on DEC 31.......................................
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