this image contains text
YoooooOOOOOoooooooooooOOOoooo! So here we are at another iCON phonkee phat pak
yep...were late CHECK! dat....by some accounts were late mine bein one of
them but by OTHERS were like early again as we released our last pak
before the first so again we release our NEXT pak before the first if you
read all the bullshit i typed out in the last pak youll remember that iCON
releases EVERY TWO MONTHS.. So what happened here? well i *thought* it would
be nifty ta release an april fools pak of some kind but....the members
had other plans no work, no pak comprende?: ...sooooOOOoo this will prob
be the april/may pak dunno im sure well figure something out, juz check da
Onward HOOooooOOOOOOoo who you callin a ho?.. icon info...since the last
pak things have bin like blitzkrieg buzy... we got a shitload and a haph of
people that wanted ta joinsome got in...some....well...some joined other group
wide azz grin to those that didnt make the cut...art is still cool..
..and now ta those that DID...Kei decided ta join icon and show us some of his
skillz, we got like MUSIC all of a sudden with the arrival of not one but
THREE music guys dunno what ta call em jus yet..ooh head hurtz...
with Baron, Necronumoun damn i hope i spelt that right: and Frostbyte
filling out the jusMadeOverNightish MUSIC DEPARTMENT or some such...
- so make a note. iCON has music fanfare/paparazzi/loud farts abound
The DOWN side is that CRUSADER is/was jus a TAD slow with the music in the
viewer because of crap code that Phaeton made for a mod unit yes heres all
da dirty laundry boyz: well the unit went the way of the edsel and last i
heard Crusader was gonna just have the viewer spawn to something who knows
how he thinks, ta him everythings crazy tawkwide cheezy azz grin
and last but by no means least we picked up a helluva ansi artist andFEMALE
no less, kinda took me by SHOCKED OUT MY PANTZ but its startin ta sink in:
from da land down under, we picked up Maeve Wolf.
Well i tink dat about covers the new memberz, from da group we have to give
a parting farewell to.....absolutely no one...yep no one left...
SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoT
e It came upon my attention AFTER we releazed the last pak that the FONTS for
the viewer was NOT made by memberz as i had originally thought but instead
that they were actually made by someone for EMIGRE magazine..well i kinda
found out this info a taaaaaaaad late.. so after jumping on irc and apologizin
ta Smooth who turned out ta be very gracious and cool ta boot I thought id
put this little sidebar in here ta FORMALLY ANNOUNCE ..THOSE FONTS WERENT
OURS.. ..BBBBBBBBBBbut! the FONTS IN THE VIEWER in this pak should be
cuz if theyre not im gonna be pizzed made 100 by Grim cept for the defaul
one that is:. which i think I think microsoftlimpdick made...
SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoT
...cool..now that, thats over with... iCON newz....I changed my board name
the current WHQ of iCON to Sanction but theres still a hell of a lot of
Sin city ansi/asciis in this pak oh well, didnt wanna waste em:P
Both! Prism AND Grim changed from renegade and telegard respectively to
iMPULSe so their boards are like in sheer hell as both try ta mod the hell out
of it, so Prisms board is like...up and down, and incarnet our net for member
and other things has bin like hell for a bit, but its looking like theyre
all coming along...I guess what im TRYING ta say is EVERYONE and their dawg
has bin HELLA busy lately...oh and Prism changed his board name ta Artifacts
*ahem* hehe exes other loaders and mod units even if it turned out ta be
unusable is like...work...and its....code...: wiiiIiiiide azz grin:P
Anywaz dat should jus about cover it all...sooooooo..if ya havent already
CHECK OUT DA PAK!:P and pace out ta you and yourz......
some guy in iCON
YoooooOOOOOoooooooooooOOOoooo! So here we are at another iCON phonkee phat pak
yep...were late CHECK! dat....by some accounts were late mine bein one of
them but by OTHERS were like early again as we released our last pak
before the first so again we release our NEXT pak before the first if you
read all the bullshit i typed out in the last pak youll remember that iCON
releases EVERY TWO MONTHS.. So what happened here? well i *thought* it would
be nifty ta release an april fools pak of some kind but....the members
had other plans no work, no pak comprende?: ...sooooOOOoo this will prob
be the april/may pak dunno im sure well figure something out, juz check da
Onward HOOooooOOOOOOoo who you callin a ho?.. icon info...since the last
pak things have bin like blitzkrieg buzy... we got a shitload and a haph of
people that wanted ta joinsome got in...some....well...some joined other group
wide azz grin to those that didnt make the cut...art is still cool..
..and now ta those that DID...Kei decided ta join icon and show us some of his
skillz, we got like MUSIC all of a sudden with the arrival of not one but
THREE music guys dunno what ta call em jus yet..ooh head hurtz...
with Baron, Necronumoun damn i hope i spelt that right: and Frostbyte
filling out the jusMadeOverNightish MUSIC DEPARTMENT or some such...
- so make a note. iCON has music fanfare/paparazzi/loud farts abound
The DOWN side is that CRUSADER is/was jus a TAD slow with the music in the
viewer because of crap code that Phaeton made for a mod unit yes heres all
da dirty laundry boyz: well the unit went the way of the edsel and last i
heard Crusader was gonna just have the viewer spawn to something who knows
how he thinks, ta him everythings crazy tawkwide cheezy azz grin
and last but by no means least we picked up a helluva ansi artist andFEMALE
no less, kinda took me by SHOCKED OUT MY PANTZ but its startin ta sink in:
from da land down under, we picked up Maeve Wolf.
Well i tink dat about covers the new memberz, from da group we have to give
a parting farewell to.....absolutely no one...yep no one left...
SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoT
e It came upon my attention AFTER we releazed the last pak that the FONTS for
the viewer was NOT made by memberz as i had originally thought but instead
that they were actually made by someone for EMIGRE magazine..well i kinda
found out this info a taaaaaaaad late.. so after jumping on irc and apologizin
ta Smooth who turned out ta be very gracious and cool ta boot I thought id
put this little sidebar in here ta FORMALLY ANNOUNCE ..THOSE FONTS WERENT
OURS.. ..BBBBBBBBBBbut! the FONTS IN THE VIEWER in this pak should be
cuz if theyre not im gonna be pizzed made 100 by Grim cept for the defaul
one that is:. which i think I think microsoftlimpdick made...
SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoTe SiDeNoT
...cool..now that, thats over with... iCON newz....I changed my board name
the current WHQ of iCON to Sanction but theres still a hell of a lot of
Sin city ansi/asciis in this pak oh well, didnt wanna waste em:P
Both! Prism AND Grim changed from renegade and telegard respectively to
iMPULSe so their boards are like in sheer hell as both try ta mod the hell out
of it, so Prisms board is like...up and down, and incarnet our net for member
and other things has bin like hell for a bit, but its looking like theyre
all coming along...I guess what im TRYING ta say is EVERYONE and their dawg
has bin HELLA busy lately...oh and Prism changed his board name ta Artifacts
*ahem* hehe exes other loaders and mod units even if it turned out ta be
unusable is like...work...and its....code...: wiiiIiiiide azz grin:P
Anywaz dat should jus about cover it all...sooooooo..if ya havent already
CHECK OUT DA PAK!:P and pace out ta you and yourz......
some guy in iCON
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