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iNSANE Creators Enterprisetm
The iCEPACK - November Issue
Well, here it is! The fourth in an ongoing series of monthly art
packages by iCE has finally come into existence: iCEPK-11. The art scene has
never before seen such a compilation of talent, hard work, and sweat such as
this one, and I think itll be a while before the likes of this is seen again.
Many people worked long hours to get this thing together, and some of us even
put off doing very important research papers to put in time on this grr. Some
last minute thanks go to: Marshal Law, Eternal Darkness, and Riothamus for
their last minute revisions of thier respective works. Many of the VGAs in
the iCEPACK were drawn by the artist as long as three months ago, but have been
sitting on what has fondly become known as the pile on Rivendell iCE WORLD
Headquarters..subtle hint this should explain why a few of the items in here
are dated December 1st.
First I want to explain why I have only one ansi out this month instead
of the like...shyt..ten+ that I normally have. Im not going to apologize
because its not because of me that I havent put out more than 1, its because
of October. During the month of October, we had very high quality releases,
but very low quantity, and if every artist were releasing equally, then there
wouldnt be a problem, but they werent. A few artists were carrying the weight
for the rest, and among those were The Necromancer, and Repete Ophender whom
Id like to thank. And Ive had to spend most of this month correcting that
situation, calling people, writing tons of email and posts, and I found to my
dismay that I didnt have any time to do the ansis that I like doing so much
and its true, I love doing them..trying new things..etc. So that explains
my lack of ANSi production this month. To end on a happier note however, Ive
found a new field of interest...........
......yes folks, TEMPUS FINALLY HAS A 286 AND A VGA MONITOR!!! The world
has Nasty Child Ex-iCE Staff Member to thank for this most fortunate turn of
events. All I have to say is, VGA rules.
Well, I guess the big news this month is Marshal Laws latest ansi, and
what alot of you may be asking, Whos that Amroth guy?. First MLs ANSi not
bad for about 2 days work, huh? And I thought I worked fast! And hes told
us that hes going to be producing ansis more frequently in the near future,
so were all looking forward to seeing what comes from his corner. Next,
Amroth. Amroth comes from a group called Death run by Morbid Angel who became
a Vice President at iCE when he merged with us. Amroth was the star player in
Death, a group consisting of some highly productive, high potential, but raw
talent, and he seems to be refining very nicely. In his first month at iCE,
hes already produced the largest ANSimation ever, and promises to do much
more, were really proud of this guy. Two other new guys this month are last
minute additions, Smooth from Hawaii, and AADA from CyberCrime well, at least
thats where *I* know him from..heh, we got something last minute from AADA
this month, and hopefully well be able to show you some work by Smooth in
Promotions this month include: Napalm, who is now an iCE Artist,
and Wolverine who is somewhere in limbo. Oh, almost forgot, The Magical
Gangster from Texas joined us this month, and had 3 VGAs in the iCEPACK..nice
New features in the iCEPACK include the iCEAPP.EXE, the second version
of the original iCE Application Generator done by Black Spyrit and LoP. This
time the generator was programmed by Force Ten, and showcases some of the top
art of the group recently and in past months. The generator still has that
GRiM feel to it, but FTs promised to make revisions on it each month. The
other new feature would be...umm..this file! Yeah, thats it. Sorry I
couldnt get the interview thing going, LM..there just wasnt time, and it
wouldnt have really worked out, but your files will not go to waste, just
Note to all, Manslayer, Black Wolf, and Mr. Mister have all been
inactive due to hardware failure. Black Wolf just got a borrowed monitor
coutesy of me! and has already re-started on a number of his old projects,
and Mr. Mister is starting from scratch with a new system from MS. Look
forward to some nice ANSi work from Black Wolf next month, and some nice VGA
work from the team of Black Wolf and Mr. Mister. My apologies to any new
members I forgot to mention, or Sites/Member Boards/couriers I forgot to list.
Special note to those who use NDOS: Use Norton Commander to view the
contents of the iCEPACK, itll make your life much easier, and the weird dashes
will make sense. Extra special note to those who use Norton Commander: When
viewing the directory containing the iCEPACK, make the directory listing
*UNSORTED*, itll make your life even easier still.
- Tempus Thales
iCE Senior Staff
Asked to leave RAZOR
Greets go to:
Force Ten - Cant do it w/out you bro.
Lord Mischief - Hey bud, with a copy of DP enhanced, and a
mouse, youre one of the best around.
Midnight Sorrow - This month, you really deserve the title of
Member. Thanks for all your help.
Marshal Law - !!! Me next! Me next! :
Rad Man - Well patch things up yet, great work by ACiD this
Gatekeeper - Thanks for your help this month, even tho people
wont see it until next..and chill out!
Morbid Angel - Dont worry man, youll get CCi, and well keep
in touch more often. AM does kick!
Amroth - For a new kid on the block, youre sure making your
mark! Great job, now wheres my ansimation? :
Quick Silver,
and ED - I always list you guys together anyway..heh. iCE just
isnt the same without your talent. Congrats!
AADA - Been watching ya for a while, glad you finally joined
team, welcome in.
Smooth - Aloha!
Tornado - Look boss! Da mag! Da mag! Heh..thanks for all the
attention and publicity :.
Aftermath - Join CCi and see what youre missing!
Sought After
The Magical Gangster
Resonant - Great poem man, hope to see some more VGAs.
Leviathan - One hard working guy! Youll get your turn in the
limelight soon.
The BBS Bouncer - Communications expert, and Automated Teller
Machine extrordanaire! : TBB ATM,press 1..
Wolverine - Keep working man, youll get there.
Stealer of Souls - What have I done man?
Silicone Nightmare - You couriered a file! You actually
couriered a file!
Eerie Smith, and
Blade Runner - Thanks guys, for opening my eyes about ACiD.
And shut up Sil+Eerie, Fifo was awesome
Kaska F. Kaska - Youre not around to greet yeah I know that
whole life thing can ruin an entire bbsing
day..grin, but I just thought Id return your
greet in the Compendium.
Slum Dweller - I would like to thank Slum Dweller to rip
TMT - Thanks for not having the old attitude anymore..grin,
looks like youve passed it on though.
The rest of iCE
All the other ACiD members I get along with
All the MiRAGE members that are left, especially CA, and GW
Chill out Shihear!
All the Legacy members including, Slam Dunk is he back, or
isnt he? The
world will never
Metal Head
and Lord Carnuss Thanks for
the killer Si!
Malicious Insanity - for sending me that fucking MSGPACK! :
Toxic Dave and Scepter - Who I now have to be freinds with cuz
I talked to you on the phone, laugh.
Even tho 90 of your group consists
of acquired ex-iCE guys,grr..j/k
All the people who bothered to read a fucking greet file that
was longer than the damn .NFO file! Laugh..so I have alot of
freinds..what can I say?
The iCEPACK - November Issue
Well, here it is! The fourth in an ongoing series of monthly art
packages by iCE has finally come into existence: iCEPK-11. The art scene has
never before seen such a compilation of talent, hard work, and sweat such as
this one, and I think itll be a while before the likes of this is seen again.
Many people worked long hours to get this thing together, and some of us even
put off doing very important research papers to put in time on this grr. Some
last minute thanks go to: Marshal Law, Eternal Darkness, and Riothamus for
their last minute revisions of thier respective works. Many of the VGAs in
the iCEPACK were drawn by the artist as long as three months ago, but have been
sitting on what has fondly become known as the pile on Rivendell iCE WORLD
Headquarters..subtle hint this should explain why a few of the items in here
are dated December 1st.
First I want to explain why I have only one ansi out this month instead
of the like...shyt..ten+ that I normally have. Im not going to apologize
because its not because of me that I havent put out more than 1, its because
of October. During the month of October, we had very high quality releases,
but very low quantity, and if every artist were releasing equally, then there
wouldnt be a problem, but they werent. A few artists were carrying the weight
for the rest, and among those were The Necromancer, and Repete Ophender whom
Id like to thank. And Ive had to spend most of this month correcting that
situation, calling people, writing tons of email and posts, and I found to my
dismay that I didnt have any time to do the ansis that I like doing so much
and its true, I love doing them..trying new things..etc. So that explains
my lack of ANSi production this month. To end on a happier note however, Ive
found a new field of interest...........
......yes folks, TEMPUS FINALLY HAS A 286 AND A VGA MONITOR!!! The world
has Nasty Child Ex-iCE Staff Member to thank for this most fortunate turn of
events. All I have to say is, VGA rules.
Well, I guess the big news this month is Marshal Laws latest ansi, and
what alot of you may be asking, Whos that Amroth guy?. First MLs ANSi not
bad for about 2 days work, huh? And I thought I worked fast! And hes told
us that hes going to be producing ansis more frequently in the near future,
so were all looking forward to seeing what comes from his corner. Next,
Amroth. Amroth comes from a group called Death run by Morbid Angel who became
a Vice President at iCE when he merged with us. Amroth was the star player in
Death, a group consisting of some highly productive, high potential, but raw
talent, and he seems to be refining very nicely. In his first month at iCE,
hes already produced the largest ANSimation ever, and promises to do much
more, were really proud of this guy. Two other new guys this month are last
minute additions, Smooth from Hawaii, and AADA from CyberCrime well, at least
thats where *I* know him from..heh, we got something last minute from AADA
this month, and hopefully well be able to show you some work by Smooth in
Promotions this month include: Napalm, who is now an iCE Artist,
and Wolverine who is somewhere in limbo. Oh, almost forgot, The Magical
Gangster from Texas joined us this month, and had 3 VGAs in the iCEPACK..nice
New features in the iCEPACK include the iCEAPP.EXE, the second version
of the original iCE Application Generator done by Black Spyrit and LoP. This
time the generator was programmed by Force Ten, and showcases some of the top
art of the group recently and in past months. The generator still has that
GRiM feel to it, but FTs promised to make revisions on it each month. The
other new feature would be...umm..this file! Yeah, thats it. Sorry I
couldnt get the interview thing going, LM..there just wasnt time, and it
wouldnt have really worked out, but your files will not go to waste, just
Note to all, Manslayer, Black Wolf, and Mr. Mister have all been
inactive due to hardware failure. Black Wolf just got a borrowed monitor
coutesy of me! and has already re-started on a number of his old projects,
and Mr. Mister is starting from scratch with a new system from MS. Look
forward to some nice ANSi work from Black Wolf next month, and some nice VGA
work from the team of Black Wolf and Mr. Mister. My apologies to any new
members I forgot to mention, or Sites/Member Boards/couriers I forgot to list.
Special note to those who use NDOS: Use Norton Commander to view the
contents of the iCEPACK, itll make your life much easier, and the weird dashes
will make sense. Extra special note to those who use Norton Commander: When
viewing the directory containing the iCEPACK, make the directory listing
*UNSORTED*, itll make your life even easier still.
- Tempus Thales
iCE Senior Staff
Asked to leave RAZOR
Greets go to:
Force Ten - Cant do it w/out you bro.
Lord Mischief - Hey bud, with a copy of DP enhanced, and a
mouse, youre one of the best around.
Midnight Sorrow - This month, you really deserve the title of
Member. Thanks for all your help.
Marshal Law - !!! Me next! Me next! :
Rad Man - Well patch things up yet, great work by ACiD this
Gatekeeper - Thanks for your help this month, even tho people
wont see it until next..and chill out!
Morbid Angel - Dont worry man, youll get CCi, and well keep
in touch more often. AM does kick!
Amroth - For a new kid on the block, youre sure making your
mark! Great job, now wheres my ansimation? :
Quick Silver,
and ED - I always list you guys together anyway..heh. iCE just
isnt the same without your talent. Congrats!
AADA - Been watching ya for a while, glad you finally joined
team, welcome in.
Smooth - Aloha!
Tornado - Look boss! Da mag! Da mag! Heh..thanks for all the
attention and publicity :.
Aftermath - Join CCi and see what youre missing!
Sought After
The Magical Gangster
Resonant - Great poem man, hope to see some more VGAs.
Leviathan - One hard working guy! Youll get your turn in the
limelight soon.
The BBS Bouncer - Communications expert, and Automated Teller
Machine extrordanaire! : TBB ATM,press 1..
Wolverine - Keep working man, youll get there.
Stealer of Souls - What have I done man?
Silicone Nightmare - You couriered a file! You actually
couriered a file!
Eerie Smith, and
Blade Runner - Thanks guys, for opening my eyes about ACiD.
And shut up Sil+Eerie, Fifo was awesome
Kaska F. Kaska - Youre not around to greet yeah I know that
whole life thing can ruin an entire bbsing
day..grin, but I just thought Id return your
greet in the Compendium.
Slum Dweller - I would like to thank Slum Dweller to rip
TMT - Thanks for not having the old attitude anymore..grin,
looks like youve passed it on though.
The rest of iCE
All the other ACiD members I get along with
All the MiRAGE members that are left, especially CA, and GW
Chill out Shihear!
All the Legacy members including, Slam Dunk is he back, or
isnt he? The
world will never
Metal Head
and Lord Carnuss Thanks for
the killer Si!
Malicious Insanity - for sending me that fucking MSGPACK! :
Toxic Dave and Scepter - Who I now have to be freinds with cuz
I talked to you on the phone, laugh.
Even tho 90 of your group consists
of acquired ex-iCE guys,grr..j/k
All the people who bothered to read a fucking greet file that
was longer than the damn .NFO file! Laugh..so I have alot of
freinds..what can I say?
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