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insane creators enterprise....presents
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings to all!
This picture was inspierd by a chat I had with Filth some time back.
Here ya go Filth, Pika...Pika...Pikachu :
The iCE font was drawn by apox a couple years ago, it just fits so perfect
with a toon pic, that i couldnt resist to reuse it :, thanks again apox!
Hope you all like the Pack
insane creators enterprise....presents
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings to all!
This picture was inspierd by a chat I had with Filth some time back.
Here ya go Filth, Pika...Pika...Pikachu :
The iCE font was drawn by apox a couple years ago, it just fits so perfect
with a toon pic, that i couldnt resist to reuse it :, thanks again apox!
Hope you all like the Pack
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