this image contains text
h a z e
yeah, c0 comin atcha with some whickedy whack
silhouette action.
da greetz:
Kadaver - Yeah, partner.
Raistlin - joint? joint?! JOINT!!!
da important notice:
Anybody whos an aspiring ansi artist a
nd would like some help:
Feel free to e-mail me at ikeshea@hotm
ail.com, and I will help
you as best I can. If you want, you can
even give me some of your
work, and Ill retouch it, to demonstra
te any techniques you want
demonstrated. I DONT MIND HELPING.
h a z e
yeah, c0 comin atcha with some whickedy whack
silhouette action.
da greetz:
Kadaver - Yeah, partner.
Raistlin - joint? joint?! JOINT!!!
da important notice:
Anybody whos an aspiring ansi artist a
nd would like some help:
Feel free to e-mail me at ikeshea@hotm
ail.com, and I will help
you as best I can. If you want, you can
even give me some of your
work, and Ill retouch it, to demonstra
te any techniques you want
demonstrated. I DONT MIND HELPING.
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